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December 18, 2013

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As a resident of Lombard for 56 years and a reader of SPEAK OUT, it would be nice to see one week listing nice things that have happened to people of Villa Park and Lombard residents. No complaining, etc. It would be great to do this for the holiday season for all people. Just nice happenings from people, places and things. Positive things so we have a nice, good holiday instead of all the arguing, grumbling and complaining. One week of nice stuff would be great. Thank you.

I would be happy to do this. Residents, please get in the Christmas mood and share some of your “good news” with SPEAK OUT.—blm

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In response to a recent SPEAK OUT comment, I’d like to say, if someone is offended when they are wished a Merry Christmas, then so be it. That person needs to take ownership of their own feelings. As a Christian, I am celebrating the birth of my savior, and choose not to reduce the significance of this glorious event by using a generic “Happy Holidays.” I’m certainly not upset by the celebrations of Hanukkah or Eid. A person is excluded only if they choose to be. I am sick of so-called political correctness. I say, to each his own. If you are Jewish, take pride in the celebration of Hanukkah. If you are Muslim, take pride in the celebration of Eid. If you are pagan or atheist, feel free to believe or not believe as you wish. As a Christian, I choose to believe that Christmas is about the birth of Christ. I openly invite any and all to share in this joyous celebration. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good life.

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Hi, Lombard calling. I’d like to wish all my friends a very, very, merry, merry Christmas and a happy new year. Thank you.

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Most people don’t know that Coach Ditka, before he lived in a home south of the high school, lived upstairs in an apartment upstairs from King Edward’s and Merl Drugs, with the original Merl Drugs on Roosevelt Road. The building has been torn down in the meantime. It was a two-story building with stores on the first floor and eight apartments on the second floor, and the coach lived upstairs with his wife.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. I just want to respond to the person who said that he or she was having a personal attack against we Americans saying Merry Christmas. I just want that person to know that the phrase “Merry Christmas” was used when this country first was formed and is not an insult to any other nationality or persuasion. I am more than happy to say “Happy Hanukkah” to someone else or “Happy Kwanzaa” if they let me know whatever religion or persuasion they’re of, I would not hesitate to tell them congratulations for their particular season. However, I will always say Merry Christmas, because it is our Christmas. It seems the government is trying to take that away from us and I am not going to let them. So, you all have a very Merry Christmas.

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Hi, Lombard. Who’s the genius who decided to plow all the snow from major storms down Main and St. Charles Road? It doesn’t work. Go back to the old way and plow our streets clean. The idea is to make access to Lombard safer, not harder. I’m sure Mr. Giagnorio would agree, seeing that this practice affects his business. Come on, guys, a little common sense.

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Mr. Spew Out, I am moving on, but I’d like one last comment. The U.S. Constitution gives me the right to freedom of speech. I have the right to my opinion; so do you. Just because my opinions or my comments are different than yours, I’m not spewing out. It’s called SPEAK OUT for a reason, so I’m speaking out. You, on the other hand, don’t like my comments so you call it “Spew Out,” respectfully.

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Please don’t take Christ out of Christmas. Merry Christmas to everyone.

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Sometimes you have to live a long, long life before you learn your lessons, and Nelson Mandela learned one lesson at the end of his life. You can’t demand respect; you have to earn it and he only learned that lesson shortly before he died—the old-fashioned way of doing things. Earn it, the hard way and then you’ll get respect. Goodbye.

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Wasn’t it nice to have your president, Democrats, get along so well with his fellow Communists, China and Cuba at the funeral? I think that was really nice of you guys. You must be very happy. Thank you. Goodbye.

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Hello, this is Lombard calling, where the street plow driver knocked over everyone’s garbage and recycling cans, house after house after house. Perhaps he should check to see who actually pays his salary. It’s us. We pay the village, they pay him. I hope they know who was driving on our street on Dec. 9 and they can figure out how to explain to him the proper way to plow a street. Thank you.

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This is Lombard calling. In the Lombardian, it often says the Westin’s having issues. Wouldn’t it be logical to have the events there sponsored by the Lombard departments and associations to have their funds go there? Every time you see anything, it always seems to be at another location. But the funding that should be done should be at the Westin so we can support it. Thank you.

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Well, Democrats are at it again. Harry Reid has exempted all his staff from participating in Obamacare, so it’s good enough for the American people, yet it’s not good enough for Harry Reid’s staff. Boy, that’s just wonderful. Here’s another little-known fact for all you liberal Democrats. Google “Hit Tax.” The Obama administration has finalized what is known as the Hit Tax, the Health Care Insurance Tax. It could cost a family in 2014 $270 additional dollars in a tax to pay for Obamacare in case they need money. It’s not a tax but it is a tax.

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It is too bad some of our neighbors can’t find time to at least shovel a path on their sidewalks. Students who walk to school or to the bus must walk on the street. What about your mailman? We can see who the slackers are. The next time it snows, run your snow blower two minutes more, past your lot line and help someone who can’t shovel or who is on vacation. Thank you.

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I was recently at an area gun store and they offer concealed carry classes and I thought, since we have a police department, why doesn’t the village offer its own set of concealed carry classes? This would be something the village could make money on, and you could have trained police officers teaching the classes for the people of the village. We possibly could use park district buildings for the legal aspect and then they could bring their business to one of the gun stores in the area for the actual range time. I am surprised no one has started offering it, like through a park district course. They might be able to make it cheaper for those people who can’t pay the fees at some of the gun stores. Thank you.

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Ahh, the season is here for the wonders of snow—and snow removal. Or, if you live by me, lack thereof. I would love to congratulate Villa Park on its successful snow removal plan, but I can’t, because there doesn’t appear to be one in place. The horrible snow removal in Villa Park is really just too much this year, and it’s only snowed a few times. The lack of snow removal or salt on the roads this year is a complete failure. The village apparently doesn’t feel the need to plow until the day after it snows, or even spread salt. As soon as you pass Westmore, (headed westbound) the road is just fine—because you’re in Lombard. What the heck? Get with it, guys. Maybe ask Lombard or Elmhurst how they do it, because you guys obviously don’t know how.

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I’m calling about Ken Loch. OK, the park board and the village board have shown what they’re made of—nothing. Throw them out. Elect other people. It’s time for, apparently, another change, but we know they won’t answer this, right? That’s what transparency is all about.
