Speak Out

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October 16, 2013

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Hello, Lombard calling. A lot of us in Lombard have been stuck with Comcast and no other option for quite a while. The Lombard Web site now says that U-Verse is becoming available. No one at the Lombard Village Hall can tell when this is going to be. The phone number they give for AT&T, the people there don’t know when that’s going to be and spend most of their time trying to hard sell you on other services. As journalists, can you find out from AT&T when exactly U-Verse and competition will be available to the citizens of Lombard? Thank you.

A call to AT&T could not ascertain which general areas of Lombard have that particular service because the representative required a specific address (with the one I used, the answer was no). Try calling 888-871-5031 to inquire about new service or visit www.attsavings.com/availability to see if U-Verse cable TV is available at your location.—JAC

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Hi, Villa Park. You guys ought to hire York Township to take care of your streets. Boy, the streets east of Willowbrook, north of Roosevelt Road, boy, fantastic, like they’ve just been seal-coated; there’s not a bump anywhere. Why don’t you guys get rid of your street department and just hire York Township? It would be a big improvement.

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We are the grown-ups trying to keep the Constitution and our rights given by God, not our government. Obama refused to follow the law establishing U.S. immigration and border security laws. He doesn’t follow them at all. Obama refuses to follow his own Obamacare law and the protection of the First Amendment about the religious freedom restoration act in 1993. Obama seemingly lied to Congress and the people about how much Obamacare would cost. Obama apparently made illegal recess appointments of radicals to key positions when the Senate was not in recess to avoid confirmation process requirements by the Constitution. Obama enacted his own version of cap and trade, climate change law, a law that failed to get through Congress; again, his own law. If you think we don’t know what we’re talking about, I think you’d better keep up on the news, caller. Thank you.

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The United States is a country whose citizens question their leaders. In fact, it is the citizens’ responsibility to question their leaders.

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Hi, Lombard and Villa Park. I see you libs still think Obama is the best thing since sliced bread. You blame Congress but you see the only thing wrong with Congress is the Senate and Harry Reid. This president has played up to our enemies and shunned our friends. So, let’s save America. Impeach Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin and try to save the world power we used to be. Thank you.

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We are delighted that Trustee Peter Breen will seek the position of state representative. We—no many—believe Mr. Breen is the person needed to represent us. As a trustee we are grateful for the good he has accomplished. We look forward to Mr. Breen addressing our needs in Springfield. Know that we, and many others, want Mr Breen to be our representative. It will be our pleasure to assist Mr. Breen in his campaign. Good Luck.

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The Lombard Village Board obviously has the idea they do not need to respond to citizens’ questions in SPEAK OUT. This is not a transparent village board as promised. It’s opaque. It’s disgusting. Wake up, Lombardians, vote against all these incumbents. They all pretend to care during the campaign and then they seemingly do exactly what they want.

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Make the shutdown as hard as possible—orders from the White House. For children with cancer, no treatment; for your trip to the Statue of Liberty, she's closed; for the tour group at Old Faithful in Yellowstone, held there for hours and can’t even go for a walk. World War II vets barred from the memorial yet illegals have stages set up for a rally in the same park. Double standards; preferred groups, just like Obamacare has. Further, health care, even Congress is exempt. This is not the White house; this is the Spite House. This president brings us shame.

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Lombard calling. The sad truth is if Terrace View Pond was located just 1.5 blocks south from its location, it definitely would not be in the unhealthy condition that it is in. The Lombard Town Centre businesses would be screaming to high heaven and not one trustee nor village manager would ignore their concerns, for the customers would be disgusted and the businesses would move elsewhere. The village would move more swiftly to stop the flooding, the overgrowth of prairie weed and stench coming from the water that is allowed to percolate in the heat. Does the engineering firm doing the bandage fix guarantee their strategy and fix? I hope Trustee Whittington is listening. Thank you.

You are in luck. District 1 Trustee Dan Whittington requested an update on both the Terrace View Pond and Finley Road projects to provide answers for residents. If you turn to Page 2 of today’s Lombardian, you will see the update on the pond. If you have additional questions or concerns, mark your calendar for Tuesday, Oct. 29, and attend a meeting at the Corner House, 100 W. St. Charles Road, where Whittington and a representative from the Lombard Public Works Department will be on hand to answer questions.—blm

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The people who are calling in saying Obama closed down the World War II Memorial are mistaken. It is actually the House of Representatives who could not vote a clean continuing resolution bill to fund the government that closed down the World War II Memorial. It’s very simple. Obama didn’t do it. Congress did.

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Hi, Lombard here. I’m very sad; I really do miss Mr. Z’s. Everyone was friendly, helpful; it was very convenient and their meat selection was really the best in town. I feel like we should have a memorial for the store. I was in another grocery store yesterday and talking to a co-Lombardian about missing Mr. Z’s and two other bystanders jumped in our conversation and we were all mourning together. What if every person in Lombard pitched in just one dollar toward Mr. Z’s? Do you think that would help? Thanks for your service to our community from a loyal customer.

