Speak Out

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August 29, 2012

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What ever happened to the lotto tax dollar? It was intended for schools. Where’d it go?

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This goes to all you politicians, school board administrators and everybody else who thinks they’re in charge. When you ask for a grant, it isn’t pennies from heaven. It’s money coming out of taxpayers’ pockets. Somebody has to pay for this. There’s no such thing as a free lunch, so you politicians who keep looking for grants, you’re pulling the money out of somebody else’s pocket. The federal reserve isn’t printing free money for you to have. Somebody has to pay for it, so stop looking for grants and freebies, because there is no free lunch.

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Hello, this is Lombard calling. Just a reminder as the school year begins, people could instill in their children a little respect for people’s property. I woke up this morning to find a few of my plants that are behind my gated yard pulled out of their pots and spread down the street. I just want to let the people who did that—I don’t know if they were children—know we are hard-working people and spent money on those. One day you may be a homeowner and spend money on things you would like to keep nice. So, again, as the school year begins, if parents can remind their children that they should treat other people’s property with respect and treat other people the same way you would like to be treated, I would appreciate it. It would be a nicer community.

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Scott Walker survived a recall election as he has tried to balance the budget and union stormtroopers tried to run him out of office. They failed and Wisconsin is on the road to recovery and a balanced budget in spite of the economy. The Democrats in Illinois rolled over for the unions and raised our taxes and we have an even larger deficit. So why did a SPEAK OUT caller try to scare people away from those evil Republicans? I’d bet it is because they are collecting a government check at my taxpaying expense.

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I am sure the Democrats believe if they keep telling lies long enough they will fool someone. The Republican plan to save Medicare for everyone does not affect anyone 55 and over. Obama, on the other hand, is taking money from Medicare to pay for his Obamacare. That will affect everyone. 

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Let us take into consideration complications of West Nile; if anyone takes a look at Terrace View Pond, the cesspool that it is, don’t you think there are numerous mosquitoes living there? Also, we have Prairie Day coming up and signs are up for volunteers—what about volunteers to help the pond—is that what it takes or can’t our Lombard government do something?

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Hello SPEAK OUT, Lombard calling. Could someone tell me about the train station coffee shop in Lombard? It was there and now it’s gone. It was convenient to go to. I don’t understand if that’s owned by Union Pacific, Metra, Village of Lombard or owned by a person or a corporation.

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This is Lombard calling. To the person who said they don’t see anybody using that crosswalk at Lincoln and St. Charles Road, I use that crosswalk every rush hour morning to go to the train and it is much safer because people have to stop, than trying to manage the street on my own. Maybe you should start going by during the busier times when people really need that crosswalk. Incidentally, St. Charles Road is only two lanes; one in each direction until you hit Elizabeth. Then it becomes four lanes, Otherwise, it’s just parking.

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Ever wonder where our country is headed and why? Then go see the movie/documentary “2016.”

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Hi, Lombard calling. I was almost involved in an accident. I just had to jam on my brakes and blow my horn with some person in a medical van stopped at the Prairie Path to let a biker go by. I came within inches of cracking into him, knocking him right into her. I don’t understand what the deal is with that crossing, but somebody’s going to get killed there.

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Lombard really has some great local restaurants, from fast food to fancy, so you should really get out there and support your local business. Mike’s has the best hot dogs, Tom’s Grill has the best gyros, Pinched has the best fresh Mediterranean cuisine and Praga is the best fancy restaurant around. So, support Lombard.

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Lombard here. With this worrisome West Nile virus epidemic, we’re hoping that Lombard will start spraying once again. We know that Lombard uses the pellets in the catch basins to kill the larvae, but also know for a fact they have stopped spraying many years ago. We’re hoping they will definitely start spraying once again.

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This is America here. How can the worst president in history even get one vote? Do you liberals really hate America that much? I think he’s a devout Communist with a racist attorney general and the most unintelligent vice president who ever lived.

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I think it would be great if the Village of Lombard could do something about bicycles. I don’t see why they can’t adhere to the same rules of the road as motorcycles.

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Lombard calling. To those of you who live on Madison or close to Madison and are enjoying the additional traffic since Finley has been closed—it’s like a racetrack there now—imagine what’s going to happen when the village puts a stoplight at 53 and Madison and makes Madison a through street. You’d better talk to your trustees. I predict it’s going to be a racetrack all the way to Westmore.

