Speak Out

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July 18, 2012

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This is for Villa Park President Thomas Cullerton. What’s going on with the train stopping and blocking Addison Road, Ardmore and Villa Avenue? It’s nice that the bridge is open but what about the trains being stopped for 25 minutes on June 20? People have to go to work. People have to come home. I don’t mind the train going through, but when it stops for 25 minutes and you can’t turn around, there’s no place to go and then you see kids climbing across or going under the train to get through, what’s going on? I wish President Cullerton would answer this question for us. There’s a new thing for you. The Villa Park bridge is open on Ardmore, but you can’t get through because of the trains.

President Cullerton responded: “We have had discussions with Union Pacific and are working toward a solution. I myself have been caught by a UP train in between tracks trying to get to a Metra train toward downtown. As more information becomes available and we work toward a solution, I will make sure we keep everyone up to speed.”—JAC

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In agreement with the person who called in to have a Lombard dog park, good idea. What can we do to pitch in and have one? The call was very well said except for the reference to snooty Glen Ellyn dogs. That was un-called for, but I’m all for the dog park.

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For the first time in three years we did not take a power hit when the storms blew through. And this storm was just as bad as the last two years, both on Father’s Day weekend. Although we were happy to have power this time, it just goes to show how bad this situation can be. And because we were only 17 houses, we are always near the bottom of the list —per the ComEd operators. Maybe now that more in Lombard took a hit more voices can be heard. It is time to bury the power lines.

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Does Bill Mueller own a map of Lombard? In his Letter to the Editor (July 11 issue) he stated that cooling buses, provided by ComEd, were in a centralized location for residents to take a break from the heat. If the intention in the placement of those trucks was to provide people relief from the heat, those of us who were without power until after the Fourth of July sure would have appreciated at least one of those buses up on the north side. Madison Meadow is not in the center of Lombard. However, coincidentally, it is where the Taste of Lombard was being held. Nice job in providing a bunch of intoxicated non-residents with a place for relief from the heat, Bill. 

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Not sure who the caller was last week who thanked public works for their great job of cleaning up the trees that fell during the storm on July 1. Here it is, the second Thursday after the storm, and I still see downed trees and branches untouched on my block, and all the blocks surrounding me. You probably live by the Taste of Lombard, caller, because that is where the village chose to pick up brush first, according to our village manager, Mr. Hulseberg. The village gets a big thumbs down for its response to the recent storm that ravaged my neighborhood. Since when does a festival take priority over residents? The Taste and the fireworks should have been cancelled. And Mr. Hulseberg, nice job helping your neighbors clean up after the storm. At least one block in Lombard is happy with the job you’re doing for the village.

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I called about waiting for public works to come up on the north side to pick up the trees. Well, they showed up, and I’m very happy that they did. But, well, 12 days after the storm, that’s a heck of a long time.

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Hello, this is Villa Park calling. I was just wondering how many little kids have to get hit on bicycles at the intersection of the Prairie Path and Ardmore. We had a stop sign up there before and somebody took it away. We really need one there, and I would really appreciate some attention from the Villa Park Police Department in putting up a stop sign so nobody else has to get hurt.

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USA, USA, USA. Great to hear on the news that every single stitch of clothing that the Olympians from the U.S. will be wearing in their events was all made in China. Huh. What a great country.

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I’m calling to respond to the person who took offense about the complaint of dogs at Cruise Nights and craft fairs. I agree. People love their dogs. I love mine. However, dogs are not people. They are not meant to be subjected to crowds of strangers in the heat of summer and other dogs, with whom they may have a personality conflict. A situation can become uncontrollable; I know, I’ve witnessed it. The caller said avoid the dogs. That’s difficult on narrow, crowded streets. Respect people with children and those with a fear of dogs. Respect your animal—leave them home on Cruise Nights and treat them to walks and runs in more appropriate places. Be a good citizen and respect others.

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In response to the people calling about dogs being at Cruise Nights and the craft fairs, a lot of these people can’t make their dogs behave. I’ve seen people with large dogs that they can’t control, and as you’re walking by, trying to avoid this dog, it’s snapping at you. If you have a dog that can’t behave, don’t take it out. If your dog’s ill-behaved or ill-mannered, leave it at home. If you have a nice dog that doesn’t mind being around other people, then we don’t care.

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This is Lombard. I’m calling in regard to the recent SPEAK OUT from the person who wanted to thank the village for the recent clean-up efforts after the storm. I’m on the north side of Lombard. We still have got trees at the curb, so I don’t know who they’re thanking or where they live, but apparently they haven’t come up to the north side yet. We’re still looking at trees at the curbside from the storm. Kudos to those who have got their street cleaned up and what a bummer for the rest of us. What kind of public works people are there?

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Hi, Lombard calling. I was curious. I read the police blotter and it seems within the last couple of months or so, there are a lot of catalytic converters being stolen in the south end of Lombard where I live. I wonder if anything is being done about this. It seems to be unusual—so many are being stolen. Are the police looking into this?

Sorry, we are unable to obtain an answer to your question due to a village policy which was approved by Lombard trustees on May 19, 2011. It is against village policy to acknowledge or respond to any item that is from an anonymous source. Anyone with questions regarding the village should contact the Lombard Village Hall at 630-620-5700 for assistance.—blm

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This is for my neighbors. I am sorry that you had to look at my garbage can on the parkway for the last 11 days. Waste Management broke the wheel when they picked up my garbage and I’ve been calling them every day to come have it fixed. I’m sorry for the eyesore and hopefully it will be fixed soon.

