Speak Out

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February 19, 2014

Speak Out Archives


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I’ve been an avid reader of the Lombardian and like to check all sections to see what’s going on in our town. Lately I’ve been puzzled and slightly annoyed at the lack of coverage given to the Glenbard East wrestling Rams and its stellar wrestling program. For those of you who don’t know about it, the wrestling Rams won 21 matches this year, tying the school record set just last season. Kevin Carlson, who is East’s first state champion, continues to focus on team unity and commitment from the freshman level through his varsity wrestlers and into his junior Rams feeder program. He surrounds himself with talented coaches who care about the kids, the team and the school they represent, yet are not mentioned in this publication, while we over-post about under-performing basketball teams. I realize that wrestling isn’t a draw sport like football and basketball are, but the issue I have is you fail to report on it at all, and in the midst of some incredible seasons, no less. I call no trade.

I am sorry if you are disappointed in the amount of coverage of the Glenbard East wrestling team, but it is not true to state the team was “not mentioned in this publication,” or that we have failed “to report on it at all.” We have had coverage of the Glenbard East wrestling team in the issues of Dec. 18, Jan. 8, Jan. 15, Jan. 22, Feb. 5 and Feb. 12, as well as in this week’s sports section.—Chris Fox

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Lombard calling. I wonder if it’s possible to get a smaller font in that crossword puzzle. My goodness. You know, the young eyes that are able to read that are not the demographic who’s going to be doing those puzzles, so please make them bigger. Thank you.

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Lombard here, I can’t believe the amount of people who complain about the snowy streets. Given the circumstances, I think the Village of Lombard did a great job. I drove all around town the last snowstorm and there were no impassable streets. As for the people who complain about the plows pushing snow in their parkways, well that’s a right of passage that has been going on since the invention of snowplows; get over it. As for the people who complain their neighbors don’t help them shovel, most people, including myself, could barely keep up with their own driveways, let alone worry about yours. There are plenty of services out there to hire. As for the person who complained about the postman walking across their snowy lawn, file a complaint with the post office, give them your address and hope your bills don’t get “lost.”

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This is Lombard calling. There are a lot, I mean a lot, of potholes between Grace Street and Ardmore on St. Charles. If you could fill them up as soon as possible it would be much appreciated. One flat tire is enough.

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Hi, Lombard calling. When are we going to get a stop light at Eastgate Shopping Center? If you want to turn out of that place onto Westmore, it could take you forever. They’ve got two state agencies plus a ton of other businesses. Other than Yorktown, it’s probably the busiest center in town and there’s no light. What could be done about that, Mr. Giagnorio?

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Overburdened taxpayers, do not be deceived by illicit marketing, and presidents of the United States are just as good at that because they have an organization behind them showing how they can get the best. You know when people want donations, they show you the worst, heart-wrenching pictures they can show you to get your sentiment, to get your money, to get both hands in your pockets. And the presidents are just as guilty. They can dig up some of the worst cases and put that in front of them. But afterward, those people are forgotten about. This is all marketing. Don’t be deceived by that. And if the president isn’t willing to go along with Congress and assist them with this country, we can impeach him. He is an employee of all the people. He is not going to tell us what he wants to do. Goodbye.

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Good afternoon SPEAK OUT, I just came from making a police report and want to warn of a phone scam. These people call themselves inspector, officer, agent and claim to be from the IRS. They advise that you or your attorney must call back regarding an urgent matter or you will suffer the consequences. Be careful.

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This is Lombard calling. I can’t believe it’s a year already that Pastor Hatfield from First Church of Lombard is gone. We really miss you, Rob. Bye.

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I had to laugh at the global warming fanatic’s comment in the Feb. 12 SPEAK OUT. The commenter, who included the requisite condescending remark about Fox News, also claimed that “13 of the 14 warmest years have all occurred in the 21st century.” Right. I’m sure at the end of 2014 you will claim that it, too, was one of the hottest years ever, even though we have endured a winter of heavy snowfall and several days of subzero temperatures. Kindly tell us how you calculate the “average global temperature.” The commenter is simply parroting information from an agency of the left-wing United Nations, which keeps pushing its theory that mankind has caused global warming. Come on. The earth is about 4.5 billion years old. Humans have been on the planet for about 200,000 years. Weather records have been kept for maybe 140 years at the most. Yet these weather “experts” would like us to think they have all the facts.

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This is Lombard calling. Recently somebody called in and basically referred to anybody who doesn’t believe in global warming because of how cold it is this winter, as basically ignorant. I’d like to ask this caller, approximately 22,000 years ago, much of the United States, including Illinois, was under about a 1-mile sheet of ice. Approximately 10,000 years ago it melted and went away. Perhaps this person has heard of the Ice Age. That ice melted because the Earth got a little warmer. You want to talk about a dramatic climate change? Going from 1 mile of ice on top of me and I look in my front yard and there’s a little bit of snow? Could you please correct me why, when the Earth is getting cooler, it’s called global warming?

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I would like to discuss the issue of global warming. I think part of the problem is the phrase, “global warming” itself. It implies that everywhere will be warm all the time, so every time it is cold, people say, “Where is your global warming now?” But this is not the case. It means that the Earth’s core temperature is rising at a very fast rate. The term should actually be “global changing.” As a result of the Earth’s core temperature rising, our weather patterns are changing. This is why we are seeing more extreme weather systems more often and weather patterns that are not common in areas. It does not mean that it is always going to be hot all the time. Extreme cold is also a result of the global warming of our Earth’s core.

