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October 14, 2009

Speak Out Archives


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This is Lombard calling. I would like to know when Madison Elementary School is going to get a vice principal. We love our principal, Larry Piatek, who’s been there one year; however, with our student population exploding to almost 600 students this year, it’s too much for one man to handle.

According to Dr. James Blanche, District 44 superintendent, there are no plans to hire an additional administrator for the school.—JAC

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Lombardians, I implore you to stand your ground. Do not let DuPage County turn liberal blue. Socialism is not the answer; socialism will never be the answer. There’s no shame in being conservative. There’s only shame without conservatism. So, Lombardians, keep on raising and protecting your children; keep on going to church and giving thanks to God, the father of all in Jesus’ name. We don’t want gangbangers here. We don’t want the drug trade here. We don’t want the violence and crime. We must hold our village president and trustees responsible. We must keep DuPage County red or move to McHenry County. There is no other choice. God bless us all and may God bless America and Lombard.

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You know, in downtown, they promised they were going to fix it. I drove from Grace to Walgreens and less than a half a block over on Main Street, I counted 21 properties either for rent, for sale or planning to be built on. I want to say that the Lombard trustees have truly let us down and President Mueller, when you ran, you said that was of the utmost priority. I see you got a doctorate degree so, hey, doc, why don’t you fix what’s ailing us here close to downtown?

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This is Lombard calling. Just saying, if a kid’s holding a soccer ball, that’s all right; if a kid’s holding a basketball or football, that’s all right. But if a kid’s holding a skateboard, that’s bad; the police come.

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Villa Park calling. As I read SPEAK OUT every week, I’m amazed at the misinformation that is given on health care reform, such as paid abortions and health care for illegal immigrants. Please, people, don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story.

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This is Lombard calling. I’m calling about the red light cameras taking pictures of people disobeying the law. I just think it’s ignorant and total negligence in their total disregard. You think you own the road until the day you heard about someone making an illegal turn or blowing a stop sign. You can tell it to the judge that you don’t care what a stop sign means, or what the light means. I think the fine should be increased to teach people a lesson that driving is a privilege, not a right. They’re there for a reason. They’re there to protect the people who disregard what a stop sign or stop light means. If I was a police officer, I’d be coming back with a book full of tickets every day.

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This is Villa Park calling. I have lived in Villa Park for 45 years and in 40 years, Westmore, Lincoln and Merle have not been repaved and yet, the village is replacing St. Charles Road—for the second time in 20 years, though it’s in 90 percent better condition than any road around here. I guess all the work is done on the south side and nothing is done north of the tracks and west of Ardmore for our streets. I think Bulthuis is right about the ambulance but he’s wrong about $32 million for the streets.

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I was wondering if anyone else is very frustrated about the light at Highland and Eastgate. It’s always red, even though there are no cars coming from Eastgate. Nonetheless, people going north or south on Highland must sit there and wait forever for the light to turn green. I’m wondering why this light doesn’t have a sensor or something like that.

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This is Villa Park calling. I think somebody should inform the police that those white angled lines on Ardmore Avenue around Harrison are not parking spots. As a matter of fact, there is no parking on Ardmore Avenue. Maybe instead of driving by, the Villa Park Police should stop by and give out tickets out to people parked in the white lane zones, or maybe we should stop spending money to paint them.

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This is Lombard calling. Eight years ago we had a president who stuck up for the United States. Today, we have a president who does nothing but tear down the United States.

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I have to agree with the caller who says that our congressman Peter Roskam is not representing us. I wrote to him and later called his office. He did not respond at all. I also wrote to our state Sen. Dan Cronin who is running for county board chairman. Again, no response. I wrote to our senator, Democrat Dick Durbin, and I did receive a nice note from him. Guess which two Republicans won't getting my vote next election?

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This is regarding the red light cameras throughout Illinois. I’m starting to think this is just the beginning. I checked up on RedSpeed, and learned they are lobbying to pass legislation allowing their new invention, speed enforcement cameras. I wonder what else they’ll come up with. Further, as long as you’re not doing anything wrong and obey all the laws, you have nothing to worry about. That is until they change up the game so that anyone can be viewed as an offender, as clearly seen with the current cameras. According to a previous article, RedSpeed approved over 7,000 $100 citations, mostly for right turns, to be reviewed in the last several months. Now that’s what I call taking safety to a whole new level.

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Lombard calling. My family and I attended several of the Cruise Nights this summer. We think it’s a great weekly event for Lombard. I was just wondering if it was ever considered to dedicate just one Saturday night in the summer to motorcycles. Lombard and neighboring residents could show their custom motorcycles and Harleys. I know there are usually a couple of bikes at the car shows, but a night dedicated to just motorcycles would be great.

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This is in response to the people who seem to know nothing about the Moose organization. The Lombard Moose Lodge, as do all Moose lodges, all have a child’s room in it. Let’s get one thing straight. Moose lodges are not bars, they are a not-for-profit organization that supports Mooseheart and Moosehaven. The Moose organization is all about children and seniors. We hold many events for the kids; in fact we just had a fundraiser for Special Olympics, which was a huge success. The children’s room is there for the kids when we have dinners, game nights, or if the parents want to visit with other Moose Lodge members.  I would suggest these people go the Moose International Web site http://www.mooseintl.org/public/default.asp or to the Lombard Moose Lodge Web site www.LombardMoose.org and see all the events that we have that would require a children’s play room. Why not even become a member and see for yourself. You’ll feel very good about yourself helping out the children at Mooseheart.

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Lombard—I would like to respond to the two SPEAK OUT comments about the Lombard Moose Lodge.  I am one of the Lombard Women of the Moose Chapter 1967. I have been a member for 14 years. I proudly pay my dues every year because I know it is going to two great causes, children and the elderly. We, as members, work very hard to raise money through fundraising, dinners and raffles to provide for the children who live at Mooseheart in Batavia and the elderly living in Florida. We also do a lot of community service. We just had a fund raiser for Special Olympics and also for breast cancer awareness. We have an open house breakfast on a Veterans Day Sunday every year and any veteran, police officer or firefighter eats free. We do a lot of good for a lot of charities. The Moose is far from being a “pure and simple bar.” You have to be 21 years old to become a member, but we are a family fraternity so children are always welcomed. We have Christmas, Halloween and Easter parties not only for our children and grandchildren but also for our Sunshine Child and their house family members. A Sunshine Child is a child who lives at Mooseheart which a Lodge has “adopted.” This is where our fundraising comes in.

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I would like to thank the two strangers who unselfishly stopped and helped me search for my flip tooth for two hours after Cruise Nights. They found it in the leaves. I won dinners at the Y fundraiser behind 20 West Wines earlier that day but forgot about it until I got home. I’d love to take them out to dinner. I got the last name of Frank, but only Sharon’s first name. She lives near downtown because she went back to her home for flashlights and her white 9-year-old dog that has liver problems. Arlene is trying to get in touch with you.

