Speak Out

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March 20, 2013

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I am a parishioner at St. Alexander’s in Villa Park, and I would like to know how my fellow Catholic state senator, Tom Cullerton, voted on the same-sex marriage act with the Illinois State Senate in Springfield. Can the Villa Park Review find out this information for me? Thank you very much.

The senator responded to your inquiry by stating, “I voted Yes on the issue of same-sex marriage. I was very open during the campaign and my opponent made sure to point out that I would be voting in favor if it came to a vote. I do not take my duties lightly as a senator and do realize that for every vote I cast, especially on social issues, there are going to be people who have a difference of opinion. This session, so far, has had more difficult votes than any in prior years; pension reform, budget constraints, same-sex marriage, conceal and carry, medicinal marijuana and these just scratch the surface. I don’t take any of these issues lightly and I look forward to hearing from the residents of the 23rd District on their thoughts and ideas. Every day I am not in Springfield I am out in the district. I have held meetings and visited with school boards, village boards, park districts, local business, fire districts, IDOT and many more. Throughout the next four years there are going to be many changes in Springfield. I am truly grateful to be the senator for the 23rd District as we move the great State of Illinois forward. If you ever need to find out how I voted or any member of the General Assembly please go to www.ilga.gov<http://www.ilga.gov>. This will allow you to access the General Assembly Web site and follow along with details regarding bills and where they stand. If residents of the 23rd have any other questions, please feel free to call my office at 630-903-6662. Thank you.”—JAC

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Lombard calling. I just received the Lombard Park District book for the spring/summer. It’s very disappointing to me that Lombard doesn’t offer any adult programs anymore, maybe like floral arranging and adult Microsoft and Word Perfect classes for educational purposes. Please reply to this and print it. Thank you, bye.

Lombard Park District Executive Director Paul Friedrichs responded: “We do attempt to meet the community’s recreational needs as best we can and in fact have offered programs such as floral arranging in the past. Unfortunately, as was the case with floral arranging, when these programs do not meet minimum class size requirements they are subject to cancellation. During 2012, the Lombard Park District offered more than 600 classes to adults; in the current Spring Activity Guide there are 171 programs offered for adults. The park district is also limited to the types of programs we can offer due to the size and type of the facilities we have. Currently, the park district is in the process of creating a new Comprehensive Master Plan that will shape the future of your park district for the next several years and beyond. Shortly, a Community Survey will be sent out in the mail to a randomly selected number of park district residents.  This survey will aid the park district in taking a resident-driven approach to making decisions that will enrich the future of our community and positively affect the lives of its residents. It will help the park district to establish priorities for the future improvement of parks and recreation facilities, programs and services. I hope that anyone receiving the survey will take the time to complete it and return it to the independent consultant the park district has partnered with for this project. Once again, I welcome any comment, suggestion, issue or complaint regarding the park district and its operations. If you would like a timelier and more detailed response from me, my best suggestion would be to call me directly at 630-627-1281 or e-mail me at pfriedrichs@lombardparks.com.”—JAC

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Hi, Villa Park. If you get invited to a casual neighborhood get together to meet the candidates, be sure to go. It was invigorating to see people arrive with lists of questions and good to hear the answers. The one-hour meeting lasted three hours and really seemed like 30 minutes. I learned a lot and I really believe these small open forums are one of Heidelmeier’s best ideas.

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I chuckled after reading a new article about a rift in Naperville in which the chamber of commerce wrote a supposedly harsh letter to the city council. The subject? A council member wanted to prohibit a developer from using the name “Riverwalk” in its structures. By the way, it’s a $95 million project. My reaction? I wish we had such a problem. For all the revenue such a development could bring, a $95 million project could be called “Lilac” anything for all I care. Speaking of Naperville, I continually read how they attract big names, celebrities, authors, etc. to one of their bookstores and college campus—most recently Caroline Kennedy. Why can’t we attract businesses like that? Think what it would do for Lombard; substitute Westin for the North Central College Campus and we have a venue.

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The Securities and Exchange Commission has charged the state of Illinois with fraud in connection with its handling of its pension finances. The Chicago Tribune has called for any sitting politician who played a role in sabotaging the state’s pension system—which harks back to Gov. Edgar’s administration’s promotion and passage of legislation that began the slippery actuarial practices that created this mess—to do the honorable thing by resigning. Will we be having a special election soon?

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Hi, Villa Park —good meeting at the Villa Park Village Hall on Wednesday evening. A chance to see and compare all the candidates and hear their visions for our community. Yes, there are some real leaders among them. We found out that they all love our town and have lived here for years. We found out that a few of them have a really good sense of humor. We found out that a few of them have very short fuses. Kind of an insight as to who and what they really are personally. Our thanks to the Junior Women’s League for hosting the event. I’ll bet even they were surprised at the huge turnout—standing room only. Village residents do really care, as they should. These are the people who will be making all the decisions for the direction of your town. Read all you can on each individual. Try to go meet them. Vote.

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Villa Park calling. Bullwinkel says there are problems with lack of communication between the village president and the trustees. I have known President Cullerton for a number of years, and I have always found him to be very easy to communicate with and open to talking with anyone about Villa Park. Many people in town have told me the same thing. I suggest, Trustee Bullwinkel, that if there is a problem with communication between you and President Cullerton, that the problem may lie with you.

