Speak Out

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January 8, 2014

Speak Out Archives


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I am sure there will be plenty of people calling and complaining about the snow removal these past few days. However, I would like to thank the Lombard Public Works Department for their hard work during this difficult past week.   Since New Year’s Eve, our town had snow falling in five out of the past six days. Add in the blowing and drifting snow and the frigid temperatures, this department has been working 12-hour shifts and trying to keep up with impossible circumstances. Thank you for your hard work. You are appreciated.

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I know there will be a lot of complaints about plowing in Lombard, but I don’t have too many, except that I would like to have seen salt trucks out sooner. However, Lombard wasn’t the only one. Salt trucks were scarce in Villa Park and Glen Ellyn when I was there, too.

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Lombard calling. Here it is Jan. 2 and the largest snowfall we have seen in years, and not one snow truck has been down our street in 15 hours. I realize the main roads must be cleared first, but waiting 15 hours for one truck to make any appearance in our neighborhood is unacceptable. Instead of spending our tax dollars on bridges that most residents of Lombard don’t want and will probably never use, buy more snow removal equipment, hire more drivers and give taxpayers the service we are paying for. Thank you.

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SPEAK OUT has been “snowed out” this week.

It will return in its entirety in next week’s paper.
