Speak Out!


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March 4, 2009

Speak Out Archives


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Hey, SPEAK OUT, Lombard calling. It’s the 21st century—why don’t you have an e-mail address?

The e-mail address is speakout@lbvpr.com. –JAC

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Lombard, I would like to know when some of our tax money would be available for a dog park; just a small area fenced in somewhere, instead of us having to go to another town and pay high fees in this economic time. A dog park would be very nice.

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This is Villa Park calling. Thank you, Trustee Illian. Mr. Anderson, what were you thinking? Barack Obama was not elected by 500 electoral votes. That wasn’t close enough. Thank you, Mr. Illian. You know, in the last few months, you have saved Villa Park so much money by watching the budget, let alone watching for people who don’t want to follow the rules.

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Hey, everybody, Blago was right about one thing: There is a massive tax increase coming our way. Madigan, Quinn and the rest of the boys have decided they’re going to raise the tax on gasoline by 48 percent. They’re going to raise all of our other taxes massively through the roof. For the last six years we have had complete control in this state by Democrats. Can anybody tell me why we wanted this for the federal government? I refuse and you should refuse, call up Democrats and say, We are not going to pay this alleged corruption tax, because that’s what it is. We are paying for the alleged corruption that you people voted in there. Time to say, No more corruption. Let’s get rid of all these Democrats. Thank you.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. It’s 11:30 on Saturday and I’m near Finley and Madison and wonder if anyone else hears the noises that sound like it’s a shooting range in our back yard. This has been going on for two weeks now. Just wonder if anyone else is hearing it and if the police department’s ever going to do anything about it.

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Hi, this is Villa Park calling. I just wanted to say that I just walked past the Villa Park Library annex, and it’s really interesting that they need such a big building to store chairs and computer monitors. Maybe they could have just rented a storage facility instead.

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Listen up, ladies and gentlemen. There’s something wrong in this country. There’s a woman in California who has six children, yet the doctor gave her in vitro fertilization and she has eight more babies. Where’s the father? Who’s paying for the bills? Why are the doctors doing this? Of all the millions of dollars it’s going to cost to raise those children, then the doctors who did that to her should come up with the money and pay for that mistake. This is ridiculous. There’s something wrong with their thinking. How is she going to take care of that many children? There’s something wrong someplace in this world, ladies and gentlemen; something wrong and it’s got to be corrected and it has to be stopped.

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Hi, to the person who made the comment about Sarah Palin and seeing Russia from her house, that was actually said by Tina Fey, the character on “Saturday Night Live.” Sarah Palin never said that, so get your facts straight before you start ripping on the girl.

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Hello, this is a Villa Park resident calling. I’ve been observing Ardmore and traffic congestion and so many stop signs from Roosevelt to North Avenue. District 88 is thinking of putting stop and go lights by the high school, very expensive to the taxpayers. I don’t think Villa Park can afford it at this time. The stop signs seem to be adequate. I don’t see any accidents since it was installed. I think we should keep the stop sign as it is.

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This Lombard calling, just wondering if anyone can give me a timetable on the expected finish date of the new water park. I’ve been noticing from the train, as I come home every day, there’s a little bit more done and I can see the structure for the water slide in place. It looks pretty cool. So can you let us know when the expected finish date is? We’re pretty excited and it looks like it’s going to be really cool.

Lombard Park District Executive Director Paul Friedrichs responded: “The new Paradise Bay Water Park is scheduled to open on June 6, 2009. All five of the activity pools are in ground and have had gutters installed in them. The slides are currently being installed onto the steel superstructure. The drop slide structure, which will also hold the 3- meter diving board, was poured with concrete earlier this week. As far as the buildings are concerned, you may have seen cranes lifting the precast roof into place a couple weeks ago. Most of the brick and block work has been completed.  Workers are starting to focus on the inside of the buildings. I would definitely agree with your caller, this place is going to be ‘really cool.’” –JAC

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Hi, this is Lombard calling in support of naming the new water park after Mr. Moran. Back in 1976 at Fairwood Grade School, Mr. Moran kicked me out of gym class for two weeks for being disrespectful. I deserved it; he taught me a very valuable lesson that day. Men like him are few and far between in the teaching corps. I really would like to see the park named after Mr. Moran, because he definitely has his supporters in the community. Finally, I read the article about Mr. Carter retiring from Glenbard East. Another great man. A few years ago I stopped at Glenbard East and dropped off a few citrus trees for the greenhouse. He took them in, we caught up on old times, and I’m sorry to see him go. He was a very good teacher.

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Considering all the American citizens out of work, maybe we should stop all legal and illegal immigrants, and get back to being America. Also, we need jobs for our teenagers. The fast food jobs, the bus boys, lawn cutting etc. Illinois pays $3.5 billion a year for illegal immigrants and as for CEOs not getting it when they get bailout money, maybe it’s the government who doesn’t get it. You don’t just give $700 billion with no conditions or no accounting for it. Why is there a new bank on every corner if they are so desperate?

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Wow, folks. The weekend of the inauguration, Al Gore gave a conference to pre-teens on global warming, where he told them, and I quote, “You are smarter than older people.” He also told them they shouldn’t listen to their parents when it comes to global warming.

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Hello, I’m a Lombard resident calling about the Lombard Post Office to complain further. I usually have to mail a letter at the Lombard Post Office to friends of mine who live in Lombard. It usually takes so long to reach these people. Now that everything is going to Carol Stream to be sorted and whatnot, I’m probably going to have to do this earlier so that people will get what I want them to have. Where I live we have Street and Place; actually, two to three times a week I get mail for Place.

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My husband and I made a mistake on our taxes last year of under $100. We not only had to take care of the mistake but we had to pay the interest on it. I’d like to see all the senators and congressmen get their taxes investigated. 

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This is Villa Park calling. I’m on the Do-Not-Call list, and I would like to know why U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam would be allowed to call me several times a week, sometimes several times a day, interrupting me during my quiet time with my family, during dinner, when I’m walking in the door—having to run to the phone. There are no consequences to pay over it. I’ve tried calling his office, I’ve tried e-mailing him to tell him to please stop calling, and they continue to call. I’ve gotten no response. If he doesn’t care about my well-being, and my quiet time at home, then I don’t think he should ever be re-elected.

According to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the exceptions to the registry include “organizations with which you have established a business relationship; calls for which you have given prior written permission; calls which are not commercial or do not include unsolicited advertisements; and calls by or on behalf of tax-exempt non-profit organizations.” –JAC

