Speak Out!

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October 6, 2010

Speak Out Archives


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This is Lombard calling. I just have a question: Ever since Comcast has been advertising its Xfinity for their phone and cable—and we have high-speed Internet—our high-speed Internet is becoming turtle-Internet and our phone goes out quite a few times. I was wondering if anybody can explain that. I’d appreciate it. It takes us forever to get our e-mails and get onto the main page of the Internet.

“We’re sorry you are having issues with our services,” said Angelynne Amores with Comcast media relations. She said that without more specific information, such as your name and location, it is difficult to offer a generic response to your call. Therefore she suggests that you—or anyone else who has a concern—call 1-800-COMCAST, chat live online or send an e-mail by going to the Web site at www.comcast.com. “We will gladly work to address your issue,” Amores stated, adding, “At Comcast, we are available seven days a week, every day of the year and every hour of the day.”—JAC

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Hi, this is Lombard calling about Cruise Nights, with regard to the person who questioned my due diligence. I did my homework and my facts are straight. I counted the store fronts. I’ve spoken to all of those business owners. I live and work in downtown Lombard. This is not something I take lightly. I have done my due diligence. How dare you? Do you know the amount of traffic, exhaust pollution and noise the businesses and residents such as myself have to deal with? Why don't you come down here and spend one Saturday night during the summer and deal with it? Do you have people urinating on your place of residence? Do you have people sitting in your front lawn in their lawn chairs for eight hours? No one spends any money in downtown during Cruise Nights, and isn’t that the point of bringing people downtown? Do you have this in downtown Elmhurst, or Wheaton, or Glen Ellyn, or Batavia on a Saturday night? No, because they wouldn’t allow it. If you need a car show on a Saturday night to bring people in, you don’t have anything to do in your downtown on a Saturday night. Cruise Nights should be reduced to once a month, and the money better spent in other areas of the downtown, particularly in bringing new businesses, which will ultimately result in more foot traffic. And yes, I did my due diligence.

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Hi, this is addressed to the person who just glided past the stop sign, without looking, going on Grace Street, and passing Maple Street at 2:15 p.m. on Wednesday. The person was in a dark SUV., and I just want to say, there are stop signs there on Maple and Grace Street. Please stop next time. You are very, very lucky that the others stopped. You could have caused an accident. So be careful from now on. Thank you.

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This is Lombard calling. I accidentally left my purse in the shopping cart outside of Target after putting my purchases in my car. At my next stop, I looked for my purse, and didn’t find it in my car. Panicky, I drove back to Target hoping against hope that it would still be in the cart. I found the cart right where I left it, minus the purse. My heart sank. Across from where I parked a lady looked at me, looking at the empty cart. After a moment, she asked if I lost my purse. I said I did, and she said she just brought it into Target and gave it to customer service. I was speechless. What a wonderful thing to do. I went to Target, identified my purse, and was given it back. I did not immediately check to see if everything was in there. I knew that it was, as only an honest person would return it to the store. To the sweet lady who did this for me, I thank you again. You are an inspiration.

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Listen closely, ladies and gentlemen. This isn’t particularly about Lombard, but it’s about the City of Chicago, which eventually will affect Lombard and all the suburban towns. Jody Weis is the chief of police, and the man does an excellent job. But the biggest problem is not him. It’s the unions. They couldn’t care less if you can afford their wages or not. They just demand their wages. They just demand the pay, and they tell you, “Oh, but our heart is on the line for protecting people.” It’s dollars and cents, and it’s the unions that want their way all the time. Thank God we don’t have unions defending our country with the Army, Navy, Marines, et cetera, because they would be wanting high pay and no protection. We can’t afford the demands of unions. They have to step aside or get out of the way. They cause more trouble than they cure.

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I can’t believe that we have to wait until the next general election for the Democrats to start taking action against all this unemployment. They know they’re in deep trouble. Everyone is complaining. Their ratings are going down, yet they still haven’t done anything after being in office for such a long time. I just can’t believe we have to wait until the election. We need to make changes now, and we also need the governor to make changes. When the election gets here, we have to vote them all out. It’s time to change them out.

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Hi Lombard. This is for all you Obama supporters. Poverty level is the highest since 1994. Gee, who’s in office? It would be a Democrat, who is going to fix the world, and who has done nothing, except cause more debt, more poverty, more foreclosures. Thank you, President Obama—poverty level, highest level since 1994.

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There are too many entitlements in America. Illegals get all the benefits Americans do, and they still want an increase in their wages. How much can pay someone with all these benefits? They have new SUVs, cars, trucks. They have medical and hospitalization, which is huge, anchor babies, no taxes, which is huge, and get food stamps. If Americans got all these benefits, they would do these jobs. How much can an American taxpayer give? We have to work one to two jobs in this country our whole lives for all these benefits. Thank you.

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Yes, this is Lombard speaking, and I just want to know, we’re really trying to cut down on the drinking and driving, yet we have these establishments that serve their clients until way into the night. There should be a way to maybe have a little shuttle bus going to drive them home, or maybe some taxicabs.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling in regard to the person who called in Speak Out that President Obama redid the Oval Office with millions and millions of dollars. If they would just double-check their information, they would know that he spent his own money on this, not the taxpayers’ money. I think people should go ahead and read the facts before they go ahead and complain.

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Where are the Lombard police with cell phone usage by drivers in school zones? Cell phones are supposed to be hands-free, or speaker, or why do you even need a cell phone in a school zone, especially by Ash and Lincoln and Maple. Ash and Lincoln and Maple—quarter to eight in the morning—people on cell phones in a school zone.

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This is in response to the person who called in to find out if there’s a law requiring people to use the recycling bin. Good grief. Are we not marching toward Communism fast enough in this country? And now you want to make it a crime not to sort your trash in the way the government sees fit.

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Hey, it’s Lombard here. I’ll bet you liberals are really happy that you gave us the worst president in history. How can you face yourself in the mirror?

