Speak Out

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June 26, 2013

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To all the gun lovers, The U.S. leads all richest nations in gun deaths and your answer to that is more guns. You must also think more cigarettes will lead to less lung cancer. You also love to bring up Chicago; these gangbangers are not getting their guns in Chicago—they’re going to Indiana where there are less tough gun laws. And thanks to the NRA it’s tougher to prosecute straw purchases which are made for the gangbangers. Just like on cars you should have to have liability Insurance, training, and  registration for each gun purchased. And guess what: I haven’t had the government take my car away. The NRA and gun lobby love all you fear dwellers as they line their pockets. By the way, what part of well regulated militia don’t you understand—which everyone gun lover seems to leave out that part of the second amendment.

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This is Lombard calling. Now that the flooding has kind of calmed down and it’s in their memory—or a bad memory, I should say—Lombard is one of the worst flooding towns in the whole area in DuPage County. What I don’t understand is, why are all these people pouring into the storm sewer directly? Why can they do that and the rest of us have to put it into our yards, where our yard floods? So, these two young people from the village—I don’t know what their titles were but they weren’t probably over 30 years old—have no idea what flooding is unless you live in it. What I don’t understand is, nothing is being done. They constantly talk about it but nobody does anything about it. They started having a problem with the storm sewer water where people were pouring into it and started looking into it, and once again blew it off because it’s not their problem. Well, it is a big problem here in Lombard. Someone should do something.

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How nice it is. Our president is in Ireland and Germany and his family goes along at our expense. Next time, take some of the families of the unemployed. This president doesn’t get it. The national debt is at an all-time high; scandal after scandal and nobody’s accountable. No wonder we have no faith in our government. Next election, I will vote against anybody in office at the present time, to get a clean slate. Thank you.

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OK, Village of Villa Park. You did all those streets in a nice single layer in about three weeks. Good job. Now, why can’t you do Adams the same way, just as fast, from Ardmore to Addison? It would be greatly appreciated. The worst street in Villa Park for 20 years. Thank you.

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This is Lombard calling. To the people who keep calling in about articles, etc., hopefully we can get some more positive action from people instead of all the negativism about the village. If you want to complain about the villages, go to Villa Park or go to another village, or go to the city of Chicago. For Pete’s sake, we have a pretty good village. Grow up, people.

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Villa Park calling. My subject is backyard fires where yard waste and various debris, such as building materials, old fencing, etc. are burned, which is against city ordinances. These large non-recreational fires smoke up the whole neighborhood and usually burn well into the night, and smoke and smolder the next day. As a result, windows and doors must be kept closed. If you like to sit out in your backyard and enjoy the fresh air without smelling like you’ve been at a campfire, please call 9-1-1 and report these inconsiderate people. Thank you.

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Hello, this is Villa Park calling. I want to thank all the wonderful people who helped me Sunday, Father’s Day, on the Prairie Path trying to find my son’s car keys that I had after church, thinking that I dropped them along the Prairie Path by St. Alexander’s. And I had met so many nice people in my distress. I was just really upset about it because I had all my house keys in the car and everything. So anyway, I just want to thank all the good people who helped me and tell them the keys were found in the ladies’ washroom at St. Alexander’s Church. After looking on the Prairie Path for two hours I finally gave up. One of my neighbors had a house key of mine and then I finally got my son’s car the following morning. So again, thank you, all good people, and God bless you. Goodbye.

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Hi. This is to the person who said that all of us think the Second Amendment is the greatest thing since sliced bread, well, yeah, that’s why you’re not speaking German today. It’s because we defended ourselves. And yes, during the Revolutionary War we were close to speaking German, we were close to being taken over by the British. That’s how we seceded in our quest for freedom in this country. I guess if you don’t like it so much you can go to the bad parts of the city, put a big silly sign on your head that says, “I don’t believe in gun rights; I am unarmed.” Gun control works rather well in Chicago and Detroit, doesn’t it? I’m sure you thought very carefully before you made your silly comments. And yes, it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I’ll keep my freedom and you can go move to England where there are riots and burning in the streets and you can’t defend yourself. The police can barely defend themselves. In fact, you can barely go hunting there, and I’m sorry if you don’t like hunting.

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This is Lombard calling. Let me get this straight, and I know Chief Ray Byrne can’t comment on this because Dave Hulseberg’s put in a gag order, so if you’re a Lombard police officer, you get a job at 30, you work until you’re 50, you can retire with 50 percent of your pay? Folks, this is why our state is going broke. This is why our town’s going broke. It happens nowhere else in the real world. Nowhere. We complain about the oil companies and stuff; this doesn’t even happen there. This is crazy, insane stuff. Retire at 50 with half your pay? As their employer, I have to say it again, folks, I am tired of being the boss and the people I employ making more than me. It’s really getting old. And you know what, to the person who called in saying thank God for Dave Hulseberg—where would the town be? We’d be a lot be better off, and yes, it is a bridge to nowhere. Thank you.

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This is addressed to all of those who smoke in their cars while driving. How many of you use your car’s ash tray when you’re finished with your cigarette? That’s what I thought.

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Some months ago it was reported that Homeland Security purchased hundreds of armored vehicles like we use in Afghanistan. And we know that Janet Napolitano is buying millions of rounds of ammunition. Recently in Downers Grove at an IRS office, the protesters were monitored by Homeland Security agents with the big word “police” on the side of their vehicle. Now, Congressman Durkin from South Carolina has reported seeing IRS agents being trained on AR-15s by Homeland Security. Are we building a federal police force in violation of the Constitution?

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Oh, my gosh, Friday, June 21, first day of summer, some minor rain came through the area. It’s the No. 1 story on every local channel at 4 p.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.m. This would be a major story if it were snow. It is summer. It rains. Stop over-hyping some rain. It’s getting very old and very disturbing.

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Just wanted to say thank you to the gals who answer the phone at the village hall. They helped us resolve some issues with the construction on Finley Road. Bye.

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We know many out-of-work and underemployed people; seniors who can’t make it and have to move in with their kids, 19- to 20-year-old men and women who have moved back with their parents, yet Michelle Obama and her girls go to Ireland. They stay in a $3,300-per-night hotel with 300 rooms for their entourage, and Obama’s trip to Africa, according to the Washington Times, will cost us $60-$100 million. Yet, Obama and the Senate want us to give amnesty to 13 million people. Wow, talk about breaking our country’s and the people’s backs. Thank you, Obama.

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OK, I was wrong about that 75 percent for the police pension. The main point was to respond to the caller who felt that village employees covered by the IMRF had a generous pension. So, let’s compare police at the age of 60 with 30 years’ experience. They get 75 percent. An IMRF employ at the age of 60 with 30 years’ experience gets 55 percent. The IMRF has changed it so that now you cannot get a pension until the age of 62 and at that point it’s a reduced pension. Social Security, at 60 after 30 years, you get zero for your pension. Yes, you pay into your pension, but so do the taxpayers. I’m willing to bet you get all the money put into it after only seven years of retirement. I realize that your pension is based on state statute and they should not take away what you have earned, but like IMRF, they need to change some things because right now the real estate tax bill for village pensions is more than 50 percent higher than it is for services.
