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February 20, 2013

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To the person who commented that no taxpayer money was spent on the big screen football game downtown, please check your facts. Almost every event that Lombard Town Centre does involves the village and park district. Public works provided barricades, police paid for the officer assigned to the event, park district had staff set up the screen and sound system. All of these people are paid for by taxpayer money. Ask, if Notre Dame was not in the game, would the acting president at the time still have funded this event? It is not bashing this elected official, it is asking questions and stating facts.

Michelle Iwinski, Lombard Town Centre executive director, commented: “The public outdoor viewing of the BCS championship game was a Lombard Town Centre-sponsored event. The claim that Village of Lombard vehicles were seen for many hours in South Park Avenue preparing for the event is simply not true. The park district loaned and delivered the Party Wagon and their movie screen free of charge. The screen was put up by LTC staff and LTC volunteers after brief instruction by the park district staff. Public works dropped off sandbags to weigh down the screen. The barricades were delivered by a private company (as they always are for downtown events). The heaters and a few tables were delivered by an area rental business. Yes, at one point a village employee inspected the area for safety reasons and issued approval for the event. Public safety is a priority at any downtown event, so that was an unavoidable use of the village’s time. The event was set up and taken down by a half-dozen LTC members as well as residents who were happy to help afterward. The event brought at least a 100 people downtown on an otherwise quiet Monday night in early January. Attendees even included families with young children as well as couples, seniors and 20-somethings. Everyone contributed to the downtown economy by buying food, drinks, hot chocolate and coffee. Therefore, the feedback from the downtown businesses was very positive and grateful.”—blm

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Well, everyone in Lombard, it seems that we should not even bother to vote for village president in April; the Republican Party will decide for us. It’s a sad situation but that's the way it is in Lombard.

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When our Lombard village manager was in charge of community development, he helped create a lot of vacant lots. These projects were started long before the economic downturn. It looks like he is more ambitious with our changes than we can digest. We haven’t really gotten his input on the Ken Loch Golf Course project. He has too many unfulfilled projects going already. By the way, what’s going on with the DuPage Theatre lot? Anybody got any ideas? I know village hall doesn’t or they would put their effort there and in the empty businesses and condo buildings.

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To the person who said in last week’s SPEAK OUT, “No taxpayer dollars were used to fund this great event” about about Trustee Peter Breen’s personal Notre  Dame party:  Do you think the citizens of this village are stupid?  How dare you? The village had well over a dozen employees, people from the fire department, vehicles, other equipment, etc. for hours setting up this event.  Who paid the thousands of dollars that cost? Who paid their salary?  Equipment came from the park district, plus those employees' time. Who paid them? Have you looked at your tax bill? The taxpayers do. Did LTC reimburse the village? If so, where’s the check? Yes, the event was open to the public. If you happened to go onto the LTC Web site within a couple-day timeframe, you would have known about the event. There wasn’t even a sign at the location about what the event was. So don’t mislead everyone who lives here. This was an event to feed the ego of a person who is supposed to be serving our best interests. Insolence.Trustee Breen you are a disgrace. I challenge anyone to reply to this to find another individual within the Lombard board, LTC, etc. who also attended Notre Dame. You’re fooling no one. Will this be printed this time?

Trustee Peter Breen responded: “I was glad to bring the idea of an outdoor gamewatch to the village board, which unanimously supported the concept. The credit for success of this first-ever event goes to the hardworking staff and owners of Punky’s Pub and Shannon's Deli, and most of all to the dedicated volunteers and staff of Lombard Town Centre. I'm proud that the village provided the same high-quality support for this event that we do for our other community events. As for the connection to Notre Dame, my Irish Catholic ancestors have followed Notre Dame from the days when Knute Rockne and his lads barnstormed across the country. At that time of heavy anti-Catholic sentiment, for my family and many other families, Notre Dame football was a symbol that Catholics could be good and successful Americans. So yes, when I was offered the opportunity to attend Notre Dame Law School, on scholarship no less, I accepted. And, whether or not they attended the school, many other members of our village board, park board and Lombard Town Centre, along with many other Lombardians, are Notre Dame football fans. Looking at the name-calling in this comment, that's just a symptom of a deeper problem. There is a small, vocal minority within our village who disagree with policy stances I've taken—policies like putting village spending and salaries online, holding the line on increased taxes and spending, and promoting more activity downtown. Instead of the calm discussion about ideas and principles that our community needs, these folks resort to fear and ranting. I want to move us forward, but that's difficult when the folks on the other side are more interested in hurling insults than finding solutions.”–blm

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Northwest Lombard calling. Wow, drones, Obama. If Bush had done that the press would be all over him—the press isn’t biased, the media isn’t biased? If you don’t think that, there’s something really wrong with you. Oh, my gosh, killing American citizens abroad? Again, if President Bush had done this, it would be his fault. Just like everything else. What a great economy. What a great State of the Union speech. Marco Rubio, who is a Hispanic—and yes I do support minorities—what a great response about how his neighbors are the ones who will be hurting. Not the rich guy; not the rich guy who employs everybody. Mr. Obama, take a look at how this country was built. You’re a socialist; you’re a dictator; you’re tearing apart our Constitution; you’re going after people who lawfully own a hand gun.

