Speak Out!

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February 23, 2011

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Lombard here. Our family lives very close to the intersection of Finley Road and Maple Avenue, right by the railroad tracks. For quite some time, freight trains have been “staging” on the tracks for long periods of time waiting to take their turn down the rails. I would like to know from someone from the village how much damaging diesel soot homes surrounding the tracks are exposed to as a result of these staging trains. The Chicago Tribune documented the heart- and lung-damaging soot that passengers are exposed to when walking through stations, standing on platforms, or riding in cars. I have to draw the conclusion that Lombard families near these tracks and trains are also being exposed to these toxic fumes. If so, what is the village planning to do to stop this harmful exposure here in Lombard?

Mark Davis, Union Pacific Railroad spokesperson, responded that he spoke with the operations team about your concerns. “Besides the weather delays last week, they tell me they stage trains at times on the west side of I-355 in Glen Ellyn. We stage them there and in other areas along the UP Metra West Line for a number of operational reasons, not just to move them into our railyard at Proviso (Northlake). This being said, Union Pacific is at the forefront of efforts to characterize both the extent to which freight locomotives contribute to health risks, as well as the risks from all types of air pollution, and is working to address any potential health risk by its participation in air quality studies and through research and development of new, cleaner locomotive technologies.”—JAC

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In reply to the caller complaining the Lombard village president got his street plowed before they did, for all the time and dedication he puts forth, he deserves it. Also, how would you suggest he drive around and observe the emergency at hand if he can’t get out of his own street? I’ll bet you he was on top of all the snow removal just as he was driving around on the last big flood, checking things out. Before you paint a fence, check out the other side.

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This is Lombard calling. Does anybody know the official amount of snow that fell during the blizzard of 2011? I’d love to know what the total was.

Weather sources such as the WGN Chicago Weather Center put the total at 20.2 inches, making the Feb. 1 blizzard the third snowiest, behind the Jan. 1-3, 1999, storm (21.6 inches) and the Jan. 26-27, 1967, storm (23 inches). The Jan. 13-14, 1979, storm, left 18.8 inches.—JAC

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This is Lombard calling. A special thank you to Bud and Steve for all the work you did helping your neighbors on the 0-100 block of North Craig Place during the blizzard clean-up. We really appreciate your help. God bless you.

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Hey, this is for Cindy at Mr. Z’s. Thank you so much for helping me out with my situation. Thanks again, Cindy; you’re the best.

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This is to the person who was talking about the Lombard police not noticing things. Well, it’s not that they don’t notice traffic and all the little cars and stuff; they’re always chasing the teenagers because maybe they’re easy tickets for them.

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I’m calling from Lombard. It’s about the SPEAK OUT about the snow at the end of the driveways. It says it’s the responsibility of the homeowner to remove the berm that’s put onto village property, which is the apron next to the street, that the snow plows from the village put on the end of our driveways. So, technically, that’s your property and you should be maintaining that 100 percent. One more thing. The 5 percent raise the village manager got—pretty sad. Don’t worry, we’ll make it up when our taxes go up. Soon as you open your tax bill you’re going to see his raise in there. I haven’t had a raise in two years and I haven’t worked full time since October 2008.

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On the day of the storm, I came in from shoveling at 4:30 p.m. and our Lombardian was just delivered and I would like to say what a great job she does. I don’t know who she is but we’re on the 100 block of North Charlotte.

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I read in your paper that Peter Breen is running for trustee and he filed an objection against his opponent, and lost the objection. These are tough times, Mr. Breen. Why would you be spending and wasting taxpayer money on a political move and you haven’t even had one vote cast for you yet? Is this the kind of trustee you would be?

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I live in Lombard on South Craig and I want to tell you, I have the world’s best neighbors. I could not survive if it wasn’t for these wonderful, wonderful neighbors who live in this area. I’m happy to have them and happy to have the Lombardian.

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I want to give a great big thank you to Toby, Jason, Jeff, Paul, Ellen and Linda. The snow angels of South Craig Place.

