Speak Out

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December 28, 2011

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Hi, This is Lombard calling. I heard there was a water tower going to be built on York Township property at 16th and Meyers. Who’s the water for and who’s paying for the cost of this?

Michael Mariani, deputy supervisor for York Township, explained that the water tower to which you refer “will serve the residents of the special service area formerly known as the Co-Op,” and added that it is this group of residents who are paying for it “through a special agreement with DuPage County Department of Public Works.” The deputy supervisor indicated that the county public works department is building the water town on an easement voted on by the residents at a town hall meeting last year. Mariani said more information on the water tower project is available on the DuPage County Web Site, www.dupageco.org, under “York Center SSA #37,” or call the DuPage County Department of Public Works at 630-407-6800.—JAC

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I just wanted to thank our big oil companies and local gas stations for giving me the Christmas present I always wanted. They raised the price of a gallon of gas 22 cents overnight. I just want to say thank you for my early Christmas present and I just feel sorry I didn't get you anything. I feel like such a Scrooge.

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To the SPEAK OUT reader warning seniors about Roskam voting for the Ryan plan as a bad thing, do some homework. Medicare would be unchanged for everyone 55 and over. I would hope that you and all the readers realize the system is unsustainable as is and needs reform, and the Ryan plan was a good start. As for the Dems’ “scare the seniors” tactics, it was voted the “2012 Lie of the Year.” Check out the Web site http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article2011/dec/20/lie-year-democrats-claims-republicans-voted-end-me.

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Lombard—I was going to call the village and the department of dumb ideas and wasteful spending—but I repeat myself. I had my first real gander at the St. Charles/Lincoln crosswalk, whatever that is. Here’s how it’s going down. Someone will be driving along and get up on that curbing, do the usual over-reaction and drive into oncoming traffic, or worse yet, hit someone walking down the sidewalk while trying not to trip on those errant pavers. Do they sit around and invent ways to spend money? How about those fancy crosswalks downtown—hope they like snowplows. How about a simple moratorium? Let’s declare Lombard a 2012 silly-free zone.

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The person who called in to the Lombardian and said "Roskam voted in favor of Sen. Ryan's voucher plan which would eliminate Medicare," you are either misinformed or lying. No Republican plan anywhere wants to eliminate Medicare. It's the old Democrats' scare of the seniors. The public won't fall for that old chestnut again.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. To the person who stole my baby Jesus from my nativity set on the 200 block of West Harrison, could you please return it? It's been in my family for over 40 years and no questions asked. Thank you.

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Hi, this is a Lombard resident calling. I was just calling to wish everybody happy holidays. I know it's late but what I'm really calling about is I'm really happy there is no snow for Christmas. I love the sunny days. Happy holidays, happy Hanukkah and all the rest.

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Lombard calling about the last "At This Stage" by Deb and Kevin where they give us what seems to be cynical explanations of how Christmas was arbitrarily picked as the birth of Christ, and how our religious holidays and institutions are too commercialized. Perhaps the holidays, but to group all religious institutions with that I find to be a little bit disconcerting. At the end of it, Deb and Kevin wish everyone a happy Kwanzaa. Perhaps in the next "At This Stage," they could go into the history of Kwanzaa, how it was started.

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Thank you to the Santa Claus house folks who made the holiday drive down Main Street a little nicer. This year’s arrangement seemed a bit different, organized by similar figures, it seems. Maybe I’m wrong but it sure looked great.
