Speak Out

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August 7, 2013

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As many people do, I receive alerts and notifications from the police department via “Nixle.” They come in one at a time, the impact of most reports is negligible and I’m able to move on without much impact to my day except a shake of the head or a sigh. Today in the paper, a bunch of those reports were grouped together on pages 2 and 3. This day is not one of those days I’m able to just shrug it off and carry on. An armed robbery in broad daylight, a burglary at a grade school, and an undercover sting busting a bunch of meth heads—in one week’s time. I understand that these crimes happen all the time, everywhere you go. That’s not the really disturbing point here. What’s really disturbing is the apparent comfort that these criminals operate with in our town. Two out of the three crimes I mentioned are particularly bold: One, an armed robbery in the middle of the day, and a burglary to a school. The other bust brings to light the fact that drug dealers from out of town apparently feel comfortable enough to set up shop in Villa Park and sell their stuff without fear of being busted. Although I’m more than happy to see them all get arrested, I also question why they’re all so comfy here in town—why? This has caused me to find my realtor’s number from 13 years ago and begin the process of moving. How does it make everyone else feel? Are we really living in a town with such a poor reputation that dealers flock here to sell their dope and meth? Allow little junior thugs to rob people on a major street at lunchtime, etc.? What happened to my blue-collar town that banded together to overcome? 

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To all the bitter Obama bashers out there, here’s a reality check. We just had an election and you lost big with all the same talking points you’re using weekly in SPEAK OUT. I’m sorry that your guy didn’t win, but act like adults instead of a 3-year-old having a temper tantrum. Go have some tea and calm down.

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I wish to apologize to Laura Fitzpatrick for the unkind and unstated reason for someone’s asking for her removal from office. Please let us know the issue you are attacking.  If you are displeased with an issue, please state the issue and do not wish harm to another. An argument is lost when you attack the person. When one wishes one harm, the removal from office, know that in wanting harm for another greater harm is done to one’s self. 

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Hello, Lombard. This is in defense of our police department and in response to the "polite" person stopping on Grace Street to let pedestrians and bicyclists cross the Prairie Path, even though motorists have the right of way. The answer to your question is, no, you do not just do as you please and stop in the middle of the road. Although I do admire you trying to be nice, as there is a major shortage of that in this world, you are putting the pedestrian traffic in danger. You’re giving them a false sense of security by waving them into the roadway where traffic from the other direction or passing you from behind, not understanding why you are stopped in the middle of the road, will run them over. That would be your fault. Do not think you are the only one whose thoughts count and the world should know what you’re thinking and revolve around you. Have some sense and obedience to the law, and have some respect for civil service officers. They’re out there every day doing their best, putting their lives on the line in trying to protect us from each other, seeing as how most of us are incapable of that today. Thank you, Lombardian, for letting everyone’s thoughts be heard.

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Hello. I read the letter from Trustee Fitzpatrick and then I read the letter from the firemen. So maybe the truth is somewhere in between. So, let’s just get some paramedics and solve the problem.

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Hi, this is Villa Park calling. I’d like to comment on all this open burning, I, too, am sick and tired of all this. People, go live in the country or stay at a campground. This is the suburbs and it makes no sense why villages would allow this. Homes are too close together and the fumes are hazardous. There should be a ban on outdoor burning. Maybe these people would like to pay for my asthma medication and air conditioning. Bye.

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To the person who stopped for the bike on the Prairie Path, the joggers, walkers and bikes on the Prairie Path have a stop sign, and you don’t. There’s a reason for this. They might think the next car is supposed to stop, and they don’t, and they may get hit. It’s nice to be polite, but not in the case of a car against a person or bike. They won’t have a chance. That’s why we have stop signs and rules—to save lives. People walking and bikes always stopped and looked for cars to pass and then they proceeded across the street, but then some politician with nothing else to do decided to put cones in the street, not thinking people and bikes walked and rode right in front of cars. We have rules to save lives, and let’s hope people stop and look for cars and then cross the street. Thank you.

