Speak Out

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September 12, 2012

Speak Out Archives


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I read about the new Town Centre executive director. If you are a true Lombardian, you believe in this town and its future. Therefore, this is a very important position.  Village of Lombard, please tell all 43,000-plus residents of this town:  Who is in charge of hiring this position, and what qualifications had to be met? This is a paid position, right? By the village? Just read the linkedin resumé. Maybe I should apply for the fire chief position.  What is going on in the village hall? Please, please post this—the residents deserve and need to know the chaos that is occurring under this management.

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I am encouraging all Lombard residents to go onto the village Web site and view the Thursday, Sept. 6 village trustee meeting video. We, as residents, have an important election in April and if you want to really see our trustees in action and determine who would be best to run our village, please watch. To me it is very apparent as to who is in this for their own agendas and who truly is in it for the village.

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The right is pumped up about the RNC—approximately 32 percent of all the “facts” spouted turned out not to be facts at all. Just more fodder for the weak-minded to gorge themselves on. And just so you chest pounders know, Clint Eastwood is for gay marriage, and supports Medicare, as well as several other “liberal” agenda items.

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OK, so let me get this straight. You’re a kid and you live on a couple of different continents. Your grandmother raises you and she is the vice president of the largest bank in Hawaii, makes a really good amount of money, you go to Harvard, your wife goes to Harvard and then your wife gets on TV and says they were middle class and just like us? I hate to say it but, ding, ding, ding, no winner, no chicken dinner. Definitely not like me; definitely not middle class.

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Since Obamacare is such a big political mess, and one party’s saying it’s no good, it is good, why wasn’t it put to a public ballot? Then we could decide if we want it or not since we will be paying for it.

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Hi, I’m calling in regard to the village board meeting. It’s a terrible thing that our President Mueller is gone now and our illustrious board of trustees, all they can do is dicker over who’s going to take his place. Instead of following the legacy he left, they’re all worried about who’s going to be the commander in chief. Shame on all of you.

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Villa Park. A recent SPEAK OUT caller called about showing proof of insurance when renewing their auto insurance plate. Two weeks ago I went to Lombard state of Illinois vehicle registration, armed with my proof of insurance and my check for renewal. The clerk quickly took my check and ignored my proof of auto insurance, saying she didn’t need to see it. I pointed out that the state is required to see it. The clerk quickly said, “We just do it randomly.” As I walked out with my renewed plates, I was thoroughly disgusted. Randomly, I thought. What the heck does that mean? I just pray I don’t get rear-ended by the guy who got away without showing proof of insurance, which seemed to be everyone. Oh, well, our Illinois government at work again as usual. Phooey.

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This is Lombard calling about the Good Samaritan who stopped to help me when my car died on 22nd Street between Meyers Road and Highland Avenue. It was Saturday, Aug. 25, about 12:15 p.m. I did not have my cell phone with me and this lady stopped and came with her cell phone to help me call my road service assistance. Finally, after several tries, my car started and she followed me. I did not get her name and just know that she lives off of Highland Avenue in Lombard. She had even offered to drive me home. What a blessing she was. I hope she reads this so I can tell her how grateful I am.

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To the caller who chastised the person who had called earlier about almost rear-ending a truck stopped at the Prairie Path, were you an eyewitness? Was there someone crossing the path who caused the truck to stop? If not, no, the truck was not supposed to stop to let someone cross who was stopped at the curb or in the middle. Why don’t people get it? Only stop if someone is in the middle of the street; not at the sidewalk or median. You accused the driver of not being able to stop at 25 mph because he or she was on a cell phone. Did you witness that as well? People, we’ve got to get on the same page with this Prairie Path crossing situation. Lombard police, can you offer any help here?

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This goes out to the village trustees of Villa Park. We have the bad areas on the north side of town around the train station. We don’t need any more of that. What we need is condos. So either condos or nothing, and to a lot of the trustees, I think you’re doing a bad job and you won’t be voted back.

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Hello, Lombard calling. I want to give a huge, huge thank you to the Lombard Police Department and to my neighborhood for finally doing a drug bust. I’m glad something has been done. Again, thank you.

