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December 1, 2010

Speak Out Archives


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Villa Park calling in regard to the completion of the construction at District 88. I’d like to know why Addison Trail received $9 million more in improvements. Also, why did AT receive two artificial turf fields and a turf outfield compared to one all-purpose field at Willowbrook?

Sherri Anderson, District 88 spokesperson, responded: “As stated from the beginning of the referendum in 2006-07, the funds for the project were allocated based on the unique needs of each high school. The original budget outlined funding allocations of approximately a 45 percent share for Willowbrook and 55 percent for Addison Trail. Compared to Willowbrook's 84 acres, Addison Trail has less land with just 45 acres which presented different construction challenges and opportunities. The second turf field at Addison Trail allows for multi-purpose use year-round since the campus is landlocked.”—JAC

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We take great pride in the fact that Lombardians proudly display the flag of our country often; not only on national holidays. However, we question the manner in which it is often displayed. Many times we pass places and see that our flag is flying at half staff for no apparent reason. It is our understanding that the flag of our nation is flown at half staff only during times of national mourning and by declaration of the president, or by decree of the governor of a state when a high-ranking government official has died. Are we wrong in that assumption? We find it disrespectful to not fly the flag in a proper manner and we’re especially distressed to see flags at our schools not displayed properly. Is it possible we’re missing something? If so, we would appreciate enlightenment.

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Could someone please help me in stopping the local values paper from being delivered to my home? I have called the number on the paper, followed the directions and also have e-mailed them, yet every Saturday I have to pick up and throw this paper out. I walk the Villa Park-Lombard area a lot and find these papers sitting for weeks in the streets and driveways. Can the village do anything? Is there an ordinance about delivering unwanted items? To me this is blatant littering. I did not ask for it nor do I wish to have it, so why must I pick them up from my home and the street? Thank you for any help.

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Just a few thoughts about the holiday shopping and the post-Thanksgiving weekend. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised to see how rude people were—you’d think there was a major disaster the way people were running around with no consideration for others. Just had to push and shove to get that bargain. And the parking lots; I’m surprised there wasn’t an accident or a fight with people in such a hurry and not paying attention to the other vehicles.

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The independent tea party patriots who got involved to get new Republicans elected will hold every one of them accountable and will throw them out if they do not get this country back on the right track. Across the country, establishment GOP’ers were voted out. It would be nice if those blindly supporting Dems had their own purge—or how else can you explain the re-elections of people like Barney Frank (housing fiasco), Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi (read the bill?) and Charles Rangel (convicted of 11 ethics violations)? For decades the battle cry has been “Throw the bums out.” Well, this time, we did. and obviously we have more to go. Hey, Dems, it’s been almost two years. It’s time to stop blaming Bush and start holding your party accountable for your own disastrous policies.

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Hi, this is Villa Park calling. When is something going to be done about the new retention pond down by the train station that is turning into a jungle? We are told to keep our properties clear of weeds and brush, but this is turning into a giant eyesore. This could be a West Nile virus incubator. The new fence that is two blocks long pretty soon will not even be visible.

Rich Salerno, assistant village engineer for the Village of Villa Park, explained: “The new stormwater detention pond just east of the village's Metra commuter station was designed and constructed with native prairie and wetland plantings. In addition to their “native” quality, these plantings also have other benefits. They were chosen for their ability to both absorb and filter the stormwater which makes its way through the detention pond. This ability helps to reduce the load placed on the storm sewer which carries water after it leaves the detention pond, while also increasing the quality of the water which does leave the site. The village and its engineering consultant will be visiting the site in the next several weeks to evaluate the plantings. This will include ensuring that the intended plantings are growing as expected, and also to ensure that no other, unplanned species are present. The village also mows the first several feet of plantings next to the pedestrian sidewalk which abuts the pond as part of its regular maintenance procedures. This prevents the plantings from overgrowing on the sidewalk, thereby reducing any potential safety hazards which could arise from such a situation.”—JAC

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Lombard. The Lombard Post Office is doing a fine job. We live in the north end and we get all our local mail within one to two days. Remember, all mail has to go to Carol Stream. And, it's sorted by scanners and then by hand, so if you want good mail service, make sure your ZIP code is written clearly in box format and large, and the scanners will do a better job. It's not our post office; it's the overall mail system. They're going high-tech and it has to be able to be scanned, so don't grumble about our post office. They're doing the best job that they can.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling in response to the mail service in Lombard. For years I've never complained or had a problem, but I had a great carrier. I think I have another good carrier; however, from Glen Ellyn, I might say, it took me six weeks to get a birth announcement delivered to my address here in Lombard, so who's at fault? It could have been walked here; Pony Express was faster.

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Hi, this is Lombard here. If you're going to complain about Obama, Bush or any kind of politician who may be affecting the outcome of this nation, why don't you just blame the founding of the nation, all those years back, that began in the 1700s? How about that?

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Hi, I'm from Lombard. My message is, I am very proud to be an American citizen again today. In the recent election I became a member of a new political party; the tea party.

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The flag does not belong in the sanctuary of St. Pius Church. Have you ever heard about separation of church and state?

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This is Lombard calling. Those of us are a little bit older remember the Three Musketeers candy bar as three different pieces and flavor of candy, known as Three Musketeers. Now for years, this candy has only one flavor, chocolate. Hence, this is only One Musketeer.

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I’d like to see Lombard become the sister city of a town in Oklahoma called Freedom. This would be really great because we could follow some of the things that are done in Oklahoma, even in Freedom—now that Oklahoma has overwhelmingly passed a law that says English is the state’s common and unifying language, and another one that says you have to have a government-issued photo ID to vote. Let’s take that freedom and spread it around Lombard and spread it around Illinois. What a great idea.