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In the last SPEAK OUT someone was commenting on global warming. The person ended his or her comments by bashing Fox News. If it wasn’t for Fox News, we would know very little, if anything, about the current scandals—Fast and Furious, NSA, IRS, Benghazi, the Affordable Care Act. The mainstream tend to ignore the scandals. The media seems more pro-Obama, pro-Democrat and once in awhile, pro-Republican, rather than of pro-America. We are getting filtered news, except for Fox News and a few other outlets.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. Just a call, what’s going on with the Lombard Post Office? Monday, Feb. 10, we did not get any mail. It wasn’t snowing, it wasn’t below zero, the weather was clear on the street, so the postman didn’t have to get out of his little car. Other people west of us didn’t get it other. What is going on with the Lombard Post Office?

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Lombard. Marguerite Micken commented in a recent column how she had problems with snow in her area, called Dave Gorman of public works, and public works employees were out within 10 minutes to take care of her snow problem. The thing is, Marguerite, you are famous and work for a powerful newspaper. Perhaps that is why you got such quick service. I would think that the average person who called public works and spoke to Dave Gorman wouldn’t have the kind of service that you received. Consider your power and your fame. Again, maybe Dave Gorman wants to comment and reassure all citizens that we would receive the same type of service as quickly as you did. Thank you.

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Hi, Lombard calling. I’m wondering who’s responsible for digging out the fire plugs that the Village of Lombard plowed under at the corners when they plow the snow. I’m in my 70s with a bad back. Who do I call? Anybody know? Thank you.

Wish I could call the Lombard Fire Department for you and get an answer to your question, but as of May 19, 2011, it has been against village policy for the village to acknowledge or respond to any item that is from an anonymous source, so I cannot do that. I suggest that you call the village hall at 630-620-5700 and ask your question. Just last week a press release was issued asking residents to “adopt” a fire hydrant and shovel it out, if possible. If you don’t get an answer at the village hall, try calling Lombard Fire Marshal Chuck Riforgiate at 630-620-5750.—blm

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When is the Village of Lombard going to learn they’ve created a big hazard coming off of Lombard Circle turning onto Westmore? They put that beautiful landscaping there; now you can’t see around the corner and I’ve counted three accidents in the last six months because you can’t see and people are pulling out, trying to make a right turn on red and they can’t see cars coming. Why doesn’t the village remove that landscaping so people can see? They’ve created a hazard. This is ridiculous. Wake up, Lombard. You put in beautiful landscaping but created a hazard.

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Hello, this is Monday, 8 p.m., and we haven’t received our mail yet. Now I know we’ve had different issues with the post office and we need to be really understanding because of them and the weather. But Saturday came and went and we didn’t get mail, either. Now the logical thing would be, why not have these mail carriers make us the first stop the next day, first to get mail, instead of the last, and we live on Maple Street. That’s just an idea. The persons who don’t get their mail one day should get it the next day.

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To the person who thinks that Lombard should clear the Great Western Trail so it is clear for them to walk on, and are quite disturbed that it’s not a good use of their tax dollars that it’s not being cleared, granted, I’m sure you are a very important person and people should shovel a path in front of you wherever you go, but Lombard does not control the Great Western Trail. As a taxpayer in Lombard, I would be pretty upset if we did pay to shovel that snow in front of you. It’s a walking path. Get over it. Walk through the snow, You’re not the most important person in the world. Our tax dollars should not be spent to shovel a path in front of you. Thank you.

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Reading all of the problems that so many people are having with their mail delivery, makes me realize how lucky we are on West Road to have Wayne delivering our mail. He has not missed a day through all of this horrible weather.

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A request to managers of the grocery stores in Villa Park and Lombard. Please inform the cashiers that it’s rude to ask each other in front of customers, “What time do you get out of here?”Also, follow the lead of Walmart and Target and turn off the background music, please.

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The Chicago Tribune, on Sunday, Feb. 16, in an article about ComEd’s plan to install smart meters on our home, this plan is being sold as cheaper rates and energy conservation. What we are not told is that it is in line with the UN’s Agenda 21. According to the plan, Common Core is to be the government’s control of your children’s education, also their lives. Chips are put in our cars, appliances and now our thermostats, air conditioners and refrigerators. Permits are required to replace a hot water heater and so on. Along this line we have Obamacare forced on us by an all-Democrat law, not one Republican vote, and recently the Democrats with no Republican votes voted to give some of our sovereignty to the UN, that is, to give them control over our Second Amendment rights to own a gun. Do your homework on Agenda 21 and you will find the progressives’ new world of 1984.

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Hi. I would like to say thank you to the Lombard Post Office. Inadvertently, I put my Village of Lombard water bill in the mailbox instead of their payment drop box. I called Donna at the post office. She was very kind. She contacted the mail carrier and got my water bill out and put it in the payment box for me. I know the post office has been getting a lot of flak, but I think a lot of people should lighten up. It’s been frigidly cold and it wouldn’t be a very easy job trekking through all this snow. So I think the post office is doing a great job and they’ve always been very kind and helpful to me. All the employees are wonderful. Thank you so much for getting my water bill to the Village of Lombard. Have a great day. Bye.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. I was just wondering how long it’s going to take until somebody reviews the stop light at Jackson and Westmore, which is Lombard Circle also at that corner there. There are so many accidents. I don’t know whose idea it was to put those bushes in the center but when you’re turning right you cannot see around those bushes. There are accidents all the time. Those bushes need to be removed. Thanks.
