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December 21, 2011

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Hi, It is that time to make some New Year’s resolutions. Let’s get started with a few of suggestions for the village board: Continue with the transparency policies, be truly transparent and answer residents’ questions in SPEAK OUT, get a new village manager, sell the Westin, stop funding Lombard Town Centre and put in a satellite office and be truthful; make this a “no spin” year.

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Hi—I live in Lombard and more specifically in Laura Fitzpatrick’s District. I didn’t know what all the calls about the senior sticker issue were about, so I watched the board meeting of Dec. 1 online.  The senior sticker issue was the last item on the agenda that night so maybe all the trustees were a little tired and lost their voices? I can’t believe that not one of them seconded any motion from the president. What really got me riled up is that the finance director is giving his professional opinion of fiscal responsibility and not one trustee stood up and said you’re wrong. Nor did they say he was right. I think it was wrong that they said absolutely nothing. If they were against the cause, then voice it. Don’t pretend to be senior-friendly when you really aren’t.  Don’t count on my vote next election, Laura. Residents—if you want a good laugh, watch the board meeting replay; just a hint, you can click directly on that item so you don’t have to watch the whole evening.

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Hey, Villa Park, I heard that the town wanted to do a beautification of St. Charles. Really? There are other streets that need to be redone before the beautification is to even be considered. Please fix the things that matter most rather than putting a bunch of boutiques in that won’t generate the money that is needed to run this town. 

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Regarding Trustee Gron’s proposal for a one-time charge of $21 for seniors for vehicle stickers, I’m not sure of his intent but on the plus side it would eliminate seniors having to get a sticker every year. However, to offset that, what happens when someone gets a new car—another $21? How about a possible “money grab” by the village in obtaining all that money up front from the seniors to help with any budget deficit, but then nothing in later years to help the budget? Then the village would dream up some other charge to make up for the money they don’t get annually. All in all, be glad it died. Knowing how we seniors think, if two years down the road, we moved, we’d all be fighting to get a pro-rated amount back anyway, as we have nothing else to do. Let’s leave well enough alone.

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I have lived in Lombard for 55-plus years and I would like to thank all of the nice people over at the Owl Lumber Co. for being so very friendly and helpful, and I believe it’s one of the last ones along St. Charles Road and this could be the very reason they are still here. I would like to thank all of you.

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This is Lombard calling. This town can support another pizza place. To be honest, we have a lot of pizza joints in town but I go to Villa Park to get my pizza. Did Greg Gron really say that we need to raise taxes? Has he been watching what’s going on? There are a lot of people out of work. We don’t need our taxes raised because the village seemingly mismanaged our money. Perhaps we don’t need to build a bridge to nowhere over Grace Street. Perhaps what we need to do is get rid of these people we elected—we not being me. Raising taxes in this day and age? Absolutely uncalled for. These people need to be voted out.

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Hi, this is on behalf of the Meadowlarks Quilt Club. I would like to thank all the people who have donated so much yarn to make all these wonderful things for people in need—the veterans and babies at Loyola. Again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts; God’s little angels here on Earth working to spread all this comfort to people. I also would like to know if anyone has any fleece they do not need or any baby yarn. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and happy holidays, and God bless each and every one of you. Thank you from the Meadowlark Quilt Club.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. In regard to the person who complained to being awakened at 10:15 due to a Code Red. Unfortunately, a child’s disappearance doesn’t only occur during normal business hours, nor does it ever happen at a convenient time. You said you are a mother. If your child went missing, would you prefer we waited until the next day to notify the residents?

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I find it interesting that we want less government in our lives—myself included for the majority of things—yet we are so glad when they intervene with laws like the Do Not Call List, and now, forcing advertisers to make their loud commercials match the volume of the TV shows they are sandwiched in between. I am all for those things. It’s just a pity we rely on the government to do it for us and that companies, businesses, etc. must be forced by law because they don’t listen to what the consumers want.

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I just want to say that the Lombard Christmas decorations are beautiful. I also love the Santa Clauses at that one house. I’m so happy to live in Lombard.

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Seniors beware. We recently received a pamphlet from Congressman Peter Roskam, telling us how concerned he was about waste and fraud in the Medicare program. He said he wanted to make sure Medicare would be there for us when we need it, yet Congressman Roskam voted in favor of Sen. Ryan’s voucher plan, which would eliminate Medicare. The Ryan plan would give the elderly a voucher, and they would have to seek medical care on their own. This is an example of why it is urgent that we check the voting record of congressmen and senators. Don’t rely on their campaign rhetoric.

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Lombard’s tried to become a huge factor in people’s lives by building the Westin Hotel convention center. All it’s done is brought more crime and more traffic congestion to the area. Lombard’s focused way too long on the south side of Lombard, ignoring what is left—no offense to the business owners in downtown Lombard. There are many great restaurants in downtown Lombard you can go to; one example is Capone’s or Café 101. Two extremely very, very great places to go for lunch or dinner. The trustees should focus more on downtown Lombard.

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I’m calling in regard to the Santa Claus display at the house on Main Street in Lombard. The current owner said in a newspaper article she is concerned that when she sells the house she doesn’t know what to do with all the plastic Santas. I suggest that when she sells the house, she write a contract with a “clause” in it.

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Hi. I’d just like to say that I think it’s pretty sad how Illinois justices, if your greed is responsible for the death of six poor kids, you get six-and-a-half years. If you try to steal from the rich, you get 14 years.

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As an ex-Lombardian, I’ve been reading the Lombardian because my father saves them for me when I come back to visit him. All these people complaining about the Village of Lombard—the Village of Lombard has gone downhill. That is why I left Lombard. If you don’t like Lombard, either A, leave Lombard, or B, vote them out of office. Those are your options. I left Lombard because the Village of Lombard, the trustees, do not seem to care about the citizens of Lombard. They apparently care about themselves. It’s either choice A or B. It’s as simple as that.

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Lombard calling. It’s 3:20 on a Friday and I’m driving along on Madison Street in front of Madison Elementary School and there are signs all up and down the block saying “No standing, stopping or parking,” and there’s a block’s-worth of cars parked here, apparently picking up their children. They’re big signs; they don’t want cars to be stopped here. I had to drive into oncoming traffic to get around these people. Where are the police? This must go on every day. If you’re not supposed to be stopped there, they need to enforce this. Go around the corner on Green Valley Drive or down to Washington or over onto Park; there’s parallel parking. The kids can walk another 15 feet, but these people should not be parked there. The street is not three lanes wide.
