Speak Out

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May 30, 2012

Speak Out Archives


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Hi, this is to Trustee Zachary Wilson. A few board meetings ago you stated that state municipality employees can hand in their pensions but what the public should know is that you collect a state pension and you were just trying to get a county pension when you were applying for that, as well as you also receive a good supplement from the Village of Lombard for $7,000-some-odd dollars for being on the board. If you really think this is necessary, I think you should be doing trustee work for free. You should turn in the extra amount you get here. This is not right. Thank you.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. I’d just like to say that Trustee Zachary Wilson had a lot of gall to say at the board meeting that anybody who works for the village who would like to turn in their pension, considering that he had a state pension that he received and he’s trying to get into a second state pension. So before he criticizes other employees he ought to be looking at what he’s done wrong himself. We have done no wrong; we have put our time in and we don’t receive all these other benefits that these state politicians do. And, our public works director is definitely overpaid for what he does and that we all help support him and we don’t receive anything, along with Dave Hulseberg and our staff that we don’t receive any type of compensation as in a raise.

Your comments were forwarded to District 3 Trustee Zachary Wilson who provided the following: “This is in response to some SPEAK OUT postings related to my comments at a recent board meeting concerning village employees and their salaries and pensions. Just to clarify a few facts —I do receive a state pension for over 25 years of service to our great state and country. That’s never been a secret as I have disclosed that fact both in my election as a trustee, most recently as a candidate for the DuPage County Board, and to anyone who has simply asked me. That having been said, during my years as a state employee my salary as the chief of police was nominal by comparison to my colleagues. My salary as the deputy chief legal counsel for the Illinois Department of Corrections was significantly less than what I could have made as an attorney in the private sector. I went many years without automatic raises and, in the last few years, state employees were required to take mandatory furlough days without pay due to the state’s financial problems. My service came at a lower salary in exchange for a pension that is modest when compared to retired municipal police officers of any rank. A recent wage report conducted by the village revealed that village employees were making at or above employees in the private sector (many of whom have gone without raises themselves in the last few years). I am proud of our village employees and the work they do. However, they enjoy a decent salary, benefits and a pension paid by taxpayers—many of whom are out of work or are paid less than public sector employees. Those private-sector employees have not had the benefit of raises and do not receive pensions. Their taxes continue to rise to fund our free-spending government. I am a voice for them. To be perfectly clear, I don’t believe that part-time elected officials should receive pensions or any benefits beyond a reasonable salary. I ran on that platform in my county board race. Had I won, I would not have taken either and would have worked to change that practice beginning at the county level. Furthermore, my salary as a trustee for my constituents is $4,200 per year, not $7,000. I am always willing to listen and debate and would encourage anyone who wishes to contact me directly at my village e-mail. I prefer, however, to debate using accurate facts.”—blm

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Hey, Lilac parade officials, it was a great shame that the Stanford Battery could not fire off their cannon more than once. It was obviously the best part of the parade. They worked hard the whole parade to carry the cannon and we didn’t get to see it; and that’s all we wanted to see. Next year better be different.

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I think that national politics have no place in a community paper.Yes it’s an election year, but leave your voicing where it counts at the polls in November. How about expressing views and concerns on local topics and happenings in town? Discuss something that might spark something thought provoking within the very community you live in. I think you have a better shot at sparking a change on that level.  Besides, let’s think about how many people who hold government positions really affect the plight of this country. Guess what, folks, it’s not just the president.

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OK, SPEAK OUT, I’ve got two questions I sure would appreciate an answer from either the editor or some politician who will give me an answer. The question is this: Why, oh, why, am I still paying taxes for the DuPage Airport? We’ve got to get rid of the politicians or whoever keeps imposing this on us year after year after year. What a rip-off. The other one is, why does Jesse White need his own sheriff’s police? How many millions of dollars are we wasting on that department? One sheriff’s department is enough from the state. We can’t afford all this wasteful spending.

