Speak Out

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November 27, 2013

Speak Out Archives


To speak out, send your message to Speak Out!

I would like give a huge thank you to Bonnie MacKay for her response to Kevin Fitzpatrick’s email. I agree with the entire letter and also the other comments that the $6.67 won’t even buy a book of stamps, and could be donated to the church offering plate. In my household, that won’t be a blip on the financial expenses that we have to cover each month. If Kevin Fitzpatrick wants to comment so much on his wife’s actions as a trustee, perhaps he should run himself instead of the ongoing commentary that seems to occur. Kudos to you, Bonnie. 

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It’s funny that all these Republicans who are all so upset that Obama lied about people get kicked off their junk insurance policies because they don’t meet minimum requirements were never upset when Bush lied about weapons of mass deception which led to thousands of our troops killed in combat for a bogus war. Now go back to reading your Benghazi book, even though 13 embassies were attacked under Bush. No wonder why you keep losing elections.

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For all of you readers who are so anti-union, I have a question for you. Why is it OK for businesses to do their acquisitions and mergers, but unacceptable for individuals to merge their talents? I await a response.

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With the help of Harry Reid and the Senate, the rules have been changed. So the president gets to do anything he wants and he will decide who the judges are in the second highest court in America. They will aid and back up anything he says. He has his will for us. This is changing the world, people. Sounds like a dictator to me.

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In a recent SPEAK OUT somebody is blaming Congress for a whole bunch of stuff and saying we shouldn’t blame Obama. They referred to Congress as shutting down the government. No, actually Congress didn’t. Harry Reid and President Obama did because they refused to accept the money that Congress offered them to pay for things. They also said that Congress has de-funded everything in sight. Do you live on the same planet the rest of us do? Since Barack Obama has become president, he has run up our national debt from $8 trillion to $15 trillion. So what do you mean we de-funded everything in sight? You can’t be living on the same planet. Yeah, I blame President Obama for everything. He is the president. Why don’t you tell the soon-to-be 100 million people who will lose their insurance over the next year that it’s Congress’ fault?

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The change of filibuster rules is Obamacare 2. It lets the Senate block Republican votes. Harry Reid will be blocking any Republican voice with another power grab. When does this stop?

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Weekly recap on SPEAK OUT calls: Well it only took two weeks for someone to complain about the weekly recap, lighten up; see you Dec. 5 for the Girl Rising Event at AMC; complaints about Obama, driving, weekly recap, leaf pick up, deficit, trustees, same-sex marriage and Finley Road. Thank you remarks to Bonnie MacKay, Lilac Bakery and Fox News. Four times as many complaints as compliments or thanks. Is this just Lombard or everywhere? It’s that time of year, look around and be thankful for what you have and send in something nice to SPEAK OUT; it is not just a complaint box. Imagine if Obama drove recklessly to your house and left leaves in your yard, tore up Finley Road again and you could not reach your trustee who was out spending their property tax savings, then you should call and complain. Happy Thanksgiving, find someone doing something nice or something you like and then call it in and share the news.

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Lombard calling. I am a longtime reader of the Lombardian and have never called SPEAK OUT before, but this time, I felt I had to in response to the person who used God as an excuse for their life’s choices. In your own words, “God made us this way.” First you use the phrase “this way.” Sounds like you regret your life. Secondly, God gave us a brain so we can make our own decisions. To paraphrase an old adage, you can lead a horse to water but he doesn’t have to drink. Thank you.

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Saturday, Nov. 30, is Small Business Saturday. Shop in Lombard, hit as many businesses as you can and this will support our town. That is the best thing you can do to keep Lombard going is to support our small businesses.

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I think some rules that we have in place should be changed: the rules for the president, congressmen, senators, governors, department heads, police department, politicians of all kinds, if they’re accused of some sort of crime, if they’re accused of sexual harassment, or any impropriety like that. It should not be paid for by the taxpayer. They should have to pay for it out of their own pocket. They committed a crime. Why should we be paying for that? This nonsense has to stop. Where does the money come from? Us taxpayers. These rules and laws should be changed and changed immediately. Change the laws, people. Goodbye.

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Hi, this is Lombard. I just want to say how much we miss Mr. Z’s. No life, no lights, no Christmas trees in the parking lot. It’s a sad season for all of us here in Lombard. Please, Mr. Z., have a wonderful, happy Thanksgiving and whoever is letting their dog poop on my sidewalk, please stop. Thank you.

