Speak Out!


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April 8, 2009

Speak Out Archives


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Hey, this is Lombard calling. Man this is awesome change we got out of our new president, the Obamunist. Let's start with 9,000 earmarks in one single bill. Awesome change. Nancy Pelosi uses the Air Force as her own private little Air Force. Awesome change. And Barney Frank says the reason President Obama can't totally staff the Treasury Department is because the American people and media are being silly just because the people he nominated are tax cheats. We shouldn't worry about that. This is great change. We're back to the Democrats saying, do as we say, not as we do. Awesome change. I'm glad I'm not an Obamunist.

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Good morning. This is Lombard speaking and this is for the village public works. Grace Street, just north of North Avenue, has a nice big bump whenever you go north on it and a few feet north of that, thereÕs about a 3-foot section that never got resurfaced. If you guys could look at that, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Thank you for calling SPEAK OUT, but next time you have an issue like this, a call to public works should get you the answer. The number is 630-620-5740. –blm

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Hi, this is in response to the caller about unleashed dogs. I totally agree that all dogs should be leashed, whether in the park or their front yard. My dog is also very friendly with people, but doesn't like other dogs running up to us. My leashed dog and yours, not leashed, is a bad idea. And to the caller about dogs barking, I hear two little dogs barking continuously down the block from me in extreme heat and cold. If your dogs are barking, then that means they want to come in. Dogs aren't dumb, it's the owner who needs the training. Thank you.

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Lombard. I'm a lifelong resident of Lombard and am very happy with the service provided by the Lombard Post Office. Six days a week, even in the worst of weather, they deliver mail to every household and business in Lombard. And it's common sense that not everybody can have early delivery. The personnel at the counter are friendly and helpful, and on occasion like everywhere else where we shop, we have to wait in line longer than we think we should. Instead of complaining to the person next to you, smile and remember how lucky we are to live in a country where it costs less than 50 cents to get a letter across the country. Thanks a lot, Lombard Post Office.

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Lombard. This is to the person crying about their mail delivery. Don't blame the post office for not delivering your mail when your box is blocked by a car. Clearly it's your own responsibility to make sure that your mailbox is accessible for delivery. Get a clue.

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Hey this is Lombard calling. Well, in 17 months from now, if Barack Obama gets all of the packages he wants passed, he will have spent more money in his short career as president, than every other president in the United States put together. Yes, folks, that means he mortgaged your kids' future, your kids' kids' future, and your kids' kids' kids' future. What is happening to our country, folks?

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Hi, I wanted to thank the people who dropped off a picture of my house in my mailbox today. They said they were from a realty from way back when. They came across a box of picture files of pictures of old houses, and they took the time to deliver it to different houses. They had pictures of the neighborhood here and I just truly appreciate it. That was a very kind gesture. So I wanted to thank you since you didn't leave any name or address to send a thank you note. But that was very kind of you to take the time out of your day to deliver to me a picture of my house, what it looked like 80 years ago. Thank you. Bye

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Hello SPEAK OUT. We would like to express our appreciation to St. Paul Lutheran Church in Villa Park for sponsoring the wonderful concert featuring the Yale University a capella singers last Saturday. The students from Yale put on a beautiful program, and our hosts at St. Paul were very gracious and welcoming. We very much enjoyed this evening. Thanks again, St. Paul Lutheran. Bye.

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Here's one for you. I'm outraged by problems with the AIG that our great President Obama voted for and then gave additional monies to, and now he's demanding that the bonuses be paid back that the AIG gave out, and by the way, they were written into a contract. I'm not sure what they can do to get this money back. But how come President Obama did not give back the $100,00 campaign contribution that AIG gave him? I would think that he should give that money back considering all the scandal around AIG. Once again, time for change.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling, and I'd just like to welcome the wonderful new bakery and the great butcher shop. It's been really a great experience to be able to just hop around town to the bakery and the butcher and welcome, welcome, welcome. We're glad you're here. We hope you stay and they have fantastic bakery goods and wonderful meats. Welcome, guys, really glad to see you in town and hope you stay. Good luck. Bye.

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Listen up, all you overburdened taxpayers. The state of Illinois is in trouble, and the governor wants to tax us to death to pay for that trouble that we're in. Well, you taxpayers and myself, we didn't cause the problem. All the politicians caused the problem. Let them pay for it, and let it come out of their pay. They're making all kinds of money in this game they're playing, and if they donÕt take care of it that way, then when election time comes, we vote every one of them out of office including the new governor. He's the one listening to the Democrats who want to tax us to death. So we'll vote every one of them out of office. We'll start with anyone else. They can't be as corrupt as what's been in there for years. Good bye.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling, and if we want to help our struggling neighbors, if we get stimulus refunds or whatever, I would suggest that if you want to help your neighbors, go to a garage sale. It'll go directly to Americans who are struggling possibly. And if you can't get to a garage sale, then buy on eBay because you can see where the person lives, it's listed on there. Buy from an American, they're usually people who are home and not working, can't work, a lot of handicapped. They can use the money. Thank you.

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This is Villa Park calling. It seems to me that the politicians are more than happy to have us bickering over whose fault it is, Democrat or Republican, rather than looking at the problem and holding their feet to the fire and demanding that it be corrected. We should stop squabbling over whose fault it is, and concern ourselves with getting the problems fixed, rather than letting them get away with what they have.

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Fellow Lombardians, our politicians live in a bubble. People are jobless, and yet we Americans speak to someone in India regarding the problems we have with our phones that are made in China. People are homeless, and yet the media spends a week showing off the first family's new playhouse. People are giving up their pets because they can't afford them, and yet the media lets us know that the first family is getting a $2,000 puppy. People canÕt afford to eat, and yet the first family takes a vacation every weekend to Camp David or Chicago. Abortion of viable babies in the third trimester is legal. Embryonic stem cell research is legal. I have a husband with brain damage and a father with Alzheimer's, neither of whom are willing to get well as a result of killing a baby. Wake up. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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This is to all my friends who have had health issues over the last few weeks. May God keep you and bless you in your recovery. We're looking forward to having many many more fun years. Nice day.

