Speak Out

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March 13, 2013

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Bob Harris, director of the Helen Plum Library, wished to address a call asking for increased handicapped parking spaces, reiterating a past Plum Lines in which he stated, “In response to the March 6 SPEAK OUT article where the caller stated ‘It would be appreciated if the director of the library could look into converting two spots across the street to handicapped parking’ and other articles that questioned the use of the library handicapped spaces—Although practically all of our patrons enjoy visiting the library once they are in the door, a few have a particularly hard time getting here, namely those who need to park in designated handicapped parking spaces. We understand and completely sympathize with them; this is a difficult situation. The best handicapped parking spaces would be very close to the front door, and would not be across a street. Currently, the library has just two designated handicapped parking spaces, and those are in the drop-off zone right in front of the library. With an average of almost 700 people a day visiting the library, that doesn’t seem like much. We hear people asking for more handicapped parking, and we wish we knew where to put it. We have asked the village if we could convert part of the parkway in front of the library or in front of the house next door (which the library owns) to handicapped spaces, but as times have changed since our two spaces in front were created, this is no longer in accordance with their code. We considered converting existing spaces across the street on the south side of Maple to handicapped spaces, but this would be unsafe, as disabled drivers would have to get out into traffic. We would like to create handicapped spaces on the property next door, to the west, but this is an expensive project, and we need to find funding for this. Please know that we are well aware of the need for more parking spaces, and are determined to find a good solution.”—JAC

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Keith Giagnorio is the best candidate for village president and deserves the vote of all Lombardians. He is an energetic businessman with great ideas and vision. Vote April 9 for Keith; it will be great for all of us.

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I am a Villa Park resident and there are campaign signs for Trustee Bullwinkel on my street. These signs are in the same yards that had Cullerton and Conroy signs last fall. All three are Democrats. My neighbors are Democrats. What’s interesting is that neither Cullerton nor Conroy is endorsing Trustee Bullwinkel for village president. Trustee Bullwinkel openly supported Republicans last November. Right now I am looking at a picture of her house taken last October by Google Street View. There are Pankow and Kordik signs on the front lawn. I hope my neighbors read SPEAK OUT today.

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As a resident of District 4, I am embarrassed by the actions of our trustee. Your actions at the board meeting were unacceptable and not appreciated. Please put your personal agenda away and work with the other board members for all of the village. Your petty actions are not flattering and not what we hoped for two years ago. You lost my support; please do not run for re-election.

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Secretary of State John Kerry cites Egypt’s “extreme needs” in giving that country $250 million toward $1 billion—yes, $1 billion the president will eventually hand out, the Associated Press reported. The feds can’t pay the bills and are cutting much-needed funding right here at home. If I gave away money to friends and relatives while not taking care of my family and bills first, that wouldn’t sit well. Where is the outrage? Contact your elected officials and find out the justification for this drain on our budget.

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I admired Trustee Fitzpatrick disclosing her connections to the village grant for the sculpture show. However, the grandstanding of leaving the room and leaving a totally unbiased spokesperson in your place, who was also your husband, was comical.

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A big thank you to the many local restaurants, bakeries and other businesses for their generous food and prize donations to the St. Pius X Saint Joseph’s Day Table event for the benefit of the St. Vincent de Paul charity mission that was held this past weekend. It was truly an enjoyable event but unfortunate that it had to have local politics thrown in. Not the right time or place for politics, especially given that church and state so to speak should not mix. 

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Well it’s campaign season and time for the annual lawn sign competition. I counted a large sampling of  village presidency campaign signs and the results are: Giagnorio, 39 percent; Khan, 35 percent; RE/MAX, 18 percent; and Novak, 8 percent.

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Lombard calling. I wonder if anyone from the Village of Lombard ever drives down Highland Avenue South of Roosevelt Road. That road is just the worst road I think in the county; big chunks of concrete laying there, big holes in the street, obviously done by the lowest bidder, but not necessarily qualified. I hope they do something with it.

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I’d like to enlighten the person who thinks it is just a grand idea to give illegals driver’s licenses.  First, it is a magnet for even more illegals—something we don’t need for many reasons including the financial drain on the already bankrupt state. It gives them a form of identification that will make it easier to commit other types of fraud in the future. Most importantly for this discussion, it will not make the roads safer. It will put more of them on the road. And do you really think people who already willingly break the law will all of a sudden start paying for car insurance?

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I like the fact that Dave Hulseberg, Lombard village manager, takes it upon himself to give permission for Laura Fitzpatrick to change somebody else’s art work. So now that the skeet theme has run its course, let’s play another game; let’s see how many things Dave can give us permission to change. Hey, Dave, the Picasso downtown is getting kind of rusty. Can I have your permission to throw some paint on it?

