Speak Out!

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August 25, 2010

Speak Out Archives


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This is for the Village of Villa Park. I'd really like to get an answer to this question. To the new garbage company, what person signed this? The very first day, the very first week they didn't pick up the garbage. Now, we've got to find new cans because the 55-gallon ones are too big. What if there's only 20 pounds of garbage in the old cans? We just bought these cans and spent $35 on them. Why can't you people get this right? I really want an answer. You're supposed to save taxpayers money, not cost them money.

Dan Sullivan, streets superintendent for the Village of Villa Park, responded: “Garbage rates in the new contract have gone down compared to the old contract from $17.70 TO $16.77 per month so we have saved taxpayers money. The contract language specifies that containers shall be no larger than 35 gallons and no heavier than 50 pounds, which is the same language the village has had for well over 10 years. The previous contractor took larger containers without the village’s knowledge or consent; however, the new contractor bid the contract with the expectation that residents would use 35 gallon containers as specified in the contract.”—JAC


Hi, Lombard calling in response to the call about Peter Roskam. I think the reason he wasn’t for the extension of unemployment benefits is because Republicans—and the media loves to hide this—wanted them to take it out of all the federal money that’s being wasted right now; the TARP money, the unbelievable budget that your kids and grandkids, if you have any, will never be able to pay for; and guess what? It’s going to be going more socialist and you’re going to be paying for it. Your kids are going to be paying for it. Your grandkids are going to be paying for it out of their retirement savings, education savings. So, no, it’s not that they didn’t want the extended benefits, it’s just that they had to be paid for in a responsible manner. The Social Security program you mentioned second, that’s been failing and years ago they even said that it’s not going to be there for everybody and don’t count on it.


Well, people, we can thank the village trustees for another behind-closed-doors personal deal that they get. Was anybody from the village besides employees invited to the private showing of the Stanley Cup that they arranged for village employees? People, these things are just not right and we should no longer deal with this. We should make our trustees answer for these actions.


Hello, Lombard. Could someone find out for us about the retiring fire chief’s golden parachute and other benefits and let us know what that is and what that adds up to. Could you also find out if it’s true that the interim fire chief from the outside is getting paid over $1,000 a day? And that he has hired another outside consultant at who knows what kind of salary? I’m a retired Lombard taxpayer.

Joelyn Kott, communications coordinator for the Village of Lombard, responded: “The former fire chief’s severance package included three months’ salary [$31,573.30] and health insurance coverage for the same period. Regarding the interim fire chief, a contract was approved by the village board of trustees on July 15, not to exceed $64,680, with WRB, LLC. The contract includes all the employees of the company. The term of the contract is July 19 through Oct. 22, 2010. The contract includes several items in addition to the interim fire chief position—preparation of a service delivery assessment as well as support to the village in the selection of a replacement fire chief. Any additional staff that the interim fire chief may include in performing these functions are included in the contract agreement at no additional cost to the village.”—JAC


I’m calling about all the people asking for money at the intersections here in Lombard. Maybe the village could do some kind of placard that they have to wear to make sure that it’s not people grabbing a bag of fun-size candy asking for money; that it’s actually somebody with a legitimate charity. I’m not saying I know every charity in the world, but if Lombard were to have a big purple placard with a hologram strip on it, then you’d know that person specifically has the right to ask for money.


They say in the Lombard Pride that they’re still only charging $75 for 90 days of parking at the Lombard Metra station and the lots on St. Charles Road. Our daily fee is $1.25. Why is it that Downers Grove charges $3 a day? It’s easy to understand how people from Downers Grove would simply drive up to Lombard and save $1.75 a day. We should be charging the same as the rest of the villages around this area.

“Lombard is required to make Metra commuter lot parking available to the general public, not just Lombard residents. Regarding the cost of commuter parking, periodic price comparison of neighboring municipalities is conducted by the finance department to determine permit fees. A new rate study is being initiated by the finance department,” stated Joelyn Kott, communications for the Village of Lombard.—JAC


Lombard calling. Two things I would like to say: First of all, SPEAK OUT is in a local paper and I think was meant to bring in local comments. How about we stick to that instead of calling in about national politics. I’m tired of reading it. We all know there will be comments back and forth about the government and nothing will get resolved here. Let’s use this space to talk about Lombard and Villa Park. Secondly, to the people who live near Madison Meadow complaining about the Taste of Lombard, I can’t imagine what that’s like, but gee, it’s just a few days out of the year. But if you dislike having it there that much, tell the village and see if the squeaky wheel gets the grease to have it moved.


Hi, Lombard calling. I admit I voted for change in 2008. I was swept away on the wave of “I believe” and in my heart, I did believe. Even though there has been reason to question my decision over the last 18 months, I still had hope. However, recently an acquaintance asked me to read a book. Since this person read “Dreams of My Father” at my request, I consented to do the same for that person. The name of this book is “The Manchurian President” and although I laughed at the absurdity of the title, I did read it. Initially I denied everything the book said but then I read on and started checking out some of the hundreds of footnotes on the Internet. Of the 25 randomly chosen footnotes I researched, all proved to be valid. Now I’m feeling I was ignorant in my choice in 2008. I was caught up in a wave of emotion and didn’t really learn about the candidate. I realize progressive liberals call this book fiction and conservatives say that it’s 100 percent accurate.


Lombard calling. This message is for all of you people who insist on driving in the left lane while you’re just continuing on through. When we get to a stop light and you’re all in the left lane, the people who actually want to make that left turn are not able to get into that lane because you have the left lane backed up. They have to wait until the next light. Drive in the right lane unless you’re passing or turning.


To the person who said President Obama is “doing the best job I've ever seen anybody do in my whole life.” I must ask, are you 9 years old? Extending unemployment benefits just costs all of us taxpayers even more. Remember, our government does not have its own money to dole out. Government takes it from us, borrows it from foreign countries or prints it. Our government is broke because it tries to do too much. The main role of our government and of our president is to protect the American people. That does not mean it should feed, clothe and house us. That is what liberty is for, and with liberty comes personal responsibility. It is a gift given to us by people far greater and wiser than anyone in Washington today. Americans have not learned that in several generations.


Hello, Lombard. It’s nice to see that the Chinese delegation was visiting Lombard. My questions are, who paid for all the staff time devoted to taking them on tours and showing them around, and all the time, energy and effort that was spent in entertaining. My second question is, maybe it’s more of a statement: Perhaps we did that because they’re going to buy the Westin and save Lombard. Could it be?

Joelyn Kott, communications coordinator for the Village of Lombard, addressed your inquiry: “The Chinese delegation that recently visited Lombard was given an overview of municipal government and shared views with Lombard staff members on how government works in the United States in comparison to China. The most recent group included some doctors who toured Lombard medical facilities. The tours were arranged to foster Chinese-American relations through the 21st Century Institute and were conducted by village staff members. The interchange is an educational opportunity for both Lombard staff members as well as the Chinese delegation.”—JAC

