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September 23, 2009

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Now that we are going to do refrigerators for clunkers, I think that everybody whose home is over 50 years old should get homes for clunkers. Why not? We’re throwing away taxpayer money on everything else; my home is over 50 years old—I’d like a new one. So, here’s what I propose: give me a new home and you pay for it.

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This is in regard to the call about paying $1.25 per day per parking slot for the commuters. How about if you times that by five and then times it by 52 weeks? Then, how much does that add up to? That’s why it’s only $1.25 a day, because it adds up over the year. These people are paying for convenience and wait until you see when you figure out that amount, what it costs that person, and it’s not tax-deductible, either.

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This is in response to the caller who wants to have the red light traffic signals removed. They’re there for a reason; to protect the safety of other people because people who disobey traffic signals put other people’s lives at risk. They’re negligent and ignorant about what traffic stops signs and lights mean. It’s why they’re there—to take your money when you break the law, to teach you a lesson. Understand?

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This is to the people who are always knocking the Republican or Democrat politicians. First, let me tell you, your opinions don’t mean a thing to the local or national politicians. If you don’t represent a pact or a special interest group, you don’t count. Where in our constitution does it have a place for lobbyists? All politicians, from local to national, take contributions, so if they take money from anyone or any group, they are representing the special interests, not the people who voted for them.

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For the caller who maintains that we already have universal health care, and that everyone is guaranteed free health care, that people and employers are too cheap to pay for insurance, you are just plain wrong. Obviously you have no coherent idea how much health insurance costs an individual or a small company to insure employees. If the individuals are over 40, have pre-existing conditions or are on maintenance medications, premiums are rated higher and quickly become unaffordable. Larger companies pay less because the risk is spread out over a larger pool of employees. Our small company of four families pays over $80,000 a year for our health insurance. That is outrageous and that is how it is.

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This is Lombard calling. I’d like to weigh in on the whole Obama versus Bush issue. An interesting fact—I don’t know if any of you realize this, but Obama has spent more than all the previous presidents before him combined; all the way back to George Washington. Don’t take my word for it; look it up. Ask yourself, are we getting what we’re paying for? I don’t think so. Obama said he was for change—he never said it was going to be a good change.

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I'm calling in reference to the Prairie Path. I read recently in a Chicago paper that two men from Glen Ellyn are on a mission. They want us to call out “on your left” as we pass someone on the path. Great idea. We have such a wonderful place to ride and walk that we should keep it safe for all. I ride my dirt bike every day, stay to the right except when passing and now call out “on your left” when I do pass. Some bikers travel very fast and their calling out to others “on your left” would be a great service. It would let everyone know that you are coming and hopefully prevent an accident. For the most part I find everyone friendly and have had no problems.  Start calling out “on your left” and make it safe for all to enjoy this treasure called the Prairie Path. And thanks, guys, for the heads up.

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Lombard. I was wondering about "the trillion dollar spending program". First, I thought the stimulus plan—if that is what you are referencing—was $787 billion dollars. Certainly a lot of money, but not anywhere near $1,000 billion. Second, did not the stimulus plan include somewhere in the $400 billion range of tax cuts for individuals? If so, was not that a plan supported by Republicans—even if they did not vote to accept the Democratic stimulus plan at $787 billion.” Therefore, the Democrats’ spending program was $387 billion dollars more than the Republicans’ proposal; still a lot of money. Third, if both of the above responses are confirmed as reasonably correct, and if most of the $387 billion approved has not yet been allocated, then, could it be assumed that the tax cuts for individuals has not been the success that it was expected to be, and that the Republican Party’s assumptions that only a tax cut would be necessary to “provide an immediate jolt” to the economy, has also “woefully underperformed and underwhelmed.” It will be interesting to see how the economy performs when, and if, all of the stimulus money is allocated, and who will take the bows and blame when jobs return.

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I just read the article about the North Ardmore Bridge. I would like to thank the Village of Villa Park for being pro-active in shutting it down before someone was hurt or killed. I think the village should install more red light cameras to offset the $3.5 million dollar price tag to fix it.

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Villa Park here.  For those who are complaining about the new red light enforced camera systems, learn to drive and stop trolling. You are wasting ink space for real Speak Out discussions.

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A public announcement—cemeteries can be dangerous places. Desperate people do desperate acts of violence. My husband and I were at a suburban cemetery on Sunday morning looking for my great grandmother’s gravesite. We were held up at gun-point and robbed. There were angels watching over us that day because we were not hurt. Since this has happened I have heard that cars have been broken into at cemeteries, which in itself is unbelievable, so please ladies, gentlemen, be aware of everything that is happening around you. Don’t go there alone, always carry your cell phone, go when the office is open and there are workers on the grounds. If you see something/someone suspicious tell someone right away, have an office staff worker escort you to your loved one’s gravesite. Also, recently there was gang graffiti on my parkway and I would like to thank the Lombard maintenance department for coming out and removing that not once but twice. It is a shame that a person cannot feel safe anywhere. A concerned citizen for the safety of women, children and the elderly.

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Thanks for some improvements at the train station. It will make the winter months a bit better with the upgrades.

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My grandson, who is in first grade, was over and he was proudly saying he voted for Barack Obama in his mock election last year at school I told him it was a good thing he voted for him. I hope you feel that way when you’re all grown up and you’re still paying taxes toward what Barack Obama’s doing in office today. Think about it; it’s our children’s and grandchildren’s future and I don’t think that’s fair.

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The Republican ticket’s looking better and better for the next election. They had some faults, that’s for sure—Mr. Bush increasing big government. The problem is, our new president is increasing it tenfold from what Mr. Bush was, and that’s an approximation, but it’s still plenty. We have a president who apologizes for America being America and strong, who would like to whittle us down to the level of the rest of the world, would like to make us just a member of the UN and not a sovereign, wonderful free country that we are. Also, it’s unbelievable we’re in for a big tax hike, socialized health care and good luck getting your kidney. My apologies.