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I see John Novak is having a candidates night. Congratulations, John. I’m glad you’re out there meeting the public. The other candidates could probably take a note from you. They don’t want to meet the voter. They just want to meet the business people at the chamber of commerce, probably to get donations. Keep up the good work, John.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. When children are throwing tantrums and acting like babies and after you try to reason with them for a long time, sometimes you have to walk out of the room to get their attention so they stop acting like whiny babies. It is my opinion that this is what happened at the meeting when some of our trustees walked out. Also, why let one incident ruin a lifetime of a candidate’s hard work in the community? Let’s look at the whole picture, people, not just one incident where a trustee had to deal with some whiny little crying babies in the village. Thank you.

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Hi, Lombard calling. To the person who said about picking up dog poop in Madison Meadow, I walk Madison Meadow every day and I clean up after my dog, but do realize that, before you complain, there is more poop from the geese on the walkway and in the park than there is from dogs. Thank you.

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This is Lombard calling. To the person who said Route 53 is only two lanes in Lombard obviously has never driven through Glen Ellyn, where it’s two lanes all the way down past COD. If you don’t know what you’re talking about, don’t say anything at all.

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Wake up, Lombard. You bought a hotel a few years ago. Your credit rating fell from AAA to BB. You bought a bike bridge to nowhere for millions, financed with TIF funds. Now you are going to borrow $10 million from a Wheaton bank for 10 years. In 10 years from now, the management responsible at village hall will be basking in the sun at the beach far away. Who will be accountable to pay? Your kids? Thank you.

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Hello, Lombard and Glenbard East. It’s enough of a pain that we have to put up with this parking Monday through Friday, but in the evening and on the weekends, can we please, please, please do something about all the parking on both sides of the streets. We can’t get up and down the street, we can’t get in our driveway, blah, blah, blah. It’s the same old thing. It’s been going on for years. Tross couldn’t do anything, Giagnorio can’t or won’t do anything. Can someone please help us?

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Closing tours of the White House will save $2 million. How much does it cost for the first lady to go on Leno, Letterman, Fallon, Rachael Ray, etc., considering the travel, Secret Service and anything else involved? Maybe it would be cheaper to keep the White House open and we could all see her there.

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Lombard calling. I do not appreciate political robocalls from any politician, especially those who live in the same town or district that I do. You are guaranteeing that you will not get my vote.

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I saw a sign in a yard that Sarah Richardt is running for park board commissioner. I didn’t even know she was running, but I know of her from the Lombard Historical Society and think she would make a fine commissioner because she seems to have a real commitment to Lombard. She will get my vote.

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The Obama administration is at it again, creating legislation that will cause hardships to many people. Taking the GED will be computerized now. How will that affect many of those who need that GED the most? If they don’t have the computer savvy or even the typing skills, that’s a roadblock and could end up being more costly to provide those skills. Some people do not have regular access to a computer, or maybe do better with pencil and paper in front of them, yet with this new system they will be at a disadvantage. What are they thinking?

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Hey, friends, I’ve got a simple voting guide for Lombard. Number one, anybody who supported the Westin Hotel project, don’t vote for them. Anybody who supported turning our old downtown Lombard into a parking lot for commuter trains, don’t vote for them. Anybody who was friends with the DuPage Theatre, don’t vote for them. Anybody who supported the bridge to nowhere, don’t vote for them. Anybody who thinks Bill Mueller was a great village president, don’t vote for them. Anybody who’s been on the village board before as a trustee, don’t vote for them. In other words, folks, our best bet in this town, if there’s somebody new, and you don’t even know about them, vote for them. It’s going to be better than what we have. We need new, fresh blood in this town. I hope this helps all you folks out there. Thank you.

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Hi, this is the north side of Lombard. Somebody just stole some campaign signs for village president and I was just wondering if you’re afraid your candidate’s not going to win. Why don’t you just leave the campaign signs alone and let the best person win? Bye.

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Villa Park calling. People need to get out and vote in the upcoming election unless you want a Cicero-style politics here in Villa Park. You need to report to the voting booth.

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The solution to our problems is simple. Number one, we have to get back to God’s law, not man’s law. And the other thing is, we’ve got to stop this nonsense spending every time somebody wants something. Buy your own. Government, step out of this. Increasing taxes will only exacerbate the problem. That’s the simple solution. Spend less. If you don’t have it, don’t spend it. We don’t have any surpluses but these people seem addicted to spending more, more, more. Politicians, change your habits or get out of office and let somebody else run the business. Good bye.

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Lombard here. I have one question: Liberals, why do you want communism for America? Are you sad because Obama has not given you enough? What more can he do to destroy America and make you happy? I say, impeach him as soon as possible. Thank you.

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Hi, this is Villa Park calling. It’s about my time and somebody’s time to speak out and say something about the dog and pony show that precedes the Villa Park board meeting on Monday evenings. This program is so insipid and immature. Everything is a laugh, a handshake, a giggle or a high five. Either the show should have some substance and maturity to the program or take it off the air. It’s a ridiculous venture in our Village of Villa Park.