According to David Bird, executive director of the DuPage Airport Authority, the airport is a governmental body, just like schools, libraries, municipalities, etc. that receive a portion of our property tax. He said the taxes collected are used specifically for capital improvement projects and for capital equipment, such as maintenance and snow removal equipment. Additionally, “We generate economic activity,” he continued, pointing to a recent report showing that the airport generated in excess of $117 million in economic activity. The airport also provides nearly 1,000 jobs, the director said.
As for the secretary of state police, the secretary of state Web site indicates that the purpose of secretary of state police—known as Secretary of State, Department of Police—is more regulatory in nature than that of other police officers and departments. These officers regulate businesses that sell motor vehicles and vehicle parts by enforcing related state statutes. This function serves to protect the public from fraud. The police force also serves the Illinois State Capitol building and complex in Springfield to ensure public safety.—JAC

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In the May 18 Daily Herald was an article saying that some trustees in Lombard wish to put a village hall satellite office in the downtown area. I think this is a tremendous waste of money. There is virtually no parking for shoppers or visitors as it is right now. The only available parking, which for some reason is not being considered, would be the old theater parking area. Instead of having grass there that has to be mowed, why can’t they make parking there? Commuters could use it; shoppers could use it. It would generate traffic in downtown Lombard. It’s pitiful.

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As President Mueller says, “Shop Lombard.” This is exactly what Villa Park did. Villa Park needed a fire chief and they got one of Lombard’s finest. Lombard has been unable to fill Chief Seagraves’ two-year vacant position for any length of time. Hello. It looks like the only way to get a new chief in Lombard is to get a new village manager first. If you love your job, the second priority is to like your boss. You figure.

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How can anyone vote for a person who abused his dog by putting it in a cage on the top of his car? The dog gets sick, he cleans the cage and puts it back in the cage on top of his car. In our family, a pet is a member of the family. If an animal is treated in this manner, how will people be treated?

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A lost set of keys found at Madison Meadow park was turned in to the Sunset Knoll Park District building.

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Oh, I’m so happy to see Mr. Z’s sign back up. It looks so nice and then to see our man Craig from Lombard Healthmart, that’s fantastic. Craig is so deserving and Mr. Z’s is the best. Fantastic. Good work.

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To the caller who said he or she is too ignorant and lazy to do research and leaves it to the Lombardian to do, it’s that kind of caller who makes it necessary for the newspaper to verify and check facts, or rebut what some caller has said. People need to get their information from reliable sources, not just some online commentary, because who knows where that person got the facts. State your source when you call in with facts and figures, so all of us can see what you see. After all, anyone can use a set of facts to put a spin on something. Just take the time to get it right.

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Lombard calling. This is the fourth summer in a row that they are repairing Main Street between 22nd and 15th Street. What is the problem?

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For the second year in a row, DuPage County Treasurer and CPO Gwen Henry has indicated that the assessed value of real estate has decreased. In those two years values have dropped 12.1 percent. In raising taxes, Gwen insists she is doing her best to serve you. You be the judge. Because taxing bodies are not asking for less money, tax bills are not decreasing with property values. A quote directly from Treasurer Gwen Henry: “These taxing bodies are the spenders.” How interesting. Just because they ask for more money, she feels it’s her authority that enables her to increase our taxes when the assessed value has dropped.

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This goes out to all you Obama supporters. President Obama needs to put on his big boy pants and start taking some of the blame for what the United States is turning into. President Bush needs to take some of the blame as well, but it’s been almost four years since President Bush has been in office and we’re still blaming President Bush. President Bush didn’t force President Obama to spend the kind of money he’s spending to do the things he’s doing. Today, only 119,000 jobs were added to the employment rolls, still leaving 22 million out of work. That’s not President Bush’s fault. I can go back and blame that I was picked on in high school and that’s why I’m not a millionaire or that’s why I’m not as successful as I should have been. That’s not the reason. You need to focus on what you’re doing and work toward making this country great.

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To the caller responding to a call about not having more downtown restaurants at the art fair, saying that there are only five and they can’t handle the number of visitors, there are other restaurants in Lombard, you know, that could have participated. They didn’t have to come from downtown. Where were they? Like another caller commented, maybe it’s time to question why these local establishments are not getting involved in these events. Just wait until the Taste of Lombard and see how many Lombard eateries there are, or should I say aren’t, there.
