Speak Out

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September 19, 2012

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Hi, Lombard calling. This is for the Village of Lombard and the Lombard Police Department. I really like the temporary no parking that is set up along Elizabeth and Edson by Wilson. On football game nights it is so much easier to drive down the street without cars parked on both sides. Please consider putting up the temporary no parking during all home football games.

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At the meeting two weeks ago Trustee Gron looked lost. He did not know what to do without a president there to tell him how to think. All six of them looked like they were trying out for clowns at the circus. I am embarrassed to live in Lombard.

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Someone called in asking why Obamacare wasn’t put to a public vote. My civics is pretty rusty but isn’t that why we elect people to represent us? They are the ones who are supposed to do their employers’—namely taxpayers’—bidding, so I guess we need to look to the voting booth to elect those who will represent our best interests. These days, though, who is that exactly? I dont feel as if I know anymore.

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If the village board is all about transparency, then why did Trustee Fitzpatrick want an agreement to talk to Trustee Ware outside of the board meeting to decide who to vote for, for village president, before she would vote to table the item?  And does the same transparency policy cover the request under the Freedom of Information Act for the text messages Trustee Fitzpatrick appeared to be sending during the meeting?

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How exciting; on Thursday the Lombard Village Board of Trustees will pick a new village president.  Similar to picking other leaders, should we just look for the white smoke coming from the village hall to know that we have a new leader?

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Highridge is a disaster road. Why Willowbrook or the people from the mosque do not complain, I don’t know. When you cross over into Lombard, the road is great. Let’s get a new road there.

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I have the answer to all our financial problems. Let’s put it on a referendum that we tax all the politicians a percentage of their largess until they solve the problem, and if they don’t want to pay up, then get kicked out of office. They’re the ones who caused the problem, not us. Nobody else but the politicians, but they are too wishy washy and they don’t want to admit it. Let’s start taxing their largess to pay for their problems.

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Lombard calling. I don’t know what our building or engineering department is thinking. They’ve got Finley Road torn up so you can’t drive down Finley Road northbound and at the same time, the only road that goes through to Main Street is Edwards Street and that’s closed at Main Street. I don’t know how you get to Main and Madison. I guess you have to get on at Westmore or something. Pretty well planned. Maybe we ought to make every street in Lombard one way going north and let Addison deal with the traffic.

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Hi, this is to the reader who was asking what type of animal was running around—they suspected a cat or a rat or something and it had a large body with a tail and small ears. I suspect that it’s a Siberian tiger or possibly a chupacabra. They run around and they look like that.

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OK, Lombard, somebody has got to do something regarding the light at St. Charles and Elizabeth Street. When a train comes by, all traffic on St. Charles Road, east- and westbound, comes to a complete halt. It’s ridiculous. They need to look into how long the lights stay red and how long the lights stay red going northbound and southbound on Elizabeth. Work on it, Lombard.

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Lombard calling. What good is a new business in Lombard when you can’t even reach them by phone? That’s ridiculous. They print an 800 number and they never answer it. I call at all hours, seven days a week, and I know they are open. I left my wallet and can’t get back there and wanted to call to see if anyone turned it in. The phone rings and rings or goes to an answering machine even during business hours. This is ridiculous. How can they have a business without a phone?

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This is Lombard calling. I have to agree that we do have a problem with all these Lance Armstrong want-to-bes in this town. Our village doesn’t help by putting that stupid median in the middle of Main Street. All it does is now is cause people to dart into the middle of the road real quick and think they’ll be OK. It causes drivers like me, who are doing the speed limit of 25 miles an hour, to lock up our brakes. To all you bicyclists out there and you joggers, what part don’t you understand that bicycle versus car, person versus car, car always wins? And the sad thing is because or your dumb, stupid actions, the person in the car will still get a ticket. A lot of bad things could happen to the person in the car because the bike rider decided he can just ride his bike in front of a moving vehicle. I agree, folks. The Lombard Police Department has got to step up and start doing something about the people on their bikes who don’t obey the rules of the road.

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There is a common misconception that President Obama will raise our taxes if he is re-elected. He will only raise taxes on those making over $250,000. Mitt Romney may think the middle class is made of people who make $200,000 to $250,000 as stated on “Good Morning America,” but looking around here in Lombard, I wouldn’t define middle class that way. In fact, in Romney’s economic proposal, he apparently will de-fund public education and eliminate some deductions such as mortgage interest. Please make sure to look at all the facts before voting, not just what some people are stating as facts.

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After watching the Sept. 6 Lombard village board meeting, I was relieved that village manager Hulseberg was finally able to hire a fire chief. The village manager is hired by the village board. When you watch the board try to make a decision on filling the vacancy of President Mueller, you can better understand the problems Lombard has. Trustee Gron is a capable person and has the most experience for the job. The board should leave their egos and personal agendas at home.

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Hi, Lombard here. I just went to see “2016: Obama’s America” and all you Democrats go see it, and see what he is trying to do to our country.

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Hello, Lombard, Villa Park and all the surrounding communities. Can we please, please do something about all these people standing out on Roosevelt Road, Butterfield Road, all these other major roads soliciting for who knows what? God bless you for trying to raise money for these worthwhile organizations, but some of them are a little bit questionable, not to mention the danger of having people running around on these roads, people getting out of cars. It’s a miracle that nobody’s been hit by a car. Or, maybe they have and we just haven’t heard about. Maybe they should go to the train station or businesses or someplace else. Please, we’ve got enough to do while we’re driving.

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This is Villa Park calling. If you’re planning on voting for Obama, go see the movie “2016: Obama’s America.” That will open your eyes.

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This is Lombard calling. I’m appalled that the Lombardian will publish the very outlandish and often offensive calls about the president of the United States. Even if you disagree with the man, you really have to show some respect. I’m kind of disappointed living in Lombard with these kinds of calls. Lombard, be nice.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. I’m again watching the rerun of the Lombard Village Board meeting where they were deciding who is going to fill Bill Mueller’s shoes. I strictly have my opinion that Mr. Breen double talks. He always seems to tell people not to do something but it’s OK when he does it. The spiel he gave about Laura Fitzpatrick seemed strictly political and then he jumped down Mr. Gron’s throat. He’s insulted Bill Mueller in the past and now this. He’s the one who should remain professional, and I hope he comments back.

Your comment was forwarded to District 4 Trustee Peter Breen, who provided the following response. “At our last meeting, I called for trustees to return our paychecks unless we did our jobs and selected an acting president. That’s not double-talk—it’s pretty straightforward and clear. I’ve worked hard to make sure that this and other issues are debated publicly through our transparency policy, so folks should check the tape: During the meeting, I gave specific details in support of Laura Fitzpatrick, due to her work ethic, her experience in working with other government entities, her regular attendance at village events and her distinguished record of service to her constituents. Trustee Gron called for the trustees to be “civil,” yet he immediately sprung to attack Trustee Fitzpatrick after my comments. Trustee Gron was unfair in his attacks, and I called him out on them. Trustee Fitzpatrick is not running for election in April, and neither am I, so politics isn’t involved for either of us. As for President Mueller, during our special meeting honoring him, I eulogized about his outstanding service to the people of Lombard and his deep faith, a faith he and I shared. I valued our relationship, and the claim that we had anything but deep respect for one another is a grave insult and a lie by this anonymous commenter.”—blm

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Hey, Lombard. It is such a shame, the market that we have downtown on Saturday morning. It’s 1 o’clock and the one vendor is already packing up and leaving. I hope the person who is taking over the Lombard Town Centre administrative job is going to be able to make this a finer opportunity for vendors and residents.
