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April 3, 2013

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As a resident of District 4 in Lombard I am disappointed at the inappropriate and unprofessional letter sent to this paper by my trustee. You have a right to support a candidate of your choice. A letter should support him/her, not throw dirt on the opponent and hope it sticks. You don’t rise above the others by standing on your peers. Professionalism, decency, common sense and behavior of an elected official should have been used and none of these were. I will not support you in two years; please do not run for re-election.

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What is going on in this town? Since when is it OK to shirk your duty to your constituents and walk out of a village board meeting? Why are some trying to find excuses for this wrongful behavior? Why on earth would Gron be proud of this act, saying he would “do it again?” If Giagnorio had true leadership skills, he would have brought his colleagues back to the dais to complete the meeting. I believe that it may even have been an illegal act to walk out of the village meeting. I would be interested in hearing from our village attorney, Mr. Bayer, on the matter. Thank you.

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Decisions need to be made every day, some tougher than others. We teach our kids early that all the decisions they make are subject to scrutiny—and to always choose what is right over wrong. That’s why this Board-Meeting-Walk-Out-Gate is such a big deal. If Character Counts in Lombard, it means you don’t throw temper tantrums if you don’t get your way. You don’t take your ball and go home. You don’t call names. I can’t imagine a coach who would allow his team to show poor sportsmanship—on or off the field. Recently someone condoning Walk-Out-Gate on this page asked: “Haven’t you ever...?” I thought “No way” I’d never walk away from my spouse during an argument; we made a promise to each other. I’d never walk out on my boss, my job, my kids. I have a responsibility to them. Where was the integrity of the three trustees (Gron, Ware and Giagnorio)—all of whom are asking again for our vote in one way or another—when they chose to take their ball and literally go home? We certainly don’t need them setting such a poor example for our village, because last time I checked, Character still Counts in Lombard.

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After reading the March 27 SPEAK OUT, I’m left wondering why no one is concerned with all the crime and gang activity in Villa Park. I have been here since 2000—13 years. Since then I have watched this once proud, blue-collar, working-man’s town nosedive into oblivion in regard to crime. Granted, we have never been a shining example of suburbia, but for sure we were a lot more palatable than we are now. Instances of strongarm robbery in broad daylight, blatant assault and a “hip hop” brawl that spilled into a main road—the list goes on. How can we as a town overcome this? These used to be confined to one or two “problem areas” but now it’s all over. I’m sick of it, aren’t you? Think of what you, as an individual, can do to curb this. Whether its calling 9-1-1 for the smallest infractions and being a pest about it, or just not putting up with it anymore, do something. It’s way out of hand. The village hasn’t been very public about what they’re doing about it. The tactical unit returned with a big splash, then nothing. So sick of watching this town turn this way, and what appears to be nobody giving a hoot.

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Regarding the oversight program for the budget in Lombard, is it really necessary? You are paying department heads more than $130,000 a year and you don’t trust them to do the budget? Shouldn’t the department heads be looking for ways to save money in their respective budgets instead of spending all they can? If you do not trust them to submit a bare-bones budget, then get rid of them. Volunteer committee people did not sign up to micromanage the budget and it does not sound like it is legal anyway. The board is to oversee the village, not run the day-to-day operations. The village board has also shown they disregard the various committee recommendations and vote how they want anyway. You want the committees to watch the budget and then make policy recommendations that will be ignored by the board. Sounds like a waste of residents’ time and staff time. But at least one trustee won’t take no for an answer. Put your ego aside and do what is best for all.

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I just got done watching Fox News and I noticed Biagioli was interviewed by Fox News saying he still thinks Heidelmeier can do a good job, and they had this other guy on there who’s still supporting Heidelmeier. What I’d like to ask these gentlemen is, how is any business going to come to this town with a village president who was seen naked on a pornographic Web site? This is a complete joke. How do they think anyone will take our town seriously with a village president like that? How they could support this individual is beyond me. Don’t vote for these people. Vote for the other candidates. These guys need their heads examined.

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This is Villa Park calling. Due to the news broadcasts of March 28, a candidate running for president in Villa Park has been found to perform on a sex site in February. His past year of history has also been questionable. Check this out.

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Hello, back in September, my trustee, Keith Giagnorio, decided he was not going to represent me. He walked out of the board meeting when he wasn’t going to get his way. No leadership skills, no ability to work with others. Not why I voted for this guy as my trustee. Well, Keith, thanks for showing me what you’re not made of. Now I’ve got my chance. I early voted for John Novak. John is a leader. John Novak is experienced. John Novak won’t run for the door when he does not get his way. Please join me in voting for a leader and an adult on April 9.

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Hi, Lombard calling. The Village of Lombard is so interested in promoting downtown, which they’ve paid lip service to for the last 25 years, why is it when they have some kind of event, they have it at Yorktown? We’re having a blood drive there right now. Over the winter they had a senior fair day out there. Or else they have it at the village hall. There’s no empty buildings in downtown Lombard they could use to have a blood drive? Attract people downtown and see what’s there? All they know about downtown is what they read in SPEAK OUT, which is pretty negative. Maybe if they looked downtown they’d see something. Quit giving lip service to it, Lombard. You guys caused it—you moved the village hall out of downtown, you moved Lincoln School out of downtown. Now it’s a ghost town. Support it if you want to.

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Hello, Peter Breen and all of you other trustees. Thanks for reminding us that you eliminated dog tags and village stickers. We’re so grateful. However, you inconveniently, or conveniently, forgot to mention you raised our water rates. At least you got that going for us. Lombard, vote the bums out.