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Hi, Lombard calling. I just got home from riding on the new Great Western Trail bridges and they are wonderful. What a great way for me to get to the pool and back without having to cross Grace Street, the tracks or St. Charles. Thank you, Lombard, for making that. I appreciate it.

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What is it about the Prairie Path issue people don’t get? This newspaper has written about it enough—the people on the Prairie Path have stop signs. Cars have the right of way. Don’t stop unless a person is in the middle of the street, or you could cause an accident with vehicles behind you —think minor pile-up—or someone getting hit because oncoming traffic doesn’t stop for someone. It’s all about safety and the people using the Prairie Path need to take responsibility. Maybe there should be signs posted that tell users of their obligation to stop and watch for traffic before crossing the street.

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Hello, this message is for the person with the Prairie Path question. People on the Prairie Path and Great Western Trail, whether they are on bikes or running or walking with a dog or a stroller, must yield the right-of-way on Grace Street, Main Street, Westmore and so on and so forth. It’s nice that you wanted to stop and give that person the opportunity to cross the street; however, that is not safe to do so and it creates confusion for other motorists, frustration and, possibly, crashes. So, please, keep going.

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Just read the latest SPEAK OUT with the delivery of the paper and the person complaining about the police officer telling him or her not to stop for people on the Prairie Path crossing the street is right. Bikers, walkers, hikers, runners, do not have the authority to stop traffic. If they get hit and get hurt or killed, it will be called suicide. It is time to stop these people and educate them.

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Recently in the Lombardian somebody called in—they want Lombard to ban burning altogether because somebody burned a desk and the police were called. This person has to be a liberal because the best way to punish someone doing something illegal is to stop all the people who do it legally. What a ridiculous, ridiculous idea to stop me from using my fire pit. Just like any other laws, how about this? People speed in their cars? We should just ban cars. The people in Lombard just don’t get it. They run through red lights and speed. This kind of junk is just ridiculous. What a joke.

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Hey, Lombardian, it’s July 31, and I’m reading your online edition and it stated June 5.

We have received numerous calls about the Web site. Apparently, AT&T, which hosts the Web site, is making upgrades to the system with a new server and they are still working on it. Attempts to access the Web site Tuesday night, July 30, to create the online edition, were unsuccessful. Unfortunately, the Lombardian was not notified that this was going to happen, and after contacting AT&T, it appears we were lost in the shuffle. We are, essentially, locked out of the site. AT&T is trying to rectify the situation so in the meantime, we appreciate your patience.—JAC

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I would like to thank the Lombard Firefighters Union for an excellent letter to the editor. Those are exactly the facts and figures that Lombard residents need to know. Stay safe and know that we support you.

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I’m appalled at Fitpatrick’s remarks regarding the emergency medical services and Chief DiRienzo. I am a senior citizen; I have personally known Mr. DiRienzo for decades. He was raised in Lombard, attended schools here, and worked here it seems, forever. He has the utmost concern for the people of Lombard. He is a compassionate individual who is empathetic to our needs. We don’t need trustees like Fitzpatrick. We need caring individuals like our EMS, paramedics and Chief DiRienzo, who put their lives on the line for us and who obviously put those lives and the security we need and deserve from our village. I hope Fitzpatrick is voted out.

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Just read the Lombardian article on Peter Roskam’s trip to Taiwan. I am so glad that they also included that the record reflects that Roskam fully complied with all laws, rules and procedures, and was vetted and approved by the House Ethics Committee. It seems there is nothing that Obama and others would love to do more than dirty up with lies and tricks, especially if Peter Roskam—who is one of the very few in Washington who come from Illinois truly worthy of support, is honest and is fully trusted by the people who support him—they have tried to beat him four times in a row. They have put more money into beating him at every election and think this is another move to try and dirty up a good Christian wonderful representative of us, the people. Thank you.

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Mr. Z’s has hit a bump in the road. Don’t abandon them. They need your support. Please continue shopping at Mr. Z’s. Loyal customers will continue to shop; even if it’s just one item, please continue to shop Mr. Z’s and let’s save them. Thank you.