The Christmas trees are returning to Mr. Z’s parking lot, according to Chuck Pickerill, program director, Hours are Monday through Friday, 2-9 p.m. and from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. The last day to purchase a tree is Saturday. Dec. 21. Proceeds help local families to attend YMCA programs.—JAC

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Hi. We’d just like to thank Jerry from the Lombard Park District for planting our tree in memory of my late husband and to tell people that the park district does that kind of thing; they plant trees if someone you love has died. That’s a great thing because it’s a living memorial you can have for years and years to come. It does cost something, like $150 or more, but think of that. You can have more trees in the parks you choose from so the tree will keep growing. Anyway, thanks so much again to Jerry and I know it’s kind of late in the year to be planting trees but you can keep this in mind. Thank you.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. On Saturday night, Nov. 16, I was returning home from the city on the train. While walking to my car, my foot hit the edge of the sidewalk and I fell. A young man helped me up. My foot was badly sprained and my shoulder was also very sore. He was right behind me and helped me get up. I was very grateful for his kindness and assistance. It is so nice to know that there are such nice people around when you really need help. I just wanted to thank him again.

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I visited the new Family Dollar and everything I wanted was in stock. The employees were friendly and I didn’t have to wait long in line. Welcome to Lombard.

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This is Lombard calling. I would like to thank AAA Garage Door in Villa Park for adjusting my garage door at no charge. Thank you very, very much. They’re a very, very nice company to deal with. Thank you. Bye bye.

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So many people have been burned by the president’s empty promises regarding Obamacare. Millions are losing their insurance plans even though Obama repeatedly promised they could keep them if they liked them. Here’s an idea. Maybe some of the multimillionaire singers who shilled for Obama’s re-election—Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi, Neil Diamond, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry—could hold some apology/fundraising concerts to raise money for some of Obamacare’s victims.

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I applaud my neighbor for speaking out about our common problem; the dog walker who likes to stroll down everyone’s front lawn. As mentioned, she does not confine her dog travels to the sidewalk or parkway. I told her when she first got her dog to stop walking him on my front lawn. I advised her in no uncertain terms that she is technically trespassing since she was “watering” her dog on private property without owners’ permission. That was almost a year ago and she’s still at it. Maybe we should join forces and file a formal complaint with the Lombard P.D. or at least have a community patrol officer stop over and have a chat with her.

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The person who called to say he or she disagreed with President Obama, and disagreed with President Bush and disagreed with Carter and disagreed with Clinton and disagreed with Reagan, sure sounds like a disagreeable person. Remember, it’s SPEAK OUT, not “Spew Out.”

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Thanks, neighbor, for not raking up your leaves. Figured you’d wait until they blew away? Well, they did, and now they are in my yard after I took so much time to clean up my own yard. I am an older adult and cannot keep up. Also, I agree with the person who said we are out of luck, those of us whose garbage day falls right before Thanksgiving. Thanks to my neighbor, I won’t get it all raked up before the free leaf pick-up is over.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. Thank you to all the wonderful people who hung up the Christmas—and I’m going to say Christmas—holiday decorations gracing our streets and the light posts. It just brings a wonderful, festive, happy feeling. Thank you so much, and happy holidays to all.

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To the caller wondering why a guy from Winfield keeps talking about the condo owners’ lost garages, be glad he is because no one in Lombard will stand up to the village. If you paid any attention, you would know that the condo owners are at the mercy of the village. Complain, and they may never get their garages. Thanks.

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Yea. Finley is finally finished. Looks great, a pleasure to drive on. Oh my gosh, it really took a long time, but it really seems like a great road. Congratulations. Yea.

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Hi, Lombard, this is about the bridge to nowhere. This bridge cost millions for 10 or 12 people to cross St. Charles to Grace Street a day so they don’t have to dodge traffic on Grace Street or St. Charles. St. Charles is a good speed, it’s maintained by the state. Grace Street is different. It’s a big mess. It’s one of the main north and south streets in Lombard so please rename it Disgrace Street, because that’s what it is. Thank you very much.

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As an avid reader of SPEAK OUT for enlightenment and entertainment, I have noticed similarities in federal and local comments. A high official like President Obama, who sells lies, as in Obamacare, can get paid travel and play golf. In the private sector, Kevin Trudeau is taken to task on weight loss products and is fined over $30 million and possibly 30 years in jail. On the local scene, if you park your boat on your driveway, you get threatened by a per-day fine. Where is the accountability on the government side? Who is in charge? Goodbye.
