Speak Out

Call 630-629-TALK

August 17, 2011

Speak Out Archives


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Hi, I just read in the Lombard news that Lombard is to conduct a biannual survey. I want to tell Lombard that if you don’t want to answer my questions that I direct to SPEAK OUT so you can answer what I have asked in the paper, if I receive your survey I will not answer you and would request that everybody in the village who reads the Lombardian and wants a question answered from the village, does not answer if they receive the biannual survey to write on it, sorry, you don’t answer SPEAK OUT in the Lombardian.

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Great Scott. I loved the photo of all the Scotts at the police department. Did the village pay a consultant to discover this? I am glad they are spending their time on important things. Next week can you do a story on middle initials at the fire department? Or maybe how many people have brown eyes in public works?

Great Scott, I think it’s nice to add a little levity to each day and that was the purpose of the photo and cutline. A little “good news” never hurt anyone and is especially appreciated by many Americans in these tough times.—blm

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I encourage all residents to continue to voice your displeasure on the lack of transparency by the village, and to contact your trustee and ask that the village manager be fired. Buy out his contract and get some new leadership. This is a democracy, not a dictatorship.

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Recently a caller made personal observations regarding how well York Township roads were maintained. Evidently the caller is referring to the repaved township road east of Westmore-Meyers. On the west side of Westmore-Meyers, the caller should try turning on 15th Street off of Highland. Your car and passengers will experience a series of jolts that will rattle your teeth. After several of these turns your car will need front end alignment service. West Edgewood, off of Finley Road, likewise has some rock and roll curves and battered surfaces. Considering salaries and benefits of the administration and staff, the cost of the mini-bus that is rarely used, the fleet of six cars used for livery service, insurance and maintenance and a new electronic sign board, the cost is approaching $1 million. Obviously townships are becoming obsolete because of rapidly declining tax dollars and duplication of services.

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I disagree with the Aug. 10 “At This Stage” explanation and defense of the village’s stance on answering anonymous questions. First, in advice columns, yes, the person is identified, but not in print, and I don’t think that’s an apples to apples comparison. Secondly, what do you mean, the village wants to answer any question that comes up? Who said so? So in other words, if they can’t answer them all, they will answer none? Some calls are merely comments expressing an opinion and don’t require an answer, but surely the village has the opportunity to respond to them if they so desire. When someone asks a question about the goings-on in Lombard, how is that accusatory, false or taken out of context? Quite the opposite, I would think. The newspaper is giving the village, park district, organization or whatever a chance to set the record straight so there are no misconceptions about the facts. Isn’t that a good thing?

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I am glad that other residents are speaking out against the ridiculous policies of the village. This “no talk” policy seems to be is a personal issue for the village manager. He writes a policy and has the village board implement it and take the blame for the policy. The village board did not propose this policy, the village manager did. Shame on the board for letting this continue. Do you want this from your CEO for the village? I would like others to join me in asking the village board to accept the resignation of the village manager. If he doesn’t resign, then terminate his contract. Enough is enough.

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Hi, Lombard calling. Do you know of any organizations or clubs putting together trips to casinos? Lombard Park District doesn’t seem to offer casino trips any longer. They used to be a lot of fun.

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To the caller who said we should speak out about all levels of politics because we might become enlightened about how to vote and who to vote for, are you kidding? Ah, using the Village of Lombard’s own infinite wisdom, you callers are all anonymous, so I am going to decide who to vote for from reading SPEAK OUT? I don’t think so. I will learn about the candidates—on all sides—my own way, and then try to make informed voting decisions. But from reading opinions of SPEAK OUT callers? I enjoy reading them but that’s where it ends.

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Let me get this straight. According to “At This Stage,” If you call SPEAK OUT and mention that you have tried to get an answer from the village about something and didn’t get it, that’s stating an opinion. Granted, I may not get the answer I want, so I suppose that would constitute “ducking the question,” but if I ask a question, either I get an answer or I don’t. Simple as that and stated as such.

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Lombard calling. Say, how are those pesky mosquitoes by you this summer? A real torture, I bet. Just read an article regarding the village’s position on mosquito treatment within Lombard. They only drop pellets into drainage ditches, large ponds and sewer drains to kill the larvae that produce the mosquitoes. They do not believe in spraying under any circumstances. Considering the amount of rain that has fallen this summer, there is standing water in many places that normally wouldn’t occur, and spraying may well have killed the huge infestation of mosquitoes we have this summer, which makes life quite unpleasant. I can’t help but think it comes down to dollars. Lombard just bought a police command vehicle for $200,000, not to mention the excess police cars that always seem to be sitting in front of the police station. Wonder what those cost the village as well. Just two other examples of our wasted tax dollars by this village board that could be put to better use, by making its citizens a bit more comfortable this summer. And Mueller and the village board just go on and on and on.

According to that same article, restricted-use drug seizure and DUI funds were used to purchase the vehicle, and Lombard Police Chief Ray Byrne stated that “I am happy to report that village funds were not used to purchase the vehicle.”—JAC

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If you have ever attended a tea party rally you will not hear the class warfare antics of the Obama Dems. You will hear about the need to control spending on all levels. So to the person who claimed the T(axed) E(nough) A(lready) Party wants to protect tax cuts for the rich, you are grossly uninformed. If our government would have heeded our call to cut and control spending years ago, our country would not have lost its AAA rating. Not surprisingly, Obama and the Dems just blamed us, so now his misinformed minions will believe that stuff too. Attend a TEA Party rally and see for yourself.