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Hello, this is Lombard. I’m calling about the person talking about Wisconsin. What you don’t realize is there was what you call a recall election to recall Gov. Walker a couple of months ago, and by a majority, the state of Wisconsin voted to keep him. By a majority, because of what he has done for the state of Wisconsin, unlike our governor. I don’t agree with everything the governor of Wisconsin has done, but he’s made the state have a balanced budget. What you people must understand, we can no longer afford, because of Democrats and Republicans, what is going on in this country. We need a leader, not a follower. I wouldn’t be surprised if Illinois goes bankrupt.

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This is Lombard calling. This goes out to District 45 administrators. I want to thank them personally for the layoff letter I received 10 days before school. It must be nice knowing that your bills are paid. Me, not so much. I gave a lot of my time to the schools and this is how I am treated? Absolutely horrible, rude. Why don’t you take a cut and then maybe we wouldn’t have our taxes go up every year because of your greed?

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Hi, I live in unincorporated Lombard, the Highland Hills area, and in downtown Lombard at the intersections of various street corners there are those orange or reddish-orange pads, I guess you’d call them with the little bumps on them. I just was wondering, what is the purpose of those? I would really like to know because I am a senior and have tripped and fallen on those crossing streets. Maybe I’m just clumsy, but I’ve seen seniors walking with walkers and even into buildings and various places that have those pads with the little bumps on them and I’ve seen them try negotiating them. I’ve seen younger women with heels and they’re trying to navigate them and are wobbling all over the place. To me they’re a hazard.

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I need to explain something to these people who call SPEAK OUT. Congressman Ryan was never governor of Wisconsin and he didn’t cut all the benefits for the people of Wisconsin. Why do you want to believe what ABC, NBC and CBS say? Why don’t you do a little research for yourself and find out that the state of Wisconsin had to cut some benefits to people. They are forcing the teachers to pay a part of their pension. The state of Wisconsin has a surplus in its budget because of this and will now be able to take care of the state of Wisconsin, unlike the state of Illinois, where we can’t afford toilet paper. If you want to make comments about people, you need to make comments in clear, concise and true fashion. When you find out that you are wrong, you will have egg on your face.

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The rich class and the poor class are expanding. Not so with the middle class—we’re staying the same and if nothing else, going down. The two-party system is broken. The largest party in the U.S. right now is independents. We need campaign reform. Get rid of the special PACs. Get big money out of the room. Wall Street and special interests, stop talking about dogs on the car roof, how much did he pay in taxes, abortion, birth certificates, rape. Only then will we see change and growth. Political badgering needs to go.

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Hello, this call is for the person who was at the AMC theater last week. I was there, too. The interesting thing was, there were only about a dozen or so of us in the theater. And unlike the swimming pool, they let us stay. They didn’t throw us out. They, too, are a money-making operation. Hmm.

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Lombard calling. I just read what this ignorant person said—”Did anybody hear what happened in Wisconsin recently?” Please, folks, don’t get involved in politics, because you really don’t know what you’re talking about. This person actually went on to say they’re doing unbelievable things. Did you see the stuff they took away from school teachers and hospitals? Please stop.

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Hi. I just wanted to call and say that I agree with the little comment in SPEAK OUT last week about Mr. Z Supermarket. It is not only a Lombard institution because of their good food and service, but also because they have, through the years, provided numerous jobs for the people of the community—the younger folks and the older folks—and not only that, I know they always contribute quite a bit. I was in there the other day and they had a cart all set up with lots of bottles of water. It had a note on it that it was for one of the schools here in the district and it was a donation. I want to commend them also for holding the car washes and other events at their store as a show of support for the community.

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I was just listening to the news and I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that the governor in Ohio is letting Republican-dominated counties have longer voting hours and days than the Democrats or anybody else’s counties. How does he get away with that? I mean, he’s a Republican and now he’s favoring all these other counties with longer times to vote. In the meantime, other people who want to vote, or Democrats, end up not being able to vote because their hours and days have been cut. I’m an independent. I just want to understand, why would anyone want to be doing this stuff and how does he get away with it? To me, it just seems like a blatant, blatant lie for these guys to be able to do that.