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A message to the board and to the police department: My sister-in-law who lives in Chicago went for a bike ride. She went through a stop sign without stopping. The Chicago police promptly pulled her over and gave her a $125 ticket. Now Lombard, if you want to cure your woes, cure your pension problems, I suggest that you put a policeman on every other corner where the Prairie Path is and those stop signs that are there, and as people are coming down the path when the bicycles don’t stop, or even if no one is coming down the street and the bicycles don’t stop, the policeman should give them a ticket; a $50 ticket, a $20 ticket, a $100 ticket. I really believe this would help Lombard.

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This message is to Lombard streets. Hello, people, if I can make it from Harlem and the Eisenhower to Westmore and Roosevelt in less than 20 minutes, why is it that it takes me almost 40 minutes to go from Westmore and Roosevelt to Finley and Roosevelt? This is absolutely ridiculous. Lombard, work on your roads instead of your other business.

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I was just wondering, I saw a rather large, strange-looking animal the other night. It has very small ears with a large body, and a very long tail. I’m not quite sure, it’s not a mountain lion or a mountain cat, I don’t know what to call it. Maybe it’s a rat. Does anybody know what it could be? Could someone please answer this in our SPEAK OUT section? Thank you.

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As I was leaving a building, a father and his two sons were leaving as well. The boys were rough-housing and the way the father handled it was to pull one boy’s arms behind him and say to the other boy, “Go ahead, one free hit.” What a pleasant way to end my day. I can hardly wait for one of those boys to pin the father’s arms behind him and say to his brother, “Go ahead, one free hit.”

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Hello, all you SPEAK OUT readers and read my words carefully. Barack Obama’s wife is saying how bad things were when they were dating, when they got married, how poor they were, driving a rusty car, deep in debt. OK he’s working for us taxpayers. Tell me, how can he buy an expensive house and how he can accumulate several million dollars in just three-and-a-half years. Where did he get all of that money? From us taxpayers. So much for poverty.

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After watching the village board meeting on Thursday night I was wondering, are trustees Breen, Wilson and Fitzpatrick really one person? Can one of them have an original thought without the other? What happened to six individuals with six independent thoughts? If they are going to be clones, there is no need for all three of them.

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This is an era of communication. Schools need to provide it and most do, except for one school in Lombard. The newsletter still mentions that it’s spring. Where is the calendar saying what’s coming up, the staff members and all that? They’re not doing their job.

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Hello, Lombard. I was thinking that, until the board of trustees can come to a consensus of who the village president is going to be until next April, that we should all leave our purple ribbons and bows up until that decision is made. And as time goes on, I think people should continue to add purple ribbons onto their trees to keep the spirit of Bill Mueller going until they can come to a consensus.

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Are you wondering why Obama is still competitive in most polls despite his dreadful record as president? Consider a few facts. There are more than 46 million people on food stamps. The number of people receiving Social Security disability is on the rise. About 150 million people pay no income taxes. Throw in all the people in public unions, and you have Obama’s base.

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In Lombard, do you know that if there is a barking dog causing loud noise between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m., that it takes two different households, not just one, to sign a complaint, sign an affidavit and come to court? This is Lombard Ordinance 90.17. The Lombard noise ordinance from 1996 needs to be updated to protect and serve Lombard residents.

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Lombard calling. This is to the know-it-all who called in last week to correct me and instruct me that pedestrians have the right-of-way in a crosswalk. I, of course, know that but I’m glad you do. If you would have read my SPEAK OUT correctly, you would have recognized the fact that I said it was a bicyclist—who blew through the stop sign on the Prairie Path and shot to the middle median and then stopped. He never got into my lane but the guy in front of me stopped anyway and so did the guy in the other lane. I did manage to stop. Bicycles are supposed to follow the rules of the road the same as automobiles. I’ve lived in Lombard my whole life and I’ve seen more near-collisions in the last 12 months and more since they put that safety island in.

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Hi. I just viewed the village board meeting and I must say the trustees looked very silly, very stupid. I believe there are laws governing the electability of the village president, the trustees and I believe there are succession procedures to be followed, none of which in my mind was even adhered to. But it made Lombard look really silly. It’s not a question of liking another where that person should be the president pro-tem. There should be succession guidelines to be followed. Lombard needs to be moving along. There are contracts to be signed. People need to know they’re dealing with someone who can speak for the village. And the trustees can’t even get that done.

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Hello. To the person with a question about bicycles and the rules of the road. People who operate bicycles on the roadway have the same rights and the same responsibilities as motor vehicles. That means people on bikes have to follow the rules of the road if they’re on the road.
