Speak Out

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December 11, 2013

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I think including seasonal joy to as many people is not an attack on Christmas. Why do some want to leave people out? Why is it an attack to say “Holidays”? Don’t you want others to celebrate with you in joy? Why leave us out? You’re telling 30 percent of America to not join you. Saying “Holidays” instead of “Christmas” includes everybody this time of the year. I want to celebrate with all my Lombardians—Christian, Atheist, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Pagan. It’s cold and days are short; let’s all celebrate together with family. Happy Holidays.

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Lombard here. The Glen Oaks Country Club, located in unincorporated Glen Ellyn, along Route 53 and Hill Street, offers its members participation in a gun club. The gun club operates from Nov. 1 through March 31 and is open on Thursdays (by appointment), Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. until dusk each day. Those of us Lombard residents who live near this location have to deal with the sounds of gunfire four days a week for five months of the year. DuPage County has made it illegal to operate a gun club near residential areas. However, this particular country club was grandfathered in, allowing it to remain in its location adjacent to our part of Lombard. If listening to this much gun activity every weekend until golfers can resume their activity at the club in April bothers you, it may be possible to request that the county alter the amount of time this club can operate so close to Lombard families during these winter months if enough Lombard residents voice their concern.

According to District 1 Trustee Dan Whittington, this issue was brought up during his campaign for village trustee. However, he emphasized, because the location in question is not in the Village of Lombard, there is “nothing we can do but make a request.” He related also that a constituent who asked him about the gun range then contacted state Rep. Sandra Pihos (District 48). Whittington said he and Pihos “have talked about it briefly,” and added that to his knowledge, Pihos suggested that the constituent gather more support from area residents before moving forward toward any resolution. The trustee did say, though, “I will definitely be involved.” Pihos can be reached at 630-858-8855.—JAC

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Last month the Senate budget committee reported that people on welfare are getting the equivalent of $30 an hour. This is far more than workers get and there are 11 states where there are more on welfare than working: Hawaii, California, New Mexico, Illinois, Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, South Carolina, Ohio, New York and Maine. It is my belief that these progressive states could become like Detroit, which has seemingly been destroyed by policies like Barack Obama's.

For clarification, the figure you quote was reported in December 2012 for fiscal year 2011, according to the Senate Web site, www.budget.senate.gov. Additionally, the $30 per hour is tallied by taking into account food stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid and other benefits, according to the budget committee. The Web site contains charts and more information on this topic. As for the 11 states you mention, both Politifact.com and FactCheck.org indicate these were referred to as “death spiral” states. Also, FactCheck.org commented that “A viral e-mail making this claim is off base. It distorts a Forbes article that compares private-sector workers with those ‘dependent on the government,’ including government workers and pensioners, and Medicaid recipients—not just ‘people on welfare.’” The Forbes article is from Nov. 25, 2012. No matter which facts and figures are out there in cyberspace, doesn’t it seem to continually beg the question: Who is checking the fact checkers?—JAC

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To the person who referred to me as Mr. Spew Out, you’ve still got it all backwards. I want people to speak out, not spew out, although in your case, I’d respectfully request that you do neither. But, I give up. You win. I was hoping to raise the level of discourse here in SPEAK OUT, but you have shown me that that’s not going to happen. I’m sorry I got you riled up. It won’t happen again. I’m moving on, and I suggest you do the same.

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As long as we’re calling out dog walkers in SPEAK OUT, I think I’d like to mention that the person who walks the dog around our court and the cemetery daily, sometimes twice daily, I never see you carrying a bag. It’s a law, you know.

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Have you noticed in the stores for sale, 40 or 50 percent off? What is the real price? What is the apparent gimmick? What kind of game are they seemingly playing? A lot of it seems to be cheap, throw-away plastic. I’m for quality. I’m for products made in the United States. I’m not buying their apparent junk anymore. It’s filling up the landfills, it’s wasting my money and there’s no quality there. Goodbye.

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I know Lombard’s not the only village that does this, but driving through Lombard as I do every day, I notice the lines of the street of the de-icing material they put down before an expected storm. I was just wondering if there’s a place I can go to see if there’s any associated health risk or any potential problems that this substance may have. It’s a serious question that I have and I’d just like to know if it’s dangerous. Thanks.

The latest Lombard Pride newsletter states: “Crews spray a brine solution onto the busier streets in anticipation of snow or ice. This solution consists mostly of normal salt brine, but sometimes with a portion of calcium chloride (for low temperatures) and beet juice (to reduce the chloride content). Since it is village policy not to respond to anonymous sources, you can contact the village at 630-620-5700.—JAC

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Lombard. Not too many people know that Da Coach, Ditka, actually lived in Lombard for a year or two in a house near Glenbard East High School. It’s fun to check out your house history. Contact the Lombard Historical Society at 630-629-1885 or stop over at 23 W. Maple or check their Facebook page or their Web site, www.lombardhistory.org and find out a little bit about your home.

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Hello, this is Lombard calling. One question: When was video gaming approved in Villa Park? Drinking establishments in Villa Park have signs that they’ve brought video gaming. I thought that was rejected in DuPage County. If that’s the case, if video gaming is available, hey, Lombard, why don’t you put video gaming in your drinking establishments and make some money, if you claim you need more money. Thank you.

Ordinance 3718 allows video gaming in establishments that have a liquor license, according to the village. The ordinance passed in October 2012.—JAC

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Hi, Lombard calling. The village has always been so down on off-site garage sale signs from homeowners; how do these companies, furniture stores and so forth that are going out of business appear to get away with putting all these signs in the parkway and along the highway and whatever, without them being taken down and getting a fine? Just asking.

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What a pleasant surprise traveling south from North Avenue on Main Street to see the Santas all lit up. Thank you so much.

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Lombard calling. Hurray. Only two or two-and-a-half years later and the whole 12 blocks of Finley Road seems to be completed. Congratulations.

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Waste Management and the Village of Lombard both told me that the last week for picking up yard waste was Thanksgiving week. It is the week after Thanksgiving and I see they are still picking up yard waste. Does anybody know when they stop picking up yard waste this year? Thank you.

A call to Waste Management yielded the following information from Crystal, a Waste Management customer service representative. She said the season’s end date for picking up yard waste—including twigs and branches—was Nov. 30. She related that the date is set in relationship to “when [our] compost sites close.” She said that perhaps whatever Waste Management was picking up was due to a complaint or a pick-up that was overlooked, but otherwise could not provide more information why yard waste was being picked up after Nov. 30.—JAC

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I think I can understand why Lombard is able to not raise taxes, at least in part: I have been observing how the taxes charged on dining out in Lombard have really added up, prompting me to either not go out to eat as much or go elsewhere. My $6.67, or whatever it is, has already been spent on the meal tax in Lombard.

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Congratulations to the Montini Broncos football team for a great season. They are all winners; four starts are St. Pius X School graduates. They are A.J. Melarkey, Tom Long, Frank Vosicky and Jeremy Giderof. A.J. also received the first Johnny Weiger Spirit of 76 Award from Johnny’s parents for his character, commitment to faith and sportsmanship that Johnny displayed throughout his life. He was also named Academic All Conference and Illinois State Scholar. Thank you.

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Hello from Lombard, This note is to the person who took my silver charm and laptop from my house in November. Please return them, no questions asked, I would like them back. The charm was a recent birthday present from my mother. Put them in a plastic bag for protection from the weather and leave them on the back deck. Unburden yourself and happy holidays.
