Speak Out

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April 30, 2014

Speak Out Archives


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I would like to thank the Lombardian and Villa Park Review paper carriers for a great job of delivering papers this past winter. It was a challenge with all the snow and the below-zero temps, and I know your customers were very appreciative, too. Keep up the good work. Bye.

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For the masses of people who deny global warming;  just a reminder that one cold long winter in one region of one continent does not dispel decades of scientific evidence to the contrary. But, then again, you probably also believe that the earth is only 7,000 years old. So science is wrong and the world outside your microcosm is stupid. Ooh, I have to run now, I just saw a pixie in my backyard.

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Hundreds of people in Lombard have called to complain about not getting their mail delivered. This week someone called to say they put a stop on mail delivery while they were on vacation and came home to find their mail had been delivered. Everyone who has a complaint about not getting their mail delivered needs to call the post office and put a vacation hold on their mail, then it will get delivered; problem solved.

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I was very glad to read that others are concerned about all the wood burning in Lombard. It used to be that we had to have our windows closed and the air on at night but now it’s also during the day. We know now how dangerous second-hand smoke is. It doesn’t really make any sense. What do you think we are breathing in as you sit around the pit? Thank you.

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Maybe SPEAK OUT should be divided into two areas; community issues and other rants. That way, those of us who only want to read about community issues won’t have to read about other things that other people want to rant about. Thanks, this is Lombard calling. Bye.

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To my Republican friends, I love you but two things you need to know; a Socialist wrote the Pledge of Allegiance and Jesus healed the sick and helped the poor, for free.

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This is to the seriously misinformed customer complaining about ComEd’s smart meter. If you would have done your fact-finding, you would have understood that the smart meters are not ComEd’s way of regulating or using your electricity. It’s showing you that during certain times of the day you use more electricity than any other time of the day, so quit trying to accuse ComEd of trying to regulate or control the electricity you use. It has nothing to do with that whatsoever. Period.

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On April 23 one person commented that he or she had signed a petition to ban fire pits. I would love to sign that petition also. Can someone please tell me where I can find that petition? Thank you.

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I agree with the person who called in about ridiculing those with differing or countering opinions. Why is it if I voice my disagreement with the conservative right I’m a leftist pig? Why is it if I lament about why I don’t agree with something from the left, the extent of sources for forming an opinion is Fox News? We used to be a nation of informed people. We didn’t fear intelligence; we welcomed it. We didn’t discourage healthy discussions; we welcomed them. We didn’t judge people by who they voted for in the last election. We didn’t scorn those with whom we disagreed. Just because politicians make a living deriding others as a means of deflecting attention from the fact they don’t do anything in Washington, doesn’t mean that we all need to follow suit. Grow up.

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Can we please stop about global warming? Fifty percent of the people believe in it and 50 percent don’t. The 50 percent who believe are never going to convince the 50 percent who don’t that it exists. The 50 percent who don’t are never going to get the 50 percent who do to believe that global warming doesn’t exist. What is this? If you believe in global warming, good for you. If you don’t, good for you. Can we please stop talking about it?

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Good afternoon, Lombard. Fox News is reporting that the sun will rise tomorrow and the sun will set tomorrow. How dare they report such falsehoods.  

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. I just wanted to know if anyone noticed that the Cabinet Depot on St. Charles Road is now officially closed. Of course, they received a grant when they opened and they promised everybody there would be lots of people walking through there. I drive there every day, three times a day, and I have never seen anyone there and now we know that somebody collected the funding and is no longer there. I wish somebody would give me that kind of money. Bye.

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Hi, I’m calling about a call in the Wednesday, April 9, SPEAK OUT, in which the caller talks about the Meadowlark Quilt Club and says to come to the coach house. Do you know where the Meadowlark Quilt Club is or where the coach house is? I’d be interested in buying something.

