Speak Out!


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December 2, 2009

Speak Out Archives


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This is Lombard calling on Nov. 11. After 7 p.m., somebody knocked at my door and said the village sent him, gave him a list of addresses, to go and try and give estimates on replacing windows and siding. First of all, I have brand new windows on my house, thank you; and secondly, is the village sending people out to do this—out soliciting? Can someone please answer this?

Joan Rogers of the village’s code enforcement office responded that the village does not send such solicitors; and Keith Steiskal, plan reviewer and building inspector II for the village, relayed this information: “The village does issue solicitor permits, but that in no way is to be construed as any business connection to the village. No addresses are given out with that permit. These are private businesses, and as always we recommend checking all businesses out with the Better Business Bureau, the Attorney General's Office, and past customer references prior to signing any contracts.”—JAC

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I saw in my paper where somebody’s claiming that 52 percent of Americans are against health care reform. Where did you get that figure? Sean Hannity or some other Fox News person? The figure I saw was that 62 percent of Americans are in favor of health care reform. Anybody who thinks their health care is good has never gotten sick and needed to use their insurance. Health care is a major problem in this country. Health care is the reason that small businesses can’t have jobs. When we get universal health care, small businesses won’t need to worry about health care when they hire people. All they will need to worry about is the salaries and they’ll hire more people and our economy will grow. It’s time to vote Democrat, because the Republicans want to take us back to the 1950s, and the 1950s are gone. Vote Democratic; move forward.

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This is Lombard calling regarding a neighbor who continuously blows his leaves into the street. I called the police and nobody ever showed up. The second call to the police yielded a police officer coming out and talking to the guy, and as soon as the police officer left, the guy was blowing his leaves back into the street once again. There has to be some kind of ordinance against doing this, and since the police are of no help whatsoever in getting this situation stopped, it would be nice if somebody could print the ordinance so I could go look it up at the library and maybe call the county sheriff or someone who might be able to come in and help us with this guy who’s going to clog up all our sewers.

You can visit www.villageoflombard.org, click on How Do I?, then Read Municipal Code, then Title IX (General Regulations), then read through Chapter 92, Health and Sanitation.—JAC

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This is Lombard calling in regard to the Nov. 18 SPEAK OUT about the District 44 school calendar. There is an organization in Washington, D.C., with a petition number 2493, trying to vote out Christmas carols and any idea of our Christmas from public schools. All other religions are still OK; Christians are the only ones being discriminated against. I think we should be allowed to have Christmas in our schools. That’s what our country was founded on and any other religion is welcome to theirs also. I don’t think it’s fair for ours to be eliminated.

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I am curious about Jay Wojcik’s responding in the District 44 Reporter about the non-Christian holidays that were listed on the District 44 calendar because they needed to be more sensitive to families who observe these holidays the night before the actual day of the holiday. Why wasn’t their holiday listed for Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, when school is not in session? And over spring break, when school’s not in session, and in July, when school’s not in session. It really doesn’t seem to add up and make sense. I think it’s a very disturbing day here in Lombard that the non-Christian holidays are listed all over the calendar and the Christian holidays aren’t listed at all. It makes no sense at all; very, very disturbing, very disappointing.

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That was a great Veterans Day ceremony at Main and St. Charles. Is there a reason why we can’t hold that program at the veterans memorial? We have a beautiful memorial in the Lombard Common park. It would be nice to utilize that.

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Hey, SPEAK OUT, tell us where the YMCA volunteers will be selling Christmas trees this year and maybe when they’re going to start. Happy Holidays—no, Merry Christmas.

The Tri-Town YMCA annual Christmas Tree sales is currently under way in the parking lot of Mr. Z’s, 401 S. Main St., Lombard. Lot hours are noon to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. According to Chuck Pickerill, program director at the Y, this is his ninth year for managing the Christmas tree lot. “I am always happy to see how much our community helps each other,” Pickerill said in a press release. “We are very grateful to the Zeidler family [Mr. Z’s] for making their lot available, and to the Two Rivers Federation who do an excellent job of setting up and deconstructing the lot each season.” Pickerill said he is also grateful for the efforts of Montini High School, the Glenbard East National Honor Society and families from Y’s Trailblazers, Guides, Princesses, Maidens, Braves and Papooses, who staff the lot as volunteers. “Thanks to their efforts, we can continue to offer this program which benefits families in need within our community,” Pickerill said. The Y is still looking for volunteers to man the tree lot for 3-hour shifts. Contact Pickerill at 630-629-9622.—blm

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Lombard calling with a question for the community officer. Why can posters of missing pets be posted on telephone poles and stop signs for months, and you drive right by them, but put a garage sale sign up and they’re down within five minutes?

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This is Lombard calling. I just watched Rep. Grayson from Florida, a Democrat, who stated on TV that 129 people a day in the United States die because they can’t get health care. Those were his exact words. Because they can’t get health care. Folks, that’s not true. All you have to do is walk in to any emergency room and get health care. You cannot be denied. Now, is this a debate about a handful of people who don’t have insurance? Sure, but you know what, this sickens me and it’s time we get rid of people like that who demagogue and not tell the truth.

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I get a kick out of how the Republicans say the only thing Obama can do right is read from a teleprompter. My response is at least this president can read. I read this Lombardian every week and can't understand all the hate there is for this new president. Oh, yeah, that's right—they listen to their Republican leader Rush Limbaugh spewing his hate talk, and we all know what so-called news channel you watch to comfort your anger. No wonder why you keep losing elections. Can you believe they even criticize Obama for talking to other countries, instead of our last president who said you’re either with us or against us. No wonder why Bush wasn't liked much anywhere including here. I’m glad we have a president who cares about health care reform, from skyrocketing costs, to cover pre-existing conditions. That's right; I forgot the Republicans are in the pockets of the health care industry that make billions in profits. That's why under Bush there was no health care reform. I’m glad we have a president who actually protects this country unlike the last one that 9/11 happened to on his watch. I'm glad we have a president who cares about a greener future and actually listens to scientists instead of big corporations, And most of all, I’m glad we have a president who doesn't rush into war. Finally there's a bright future for America.

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Hello, Lombard. Vote no on video gambling.