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Hi, Lombard calling. I recently read in SPEAK OUT that somebody had said she really enjoyed Essense Nails at 417 Crescent Blvd. in Lombard, so I went and tried it and I want to let you in Lombard know they really are good. The nails look beautiful. We need to support our local businesses. Thank you.

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Lombard calling. It seems very tacky for a person running for village president to put nine campaign signs on an empty lot on St. Charles Road and Westmore Avenue. Why not plant them in front of the village hall? You will get more attention, I'm sure. Thank you.

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I would like to commend Montini Catholic High School for the latest theatrical production, “Anything Goes.” The singing was so professional and the tap dancing, wow. The whole show was better than what I saw, “Sunset Boulevard,” the week before at Drury Lane. Once again, you have excelled. Thank you.

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Hello, SPEAK OUT. This is for the people who can’t seem to get over Giagnorio walking out of the board of trustees meeting. OK, he did walk out of it but so did Breen and so did Ware, so if you’re going to just talk about one person walking out, you need to mention the other two. Yes, they were wrong in walking out but Giagnorio has the credentials to be the village president; the others don’t. Don’t talk about somebody walking out of anything because you people who just can’t seem to stop talking about it have probably walked out of meetings, walked out on your wife, your husband or your kids, or a job, so don’t go talking about Giagnorio walking out of a meeting. Get your facts straight first. If you’re going to do any research on this, dig a little deeper, OK? Just dig a little deeper.

I needed to dig a little deeper and do a little “straightening” out on your call. After a failed motion to adjourn at the Sept. 20, 2012, village board meeting, District 1 Trustee Greg Gron asked for a recess at about 9:15 p.m. Five minutes later when the recess was over, Gron, along with trustees Keith Giagnorio and Bill Ware, were no longer in the building. Due to the fact that only three board members returned to the dais after the recess, there was no longer a quorum and the meeting was adjourned without the issue of naming an acting village president being resolved. Peter Breen did not walk out of the village board meeting that night. Along with Breen, trustees Laura Fitzpatrick and Zachary Wilson returned to the dais following the recess.—blm

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Hey, this is Lombard calling. Is anybody fed up like I am with the Lombard trustees? We need to send them all a message and vote them all out. They’re an absolute disgrace. Thank you and have a great day.

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I also will not be voting for Keith Giagnorio. I want someone who will fight for Lombard, not walk out. When he walked out of the village meeting he embarrassed the village, lost my respect, lost my vote. We need a leader, not what appears to be a quitter.

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Hello. I’m reading another SPEAK OUT and notice a lot of traffic incidences. It seems to me the people of Lombard don’t know what a stop sign is. They think it says go when it means stop and roll right through it. I’m a school bus driver; I drive handicapped kids around all the time. I’ve come close to hitting some of these cars sometimes because of their negligence. They think they own the road; they think stop means go. I wish the Lombard Police Department would do something and cite these people before something happens. It amazes me that people think they own the road, but it’s a privilege to drive, remember? Oh, well. Thanks for listening, Lombard.

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Hey, Lombard, all you Lombard governmental agencies, how about if you get together and buy that Ken Loch Golf Course? Park district, village, school districts, community, county, townships, whatever it takes. You all get together. We put a nice facility down there; maybe a library, a field house, a swimming pool, a few other nice little things and then leave some nice park around it. Now that would be working together. Can you work and play well together?

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It is my understanding that the Friends of the DuPage Theatre have recorded a surplus in their budget in the last three years that totals in excess of $6,000. For that I give them credit. However, as in the past three years, they are again requesting a $3,000 grant to help fund their DuPage Invitational Sculpture Show to be held May 11 in Lilacia Park. It is my opinion they should not be awarded this grant as they have enough from their surplus from the last three years to cover their expenses. I would like the village board members to give more diligence to their fiduciary responsibility. Thank you.

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Hi, I just wanted to say thank you to Mr. Van Den Burg, Mr. Graham and all teachers and faculty and parents who were involved with the Battle of the Bands at Glenbard East last week. I just wanted to say great job; it was a wonderful night of music. If you get a chance to go out there next year, you should. Support these kids. They were very respectful to one another, The music ranged all different genres of music. It was great. I had a wonderful evening. Thank you Glenbard East for producing such wonderful talent in our students.

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I think Lombard Trustee Peter Breen is doing a great job. I don’t agree on everything he does, but he is very proactive and does get things done. He is one of the few people who can stand up to give a reply for his actions, which is more than I can say for some of the officials of Lombard. We can always find fault in someone’s actions or decisions. Although I was not there for the downtown big TV screen event, it helped stimulate the downtown. What a great idea. Also, everyone should be proud of their heritage and faith. I didn’t read the negativity that a SPEAK OUT caller was implying of Trustee Breen. Thank you.

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I would like to know why a certain contractor can leave his signs up on the home he has built on the east side of town, and leave them up even after the houses are sold and occupied by somebody else. Isn't that kind of free advertising for him? I think the village should say that the signs should come down once the house is complete and sold.