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Villa Park here, just to add to the political banter back and forth: The politicians in office on both sides of the aisle are clearly so far out of touch with the public, it turns my stomach. Think about if they had to depend on Social Security or Medicare or whatever program it might be. Do you really think they would vote the way they do? Keep in mind, they are supported for the rest of their lives by our tax dollars. They do not worry about health care insurance as we do, they don’t concern themselves with 401k plans etc. They truly do not know what its like to live by the decisions made by them. Term limitations and cancellation of their “entitlements” would be a good start to getting this country righted again. Time to clean house, people; stand up and be counted. If it’s not clear they no longer have our best interests in mind by now, I suggest you all get your eyes tested.

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What’s with all this talk about teacher’s salary? They should be able to eat any vegetable they want. Celery provides a good source of fiber, and it will help to keep you regular. Did you know a diet high in fiber can help prevent diverticulitis? It’s true. So let the teachers eat their celery. Obviously they care about good nutrition. I like mine with a little bit of peanut butter. Thank you. Keep smiling.

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Dear President Mueller, Please do not be stressed that you can’t reply to me. I know your board passed a policy that says you can’t talk. I hope you had a great summer. Now that you are back to work please take care of a few things for your fellow Lombardians. Get the straight answers to us about the LPFC and how much trouble they really are in, drive downtown and let me know your thoughts and I do not care if you stay our village president for another 20 years; do me a favor and get a new village manager. His time is up.

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If the village will not acknowledge anonymous residents in SPEAK OUT, how come they will give credence to anonymous responses in the Community Survey they are conducting? Aren’t they the same people?

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Set aside the issue of salaries of teachers and school administrators for a moment. The bigger problem may be their pensions. Teachers and principals are retiring in their mid 50s and receiving generous pensions. If they live another 30 years, they will each receive a few million dollars during that time. This is unsustainable. At some point, every dollar of tax revenue will have to cover the pensions of retired teachers and administrators. Where is the money going to come from?

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In a recent issue of SPEAK OUT a caller called in and answered if he or she believes in climate change and the response was, Yes, it’s common sense, and also asked the question to the person who doesn’t believe in it, Did you believe the tobacco industry when it said tobacco is not harmful? I agree with this caller. You should never believe anyone who has grown tobacco. They are disgusting people. Here is a disgusting quote from one of those wretched human beings: “Throughout most of my life I raised tobacco. I want you to know that with my own hands, all of my life, I put the plants in the bed and transferred it. I hoed it. I dug it in. I sprayed it. I chopped it. I shredded it. I spiked it, put it in the barn, stripped it and sold it.” Yes, this is one of those disgusting people who grew tobacco and sold it—Al Gore; in a speech in 1988. To this person I might say, you’re probably an example of why people believe in climate change, because whatever you hear you believe—if you don’t do your own research, if you don’t find out that Al Gore was one of these bad tobacco guys you’re talking about.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. I have three children in public schools in Lombard. I’m curious as to why we have to pay registration fees and bring tons of supplies for each student for each classroom each year. I am also concerned why we have to pay registration fees for each student for each school for each classroom. Why is this not covered by our tax dollars?

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I am an employee of the HOBO store in Villa Park and I had fainted because I was dehydrated and had heat stroke, and almost would have died, but there were these two nice ladies who had helped me up and brought me in, along with the staff at HOBO. I want to thank them very much because it was very gracious of them and they almost had to save my life. It is good to know that there are nice people out there, so to the two ladies who helped bring me in and get me ready and everything so I get better, I want to say thank you, have a good day and God bless you. You have a special place in my heart.

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Hi, Lombard calling. Just to tell all the people who are complaining and bashing the unions, are they done with their paper route, so now they have to complain?

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Hi, I just wanted to congratulate Carol Bauer, who has been recognized by the American Red Cross of Greater Chicago for her work organizing Lombard’s blood drive. That is quite an honor, and reading this in the Daily Herald on Wednesday, Aug. 10, found out that she is 65. Wow. I hope I look half as good as she does. I thought she was at least 15 years younger. So, congratulations on doing a great thing.

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In an Aug. 10 letter to the editor, “Enthusiasm zapped by recent board actions,” it was noted that the Lombard Transportation and Safety Committee was zapped by trustees and administrators who overrode the committee’s suggestions. Other committees have experienced the same thing. They spend hours coming up with ideas and reviewing the feasibility of plans, as well as getting input from others, then the town chiefs do what they have wanted to do from the beginning. It’s happening in many areas of the village administration. As citizens we need to realize that the village officials are making their own decisions. Send in your surveys and have a voice in Lombard.

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Villa Park calling. I just drove down Ardmore by the Prairie Path and traffic was all tied up waiting for a jogger who was 50 feet away from the road. The cones in the road have a red stop sign on them and a lot of cars are stopping and shouldn’t. When you get close it says “Stop for pedestrians within the walkway.” In other words, in the road, not coming up to it. Don’t we all stop for people in the road? Somebody should take the pen out of Quinn’s hand because I don’t think he reads or understands what he signs. People with common sense stop for cars and walkers or bikers. Bike riders don’t stop for anything or anybody. They shoot right across the road by the Prairie Path. Too many are confused about what to do and many are getting hurt. How about a front-page story by the police department explaining exactly what we’re supposed to do? We have to teach our kids to be safe, not walk in front of cars.

See today’s edition of the Villa Park Review for a story with Chief John Heidelmeier’s explanation of the rules.—JAC

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To whomever left their Blockbuster Express DVDs outside in the Dominick’s cart, I have returned them for you. Just in case you are wondering what happened.

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This goes out to the two teenagers who drink their 30-pack of beer and like dumping their empty beer cans on the same block. If you would find another place to dump your empty beer cans it would be greatly appreciated.