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This is Villa Park calling and I just wanted to say that I’m really excited that Trustee Bullwinkel will be running for village president and that trustees Taglia and Davis will be running for another term as village trustees. These three trustees have done a lot for Villa Park in the last four years and have always demonstrated the highest integrity.

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Lombard. Hi, everybody calls to complain but I would just like to thank you from the people from Kelly Court for fixing our flooding problem with the sewer you put in on time and within budget. Thank you again from all of us at Kelly Court.

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Lombard calling. I’m glad that skeets are finally getting the publicity that they deserve. It’s been long overdue.

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Lombard calling. Just heard about the school board’s decision to approve Glenbard East moving to the Upstate Eight Conference. A sad day for the community and the school. The so-called open hearing process was a joke. This decision was made long before seeking the opinions of affected students, parents and the community. I hope the current coaches, administrators and board members take ownership of this decision. It’s one they’ll regret. They’ve lost the respect and support of an entire community but no matter, since few of them live in Lombard or send their children to Glenbard East. Hope you’re so cavalier in making key decisions in your own communities.

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For the person who complained they drove across town and did not see a police car. Really? I can drive from Chicago to St. Louis and never see a state trooper; so what? The village is more than 10 square miles—how many squad cars would it take to have one on most streets so that every time you ran an errand you could see a police car? Did you see a fire truck? Ambulance? Public works truck? Mailman? Garbage truck? Milk truck? A friend? Where did everybody go?

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Around 56 women accepted John Heidelmeier’s invitation for a “Meet the Man” get together. No big political push, only congenial mingling. We learned that the candidates aren’t just politicians, but neighbors, homeowners and family men who all love Villa Park.  They think they can make a difference in our local government. We all know that is something much needed. Heidelmeier gave a five-minute oration introducing the candidates and thanking us for coming. A good time was had by all. They seem like a very good group and may just be the shot in the arm Villa Park needs to better our community.

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Here it is Sunday morning, Feb. 17, and I wanted to take my dog out for a quick walk around the block; however, some people believe it’s OK to park on their driveway blocking the sidewalk; so a simple walk around the block was a obstacle course. Called the non-emergency LPD to find out that this is against the law; was transferred to dispatch who advised an officer would be sent out to ticket the car. Well, that never happened so I guess the law isn’t enforced; yet another disappointment from the LPD.

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Lombard calling. Here’s a great idea. Why don’t we take a 100-pound, 5-foot-tall soccer mom and put her in the biggest SUV we could possibly find and give her a cell phone to occupy her time while she’s driving and then have her try and navigate the drive-through lanes at the bank and try and get out of the parking lot? And, put a little snow on the ground. Wonderful idea.

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Thursday morning it was so icy out I could barely get down my driveway without tripping. The streets of Lombard were in great shape so obviously people worked very hard to do that. Friday morning there was a lot of snow overnight. The streets of Lombard were still in very good shape. People always criticize the Village of Lombard when they do something wrong in terms of taking care of winter conditions. This season they haven’t had a lot of experience to do so, but they’ve done a great job so far. Keep up the good work, Village of Lombard.

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For those of you who lead such a charmed life as to have nothing better to do than complain about Christmas decorations being left up in the neighborhood, I would like to remind you that there are times when illness befalls a family, or unexpected surgery takes place or perhaps both, that prevents people from being able to get at that chore. Terribly sorry that it’s such an inconvenience to you, but you might want to consider that the next time you are making these complaints. Thank you.

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I live in Lombard and I just received my water bill. It jumped from $168 to $313.28. I called the village and asked if there was an increase in the rates and the person on the phone said, yes, it went from 11.7 to 12.8 and they didn’t send any notification out to residents, they published it in the Pride, which is a newsletter we get that obviously no one reads. How inconsiderate is that? Now they’re making it completely unaffordable for people to live in Lombard and pay ridiculous amounts. Come on, $313 for a water bill? That’s just ridiculous. People need to get their head out of the sand and bring down these prices because it’s just getting to be absolutely insane.

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We need more handicapped parking spaces by the library. I’m unable to participate in programs that my tax dollars are paying for.

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I went through Lombard a couple of times this week—I used to live in Lombard but don’t live here anymore—but in my travels it’s finally good to see the Lombard Police Department is finally pulling people over for either speeding, running red lights or whatever they were pulled over for during the morning or afternoon hours. It’s about time. Focus on the little stuff. It may prevent the big stuff.

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This is a Lombard citizen and I pick up my sister at 12 o’clock every night, and I can understand why we have such a problem with breaking and entering late at night, because after 12 o’clock you’re driving around this town and you’re free to roam because I didn’t see a cop in four days. I could go any speed I want or do anything I want because I didn’t see police driving around. I bet you won’t print that, will you?

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When is Congress going to get some backbone and stand up to the president, telling him to enforce our current immigration laws? The majority of Americans, and those immigrants who waited years to become citizens, are angry with the administration’s refusal to deal with those who are here illegally. Now, Illinois and several other states want to give illegal immigrants driver’s licenses, adding to their “USA Benefit Package.” The politicians say this will guarantee the safety of Americans if they have a license. Really? It seems like Congress and the President are just looking to buy votes. Real immigration reform starts by sending the illegals back to the country they came from, and telling them to get to the back of the line. Stop all visas until our own economy improves. Secure our borders. Stop granting automatic citizenship to babies born here and register them as citizens of the country their mother is from.