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Hi, I would like to leave a big shout out to our Lombardian carrier, Steve; on the worst day of the year we have seen, somehow he was able to deliver the Lombardian not only to my house but to everyone on his route. I didn’t even get mail from the post office that day, but I sure got my Lombardian. Great job, Steve.

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Two problems we’re having: Number one. All of us taxpayers should be asking our senators and congressmen why we are giving so much money in foreign aid to Egypt and Israel. Why do we have to feed them out of our tax dollars? And the other thing we should be asking Gov. Pat Quinn in the state of Illinois, why does Jesse White have to have a sheriff’s state police car? For what reason? The state police is enough in one department. Why do we have to have a Jesse White department? That guy is spending too much money. Get rid of that department. Just have a plain state police department. We don’t need extra payrolls that tax the dollars in our pocketbooks.

In case you weren’t aware, Jesse White is the secretary of state for the state of Illinois. It sounds as if you are referring to the Secretary of State Police, which is its own entity. According to the secretary of state’s office, the Secretary of State Police serves the public by:
• Enforcing laws governing businesses that deal with vehicles and auto parts.
• Providing law enforcement and security for the state capitol complex.
• Inspecting salvage vehicles for stolen parts.
• Helping dispose of hazardous explosive devices and chemicals.
• Training other governmental agencies in the Illinois Vehicle Code and other police-related subjects.
• Promoting traffic safety.
The secretary of state Web site, www.cyberdriveillinois.com, has a complete list of services, as well as information on how to complete forms related to your vehicle.—JAC

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Hi, Lombard calling. After the snowstorm, I feel it is very symbolic that the snow median was not cleared on St. Charles Road between Elizabeth and Main Street. Very symbolic in the fact that it was sending a message exactly of how the village feels about downtown Lombard. All the other snow medians in the village were clean, except between Main Street and Elizabeth. It sent a clear message to the businesses in the area exactly how the village feels about them.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. I want to congratulate Lombard on being progressive in removing the red light cameras. They were a nuisance.

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Democrats and unions are certainly distinguishing themselves in Wisconsin. They say they’re for “working” families, but they flee the state and call in sick. Elections have consequences. When the results aren’t to their liking, as in Wisconsin, Democrats and unions either run away or throw a tantrum.

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I just want to give a shout out and a big, big thank you to the Lombard Public Works for the beautiful job they did with the streets from the terrible snow we had. Great job, guys and gals. It was wonderful. I know that some people probably complained that their street wasn’t done, but in the long run, with that much snow, you’re to be congratulated. Thank you so much.

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Yay for living in unincorporated Lombard, where York Township takes care of your roads. They did a great job during this last storm.

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Hello there, this is Lombard. May I suggest to you, I was watching True TV and Jesse Ventura, the ex-governor of Minnesota, has a good thing on there, a conspiracy theory movie. Follow the money and you will see how Obama, Al Gore and the UN are making billions of dollars on the big lie, global warming. Have a nice day and enjoy your $5-a-gallon gas.

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Hi, this is in response to the person from Congress Knolls. I wanted to let you know the sheriff’s department probably wasn’t hassling you. They were trying to help. Not too long ago, I left my garage door open and I got an alert from the sheriff’s department in unincorporated Lombard. They just wanted to let me know my garage door was open. They didn’t hassle me or put me on some list. You should be thankful to the sheriff’s department. They do a great job in our unincorporated neighborhood. You should really find something else to complain about.

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Am I the only one who notices this? We’ve had a distracted driving law on the books for maybe a year, some time, anyway—texting while driving, talking while in a school zone. I never see anything in the paper about anybody getting arrested for it. What brings this to my attention is that I was driving down Finley Road and passing a teenage girl driving along, 45 mph, with a puppy on her lap, scratching the dog’s ear with her left hand and talking on the phone with her right hand and was steering. Don’t police see this? Maybe they ought to be in plain clothes and cars, or do something like the seat belt stops they’ve done. This is getting very, very dangerous with these young kids.