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Hi, Lombard calling. Along with getting rid of all the incumbents on the village board, I think we should make it a first priority to get rid of the three who walked out on the meeting. Greg Gron running for trustee, you’re not getting my vote. Keith Giagnorio, you walked out. You’re not getting my vote for village president. The only problem is that interim village president Bill Ware seems to be running unopposed, so it looks like his district is stuck with his services for another term. Oh, well, we can’t get rid of all of them, I guess.

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Hi, Villa Park calling. I heard that the village waste stickers went from $2.25 to $2.30. Before anyone calls and says it’s only a nickel, I say it should only be a nickel. I would take all my yard waste and put it in my driveway and rent a goat to eat it before I would buy one of those stickers. Take care.

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Downtown Lombard calling. To the person who called SPEAK OUT last week stating that it looked like the downtown businesses were divided on who they would like to see for their Trustee in District 1. I am in downtown right now and I count 24 signs for Whittington and 2 for Gron. It seems to me that there is no division. The downtown businesses have clearly spoken.

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Lombard. How much longer are you going to keep the Christmas lights lit in town? It’s Easter time. I repeat: How much longer are you going to keep the Christmas lights lit in town?

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Hello, this is Villa Park calling. I just saw the news article about candidate Heidelmeier. It says on his Web site that Sen. Cullerton is endorsing this guy. Mr. Cullerton, Springfield will be hearing about this. Shame on you, Mr. Cullerton, for endorsing such a man. This is ridiculous. Good bye.

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This is Villa Park calling. I just saw the news story on Channel 9 regarding candidate Heidelmeier exposing his genitals on a pornographic Web site. This person should not be allowed to run this village. Are you kidding me? He just lost my vote. Good bye.

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Hello, this is Villa Park calling. I just saw on Channel 9 News an article about candidate Heidelmeier being on an Internet porn sex site and saying this isn’t affecting how he can run a village. I don’t want him running our village. I’m calling for this man to withdraw from the race immediately. This is ridiculous that this man still thinks he can effectively run a village when he’s on a porn site. That’s ridiculous.

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Hello, this is Villa Park calling. A friend of mine just directed me to a Web site where you can see some very disgusting and disturbing pictures of candidate Heidelmeier on an adult Web site. The voters of Villa Park should maybe check this out for themselves to see exactly who they’re voting for. If you don’t believe me, check it out for yourself. Please check this out.

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I read with interest in the Lombard Pride Lombard’s new initiative for anti-idling and saving fuel. Apparently they’ve been doing this since 2008 and I kind of wonder why, every time I see a parked police car or fire truck, it’s running. Nobody’s in it. Why they don’t get stolen I don’t know. Also, I’m driving down the road right behind a village vehicle with one person in it, and it’s a Ford Explorer, the biggest car I ever saw. One guy in it. I don’t know how that’s saving any gas. What’s wrong with a Prius or doubling up?

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Thanks to Keith Giagnorio for standing up for Lombard. The idea to have a lottery to determine Bill Mueller’s successor was offensive and foolish. I would have left, too.

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Message to John Lotus Novak. You lost my vote when Peter Breen endorsed you. Keep better company, John. Breen has done nothing but divide our board.

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I have long believed and contended that an office holder or candidate’s personal life should not influence your belief in their ability. Note if you will, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Clinton. Their indiscretions included others, not just themselves, but they still were great leaders. Heidelmeier’s stupid mistake only affected him. In no way does it affect his leadership ability, which is one of his greatest assets. I will support him in the election because I believe him to be the best for the position. His personal life is his personal problem which he has to deal with. There is no reason for me to forgive, judge or condemn him for his mistake. Heidelmeier is still the best candidate for the job.

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I was lucky enough to receive an unsolicited letter from a spouse of a trustee. Not sure why they think their opinion is so valuable. Not only did it tell me where and when to vote, but it also told me who to vote for. The good news is that I will not vote for anyone endorsed by this person.  Keep your opinions to yourself and let the voters make their own choices. If you were such a political expert, you would run for office. 

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If the citizens decide to go out on Tuesday to vote for John Heidelmeier for village president, I apologize for living in the city because it’s just going to show the intelligence that I have to deal with. Have a good day and don’t vote for John.

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Hi, this is Villa Park. Mr. Heidelmeier, former police chief, has shown poor judgment and was relieved of his position because of it. Now he is exposing himself online to the detriment of the village residents. The village residents themselves show poor judgment in having his political sign in their yard. You want this type of person for a president? What happened to our nice town? Vote no on Heidelmeier. We don’t need him for a village president.

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Lombard calling. Some people are still making a big issue out of the three trustees trying to adjourn a deadlocked meeting by walking out. The big difference, or divide, among the trustees, is half are regular Lombardians trying to do the best for Lombard. The other half of the board seems to be posturing themselves for a higher political future. Politicians help each other get up in politics. The facts sometimes influence their decisions and common sense to payback IOUs or favors. Think about it. Vote and let your voice be heard April 9.

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Hi, Villa Park calling. If John Heidelmeier has one ounce of class he’ll withdraw from the race. After everything that’s come out I can’t believe he hasn’t yet. That’s all. Thank you.

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I see Biagioli is on a Web site quoting that he still thinks Heidelmeier will do a good job if elected to office. Is this guy out of his mind with what’s come out about this candidate, Heidelmeier? If anyone votes for Biagioli they’ve got to be out of their mind. You don’t support a guy who’s reportedly been on a porn site. Villa Park, we don’t need this. Thank you.

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This is Villa Park. There’s an independent newspaper that’s had nothing but positive things to say about John Heidelmeier and negative things about any other candidate running for that position. I’d like to see what they say about their glory boy now. Let’s see them print a front-page article about how great John Heidelmeier is now. What a joke. Thank you.