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This is Lombard calling. I first of all want to congratulate the Willowbrook football team for having such a fine season; which brings up the topic. I pay my $4 to get into the game, I sit down in the bleachers to watch the Willowbrook Warriors play football. As I sit there, I’m in the bottom couple of rows in the stands and people are standing in front of me along the fence watching the game. I asked several times for them to move and they ignored me. Those people, students, who got in for free, are able to stand and watch the game along the fence, blocking the view of other spectators who paid. I cannot believe students and parents don’t realize they are blocking the view of other people.

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The president’s promises about Obamacare have apparently turned out to be untrue. Even some Democrats are starting to figure it out. Obamacare won’t provide universal coverage. People won’t see an average annual premium savings of $2,500. The law does hit the middle class with new taxes, and it adds to the deficit. How about the promise that if you like your plan, you can keep it? A lot of people are learning that the plans they like are going away on Jan. 1, 2014. I think Obama has less credibility than a salesman on a late-night infomercial.

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Big shout out to Lombard Town Centre for such a spectacular Spooktacular this year. I am completely amazed as to how well this event has grown and the wonderful light it puts our downtown in. What a great way to bring the community together.  Thank you for all of your hard work.  It shows.

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Hi. I just wanted to see you announce a big thank you to Officer Thiede of the Lombard Police Department. We had a problem with a neighbor and he went well above and beyond helping us out with the situation and I think he deserves a big kudo. Please make sure it’s in the SPEAK OUT for Officer Thiede. Thank you.

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To the person who thinks he or she knows exactly what’s going on at Terrace View Pond, you don’t. That pond is now turned into a swamp by the village. The park district gave over the responsibility to maintain it and now we have a swamp in our backyard. What village would turn the only decent pond we have into a swamp, just to eliminate some flooding for the people to the north that will never be corrected, because that area is way too low.

You can read the update on this project on Page 2 in today’s Lombardian.—blm

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Hey, Lombard, Villa Park, I’ve got a question for you. How’s that hope and change we all wanted? Huh? It’s pretty good, isn’t it? Huh? Huh? Government shutdowns, spending limit hikes, Obamacare that doesn’t work, an economy that’s down the drain, unemployment that’s still above 7 percent. How’s that hope and change? Glad you voted for it, aren’t you?

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Fellow Lombardians. I had a dream; I dreamt that all dog owners cared for their pets like my next-door neighbor. The dog is let outside, it barks once; it’s let in. There are, however, some in my neighborhood who maybe shouldn’t own a dog. Some let them bark for lengthy periods of time; some bark before 7 a.m. Some bark after 10 p.m. This can be annoying. This can be a disturbance. If people want a dog, then train it. Show it some love and respect the neighborhood right to peace and tranquility.

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Hi, Lombard calling. This is for the person in the Oct. 9 edition of SPEAK OUT who chastised me for observing what was going on in cars around me while driving near a school. You must be the person who cuts in front of me changing lanes without looking as I drive down the street. If your eyes are ahead of you, you’re not observing your rear-view mirror, your side, or your peripheral or anything, so don’t keep your eyes straight ahead. That’s how you cut people off all the time.

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Maybe it’s time our politicians help veterans who are struggling to get help when they come back from service to their country. Is it possible that they’ve been too busy for years concentrating on illegal immigrants? Just close the border and give those entitlements to the veterans who sacrificed to keep us safe. Why are they working for people who broke the law, instead of our soldiers, not to mention the seniors and out-of-work Americans who need help? Start working for the people who pay you.

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In a recent SPEAK OUT somebody called in that they want Peter Roskam to resign because his party shut the federal government down. You know, folks, this is the problem; we have such a very poor understanding of the Constitution nowadays. What happened was, the House of Representatives, who our founding fathers called the “People’s House,” meaning my house, Peter Roskam voted the way the people in his district who elected him wanted to vote. The Republicans in the House of Representatives sent a bill forward to the Senate that paid for everything the federal government needed to pay but Obamacare. Harry Reid and the president refused to accept the money. Real simple, folks. The ones who refused to fund the government shut it down, not Peter Roskam and not the Republicans. And, yes, thank you, Peter Roskam, for being part of the party that is listening to me.

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Dear voters; 46 Democrats voted to give your Second Amendment rights to the U.N. They are also the same ones who voted and gave you Obamacare. Both of these items without a single Republican vote. That should really tell you something. Thank you.

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Where is my America? I just saw on the news how veterans and their families can’t get their benefits with the government shutdown. They weren’t doing a lot for the veterans before that. The next story was about illegals marching in the streets again. Don’t any of these people have to work, don’t the children have to go to school? The legal Americans who have to work and pay taxes, medical, etc., can’t possibly take off work to march in the streets as often as the illegals can. Didn’t Gutierrez take an oath to uphold our laws, not aid and abet illegals? In spite of them not working they drive new vehicles, live in the same houses we do, have four to six kids, Link cards, free medical; what more could Americans do for them? They might be better off as illegals.

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Well, here it is the weekend again and I guess that means that’s going to bring out all the people collecting and begging for money on Roosevelt Road at all the major intersections. Can we please do something about it? It’s unnecessary and it’s unsafe. I saw Mr. Masterson speaking again in the open forum last week. He sure has all of the facts. When is the village going to admit they were wrong and give the condo owners their garages back?