The Meadowlark Quilting Club meets through the Lombard Park District, 630-630-7322 (as noted on the front page of the Wednesday, April 23, edition). The coach house is located just to the north of the Helen Plum Library, inside Lilacia Park.—JAC

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Villa Park calling. An article appeared in the Chicago Tribune asking the police department of a community why there are so many police cars sitting idle in their parking lot. Well, we have the same question here in Villa Park. Why are there daily from 10 to 15 idle police cars sitting in their parking lot? Are the police all sitting there daily having breakfast, lunch and dinner? Good question. Maybe fewer cars could help out the budget for the village board. Thank you.

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I’m really glad I live in Villa Park and have the Lombardian and Villa Park Review newspapers. Freedom of speech, local, national, global. It’s all here. Thanks to the Lombardian and Villa Park Review. I’m proud in this town. Thank you. Good day.

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Lombard. Congratulations, Villa Park. You have two café/gaming centers that were gravitated toward you. I think Lombard is in desperate shape. Think purple? I still have a sign that says I support the DuPage Theatre plan. Should I put that out again as we implode? Congratulations, Villa Park. Hip hip hooray.

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This is Lombard calling. If the people who are burning leaves and other things in their fire pits would get fined, I bet they would not do that anymore. They shouldn’t even have to get warned because people know the codes and ordinances of Lombard. Again, if they would get fined I just know they wouldn’t do it anymore. Thank you.

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Hello, all Lombard residents. Anyone else curious as to why the village OK’d smart meters on our homes? We don’t need a smart meter monitoring the privacy of our homes. Where are the elected officials on this? Let’s get some answers at the May 1 village board meeting. See you there.

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Lombard calling. A woman thought she could make a U-turn in a muddy ditch in front of my house. She sank in the mud, the first tow truck sank in the mud and the second truck had to come to pull them out. Nobody came to my door to own up to what they did. When I went outside and asked what happened, the woman shrugged her shoulders and said it didn’t matter, because it was county property. Yes, the first 10 feet of the easement is, but that doesn’t mean she can make such a mess of it and not take responsibility for it. Now York Township is going to have to clean up after her. Not only is she a bad driver, but she is a totally irresponsible person.

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It’s Sunday and I’m calling SPEAK OUT because I was unable to leave a message at the number listed for our village president. Mr. Giagnorio, our husband and I are unable to attend the board meeting Thursday night, but we want you and the trustees to know we do not want video gambling in our community. We have always thought that Lombard had class and we’d sure like to keep it that way. Trustees, vote no so that we can retain the quality of life that makes us Lombardians proud.

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Hi, I’m calling from unincorporated Lombard in the south end of town. where a red fox with babies is living under a shed. Just be aware that this is a mother protecting her babies and don’t go near it, especially at night. Just wanted to let everybody know. Thanks.

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Congratulations to Willowbrook High School theater. Their play, “God of Carnage,” earned third place in the IHSA state high school theater contest. Their actors and crew did an excellent job putting on the play in the round at Willowbrook High School. We are lucky to have such a talented theater group in our community. Keep up the terrific work, Willowbrook. Thank you.

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Lombard, if a person can afford to live in the Old Grove subdivision, I’m sure they can afford to buy their own paper instead of taking our Sun-Times. This is not the first time it has happened. Thank you.

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Homeland Security, with their own police force including tanks and guns, our Constitution forbids this, but be darned with the Constitution. The DHS is out of control and failed. The TSA is a joke. No security on our border: failed. Laws not obeyed: failed. Bureaucracy of Homeland Security is so big it’s grown like a cancer gone wild. Thank you.

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I want to send a heartfelt thank you to the Lombard gentleman who helped me out at the grocery store last week. He saved me from a return trip and our taco dinner was on time. There are good people in Lombard. I will pay it forward with a donation to the Step Up for Seniors Food Drive. Thank you again. Bye.

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I just got my water bill and I noticed on the back there’s a capital charge, another tax. If I take the amount of my water, add up the service charge, the sewer charge and the capital charge, the three services are more than my water. I would like to know if they are going to do any reprieves or put a meter on the house. When we plant beautiful flowers our water bill doubles and I don’t really want to water my flowers and all of a sudden find out I’m paying for capital improvements for something that never went into the sewer. Of course, what my mom always told me was, when you try to go with the village you’ll find out it’s just money down the drain. Thank you.