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I’m calling about an incident at Paradise Bay Water Park Wednesday, July 11. The staff was berated by some customers and I just think the teens and young adults are there for their first job and some of the adults were ganging up on them because the pool was closing. The pool’s policy is to close when there’s low attendance. Why take it out on the employees who are there? One person apparently had other customers side with her and berate the young people. She should act like an adult. Don’t lash out at the employees. Take it up with management. I understand that they are pool pass holders and want their park open, but it’s the policy to be closed when there’s low attendance. These patrons should behave and act maturely. I hope they recognize themselves in this message.

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Hello, Lombard. I just wonder when we’re going to stop sweating the small stuff. As I look at SPEAK OUT I see all these complaints about little things. We complain that people don’t respect the flag anymore, yet we complain about people setting off a couple of illegal fireworks one day out of the whole entire year to celebrate our country. When will we stop sweating all the small things and worry more about big issues; getting crime rates down and helping out our town. We need to come together, stop making ourselves miserable with all these little complaints and start making the world a better place.

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I agree with the person who called in about fire pits in backyards causing people with lung problems or afflictions to be disturbed. I would like to know from the village how the burning of fire pits is different from the burning of leaves, which was banned quite some time back. Seems to me they both emit the same kind of harmful effects. Could this question be answered?

Sorry, we are unable to obtain an answer to your question due to a village policy which was approved by Lombard trustees on May 19, 2011. It is against village policy to acknowledge or respond to any item that is from an anonymous source. Anyone with questions regarding the village should contact the Lombard Village Hall at 630-620-5700 for assistance.—blm

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This is Villa Park calling. I just read the Villa Park Review. I love the story about ComEd and village hall saying how great a job ComEd did and the village employees did. This is the north side of town. We didn’t see any ComEd trucks or village employees until July 4 evening. That’s three or four days without power, so they didn’t do such a great job. You shouldn’t commend them like that. Number two, Villa Park always cries poor—the village trustees, the village president, the village manager. I read in one article they want a dog park in Villa Park right now? If you’re going to cry poor, we cannot afford a dog park. Fix our streets. Plant some trees that you cut down. Do the stuff that makes a village a home. Don’t spend money on stupid, foolish things. And to the trustee who suggested a dog park, remember who he or she is and don’t vote the person back in.

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Hey, SPEAK OUT, Terrace View Pond area, or do you want to call it the Terrace View Slough area, or the Terrace View Sewer area? You know, if the pond isn’t going to be maintained, I really think it’s going to become a big, big health risk. The algae is so thick and the odor is so strong, it’s really a nasty place. I think the algae is so thick the other day I actually saw ducks walking on the water. This needs to be taken care of. Either fill it in, let it drain out completely or dredge it out so we get some depth in there and some water movement in there with some good pumps. Please take care of this eyesore and potential health risk.

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Lombard calling. I am a senior citizen who was the victim of a scam artist on July 3, who came to my door, claiming to know me. I let her in for a drink of water, not realizing I was being robbed. Senior citizens should never allow people in unless they are sure who they are.

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I thought the planet was supposed to heal when Obama became president. That was one of his promises from four years ago, wasn’t it? Yet it seems he’s not able to stop the high heat, the droughts and the powerful storms.

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Lombard calling. I wanted to support downtown merchants and downtown activities so I went to the French market in downtown Lombard. I’ve never been so disappointed in my entire life. There was one farmer there, the prices skyrocketed—85 cents an ear for corn—I just walked away. There was no selection, virtually nothing else there but one farmer. Sunday I still had a taste for some fresh corn and went to the Villa Park market and it’s one block long but it’s on both sides of the street, several different growers; 25 cents an ear for bi-colored corn, fresh picked. Lombard, you need to step up. It’s another example of what’s going on in downtown. It gives us a bad reputation among the farmers, I’m sure.

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Hi. I had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance with severe back pain a couple of days ago and I want to thank Lombard paramedics Dale and John for their kindness and patience with me. They took the time to make sure I was comfortable before moving me to the stretcher and into the ambulance. They kept me informed about what they were doing and calmed my fears. I went from feeling completely helpless to feeling totally at ease because they took such good care of me. Thanks again, Dale and John. You are a credit to the Lombard Fire Department.

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There is crime all over, especially in Lombard after this situation with the man who was on the loose. I hope that everyone in the community and neighboring communities take care and try to remember to lock your doors and windows because unfortunately, violence is all over.

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Lombard calling. On my way home from church on Sunday, July 15, I was re-routed because of men picking up branches and other items from the storm that took place two weeks ago. While I appreciated the fact that the village allowed us to put out our branches and limbs after the storm at no charge, I can’t believe the village had to pick up the branches on a Sunday, when the employees were probably paid time-and-a-half. They must have been busy cutting grass during the week. Oh, wait, the grass has not grown in two months because of the lack of rain.

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Just want to say, shout out to great neighbors, great for the village helping in the really bad storm, a good decision to have the Taste. People need to get the facts straight. The Taste runs on generators and I think it lifted up the spirits of everybody to have the Fourth of July. Again, good job to the village neighbors and all. And we love the Taste.

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Hey, people. If fireworks are illegal, why do all the towns shoot them off in the first place? They should be banned totally, all over the country, not just some states or towns. They’re against the law, period. Get caught, you pay.

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Why is DuPage County Board President Dan Cronin holding off on his long-standing plans to consolidate the remaining townships into the county government? He was very vocal about the tax dollars that would be saved and the wasteful duplication of services offered by the townships and county. As an example of his concerns, he cited the six-figure salaries of the township administrators and staff members, including free medical insurance and pension benefits.
