Speak Out

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April 23, 2014

Speak Out Archives


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The government is there as a servant of the people. The government’s takeover of all the United States health care is unconstitutional. The government’s takeover of education, Common Core, is unconstitutional. the takeover of state lands is unconstitutional. What happened to state sovereignty and the giving away of the Internet is not Obama’s to give. The attempted takeover of state land in Nevada was foiled because citizens and militia saw what the government was doing. This government wants to shut down the communication highway from the citizens of America. You can’t stop events you don’t know are happening. It doesn’t sound like this government is serving or protecting, does it? Thank you.

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Recently someone called in the Lombardian about the science of global warming. Perhaps this person forgot the five basic tenets of science. Number one, you form an observation that you have of things taking place in the natural world. Number two, you develop a hypothesis. Number three, you do your experiments. Number four, you analyze the results and data, and number five, you modify and repeat the experiments until you can come out with something that says, “Yes, this is science. This is what’s happening.” The problem with global warming is it’s apparently just a flawed hypothesis. All of the experiments as we now know have been done with falsified data. They are simply computer models that are inaccurate and do not have all the data put into them, and if you really do analyze them, you say, “This is a joke.” This is like saying the sun comes up because the rooster crows. So I would like this person to analyze the science of global warming. There is none.

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Hello, SPEAK OUT readers. I need some honest information from all you people. You know, you don’t hear from the politicians all year long. They make all kinds of deals that are breaking this country and taking away our liberties. What makes them think that if they call me up and tell me something bad about the other guy that I’m going to vote for them? I think they all should resign or get fired and let us vote somebody else in office. They can’t do any worse. They never once say what good they’re going to do. All they can talk about is the bad the other guy does; like they never do anything bad, huh? You think we’re that stupid? I don’t think so. Let’s clean the deck and start with a whole new crew. Nice to hear from you.

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Hi, this call is in regard to the wonderful letter written by Gary Grieger of Lombard to the editor in your April 16 edition. Gary, who was a PADS volunteer, is heartbroken having to turn away young people and their babies when the shelters are filled and doesn’t understand why this is the case when we have empty buildings all over. I completely agree. I live in Villa Park and we do need far more shelters. If homelessness doesn’t break your heart, there's something wrong with you. Thank you, Gary Grieger, for bringing this to our attention. I hope somebody writes a letter giving us some kind of solution. Thank you.

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Warning to all those who do landscaping. Putting mulch up against a tree trunk is bad for the tree. You should not pile it that high. If you do not believe me, check the Internet. Thanks, bye.

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To the seemingly morally superior global warming alarmist who told a fellow commenter to get out more: Thanks for the update on the Greenland ice sheet. I assume you’ve recently returned from Greenland, where you have conducted your own environmental studies. Or maybe you’re just copying and pasting your information from left-wing Web sites. Just to clue you in: The winter of 2013-14 was a cold and snowy winter in other places beyond Lombard. By the way, since you are so worried about melting ice, are you aware that glaciers have repeatedly visited our region in the last 2.5 million years? About 20,000 years ago, Lombard and the rest of this region was covered in ice that was one mile thick. That’s a fact. Guess what, the glacier retreated and the ice melted.

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OK, it’s that time of year again when the neighbors’ weeds start invading my yard. It’s hard enough to keep up with my own weeds let alone having them creep in from all sides. How about being a considerate neighbor and taking stock of your yard and doing your part to keep the weeds out of mine?

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Today’s paper has a picture of a Mustang; when it came out in 1965 was $2,400. Back then, gasoline was 25 cents a gallon. Isn’t that ridiculous? Automobiles today cost more than 10 times what they did back then. Isn’t that ridiculous? And the price of cars today is what we used to buy homes for, which tells us, too much inflation, too many politicians, too many laws, too many taxes, too many people working for the government. That’s why we don’t have any money to spend, because all the money we get we have to give to the government. It’s time to get rid of the excessive government, time to cut it down, time to cut them out of office. Time to do a lot of things.

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This is Lombard calling. Regarding the person who looks out their window to see how much dog poop is left in their yard, instead of doing that they should sign a petition as I have, to ban fire pits. Thanks. Bye.

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Lombard, please give us a break this summer. Do not blow off firecrackers for the whole summer and do not burn garbage and yard waste in your fire pits for the whole summer. If somebody could read this to these people who do this all summer, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

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The Drudge Report is reporting that 86 million workers in the private sector are now sustaining 148 million benefit takers. This is progessivism folks, and would only seem to lead to destruction of the whole economy. Thank you very much.

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This is Lombard calling. I had an auto breakdown a week or so ago at the intersection of Madison and Summit. I would like to thank the couple who came to my aid until help arrived. Also I’d like to thank the Villa Park Police for their help in directing traffic and keeping me and my car safe. There are really many nice people out there. Thank you very much to all who helped me in this trying situation. Thank you, bye.

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I’m already wondering what musical acts we’re going to get for the Taste of Lombard. Hope they step it up a notch or two.

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This is Lombard calling. I am absolutely furious, as the whole town is, with our post office. For one, I brought in a card to stop my mail for two weeks because we were out of town, and I came home and there was two weeks of mail coming out of my mailbox, my tax return check on the ground. What is going on? I know the other postmaster is gone, but there are other things they could do. That’s all for now, bye.

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This is Lombard calling. You know what is wrong with SPEAK OUT? I know everybody’s entitled to their own opinion and they can say what they want, and SPEAK OUT can print what they want. But here’s the problem. Every time someone says something, there are a few individuals who call in SPEAK OUT who have to ridicule those people’s right to freedom of speech. Just because I don’t believe in, or those people or you don’t believe in, what we believe in or you believe in, you ridicule them. There are several people who constantly call SPEAK OUT to talk about global warming. Look, I don’t know if global warming is true or not, but I have an opinion about it. I don’t necessarily agree with the opinion of so-called experts because you can find an expert for anything. Thirty years ago people were listening to everybody’s opinion. You chose to accept it or deny it. I don’t remember people getting out on a forum like SPEAK OUT and blasting people because they choose not to believe what you believe. Come on, America, grow up.

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Hi, I’m calling in response to the person complaining about the man walking two dogs in the middle of the street. I don’t know who he is, I don’t know who you are, but I give him credit. At least his dogs are not pooping on somebody else’s lawn, which is what they do if they walk them down the middle of the street. Thank you for listening. I’m a dog lover. I do not walk my dogs at all. I let them poop on my own grass and then I clean it up. Thank you, have a good day, Lombard.

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Now that the weather is warmer, I keep seeing people let their dogs hang their head out the window; one driver even had the dog in her lap at the time. Dangerous for the dog and the driver.

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Metra/UP have announced substantial improvements in the West Line, to include new crossings and overpasses. None of the improvements are in Villa Park which has three grade crossings, with the one at Ardmore becoming nearly impassable. Who is advocating for Villa Park?

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Hi, it’s Monday afternoon. Today and yesterday, somebody in the vicinity of my neighborhood is burning and it really smells. They’re not burning wood, they’re burning garbage. Please stop it.
