Speak Out!

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November 24, 2010

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So the election is over and we got our country back. Not sure where it went or what privileges I lost but that’s what the Republicans told me. So the first thing they’re going to do is give tax breaks to the rich making $250,000 or more a year; we sure did get our country back, back to the way it was those eight long years.

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I read in the Lombardian that Village of Lombard passed an ordinance in March that you can’t keep more than a cord of wood on your residential property. That is just amazing that in this time of recession when people actually use firewood to heat their homes and lower their fuel bills like myself, that the village is going to say you can’t keep more than one lousy cord of wood on your property? Well, I’ve been keeping four or five cords of wood on my property. It’s thick, it’s stacked, stored properly in my big fenced yard; and unless we’re turning into a socialist government, where the government dictates everything we can do. here again, government is interfering with people’s lives. If they want to pay my heating bills in the winter, when I turn down the heat and make a nice big fire in my fireplace in the basement, and lower my heating bills, then I’ll send the Village of Lombard my electric and my gas bills.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. I would just like to say that we have a real issue here in Lombard with these trains. Traffic is being held up at an unsafe level. There’s traffic backed up everywhere. I don’t think these trains should be allowed to go at such a slow pace and I don’t see why we have to have so many go through our towns. This is not right.

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Lombard here. The very individuals and corporations of Wall Street that the “everyday American” denounced when the bailouts occurred, are the very individuals who poured millions of dollars into the Republican coffers to win seats this election. Just when financial regulatory reform was just getting under way. The wealthy in this country have fooled the undereducated citizens once again. How very, very sad.

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To the person who found my little dog early in the morning, thank you so much. We still can’t figure out how he ended up outside, except that someone let him out the back door and forgot to let him in. We are so grateful to you.

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I was reading an article about the unusual phenomenon in north Lombard. I live on Washington Boulevard, very close to Main Street, and also sighted a black squirrel. It was not a short sighting—we witnessed it pull one of our smaller pumpkins a good 20 yards from the house and just sat there and ate it for a while. But, definitely a jet black squirrel and we were kind of amazed by it also. Interesting to read the article.

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Soup for the souls; 40 kids collected almost 200 cans and donated it to the Lombard/Villa Park Food Pantry. What a great gift. Eli, you’re the best.

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Hi, my favorite part of the Villa Park Review is the SPEAK OUT column. However, in the Nov. 10 column, there's one very long answer—three columns long. I didn’t read it and I can’t believe anybody read it. I don’t think you guys should waste SPEAK OUT space with something so detailed and so specific, and then there was very little else. And again, it’s my favorite part of the paper.

You are correct that it was a lengthy answer; the longest we’ve printed. Yes, it was detailed, but it is precisely because the response was technical that it was not condensed. Editing for content may have removed relevant information.—JAC

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Hi, Lombard calling. I just wanted to congratulate the Addison, Lombard, Villa Park Relay for Life for their new award.

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Lombard, all these people who voted Republican think this party is going to fix everything. Well, they are wrong. They blame the Democrats for all these problems; Europe has the same problems. Are you going to blame the Democrats for that, too?

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Hi, this is a resident of Lombard and I’m calling just to say kudos to the person who called in about the firewood ordinance in Lombard. I, too, agree that if they want to have that kind of stipulation, maybe the should start paying all of our heating bills.

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Yes, to the Villa Park individuals who had a Weber Grill and a bicycle stolen on Saturday, Nov. 6, four individuals were seen running with your items to South Wisconsin. So if you are looking for your stuff, go to South Wisconsin. It was seen being taken there.

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Hello, Villa Park. How long do we have to look at the Ardmore bridge? It’s an eyesore and what are we going on, four years now? Are you waiting for somebody to get critically hurt in a vehicle accident at Ardmore and North Avenue and they don’t make it because the fire engine had to go around or the ambulance had to go around? Or they got stuck by a train? How long do we have to look at this? Please. It’s been long enough. Please, stop the ugliness in Villa Park. Lawsuits will cost a lot more than fixing the bridge will.

The bridge closed to vehicular traffic on Aug. 25, 2009.—JAC

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Just calling about the police report in the Nov. 3 issue about the possible coyote attack, I happened to have seen one on Thursday, Oct. 18, when I was putting the garbage out around 5 a.m. at Westmore and Madison. So, there was one in the area at least about a week earlier.

The police report states that the alleged attack was a case of mistaken identity. It was actually a dog that had gotten out of a home; the owner was issued two citations.—JAC

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I would like thank to the Lombard Police Department for finally putting up a speed trailer on Harding Road because of the speeders, how they drive 45-50 mph down my street. Thank you, Lombard police, for finally answering my request.

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We went to the Lombard Area Chamber of Commerce and Industry Business Expo on Oct. 28 and were impressed with the exhibits and exhibitors who are members of the chamber. It was great also to see Lombardian photographer Steve Spoden, who took our picture with the executive director, Yvonne Invergo of the Lombard Chamber of Commerce, who with her staff, always does a great job representing Lombard. It’s great to have such nice people taking care of our village.

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We have neighbors who don’t respect either personal or property boundaries. When friends come to visit or to drop something off, they tell us the neighbors give them the stink eye. These neighbors come into our yard when we’re not home and come over to inspect work we’re having done on our house, all without being invited. We’ve tried having nice conversations with them, but they clearly haven’t worked. Now we’ll have to have a harsher conversation. When that doesn’t work, we’ll be forced to call the police, who will waste their time coming out to have the very same conversation. Whoever comes to our home is none of your concern and unless you have permission to be on our property, you have absolutely no business being there whatsoever. You need to mind your own business.

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Lombard calling. I just finished watching the last village board meeting where the Downtown Lombard Plan was addressed and I have to say I am completely disgusted by President Mueller’s response. First and foremost, he clearly did not read the entire report prior to the meeting. Had he read it, he would have realized that his comment about needing to see tasks that could be completed immediately were addressed in the report. As Trustee Moreau stated, there were items that could be addressed immediately, items that are a few years out and items that are several years out. When is President Mueller going to understand that residents of Lombard are demanding change to downtown Lombard? He was elected by us and works for us. I, for one, am tired of hearing his excuses of not having money to do anything. He clearly found money to rehab Yorktown. Now, it is downtown Lombard’s turn. Everything that was presented to him in the report, he was negative about. He is constantly negative about anything having to do with downtown Lombard. Instead of him constantly saying “we can’t” do something, it’s time for him to say “we need to find a way.” The days of President Mueller putting off revitalization of downtown Lombard are over. If he cannot find a way, it’s time for him to step down and for someone to step in who can. If you agree that it’s time for Mueller and the board to make changes to downtown Lombard, please call Speak Out and start getting involved. That is the only way things will start to change.

