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July 2, 2014

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Congressional hearings have shown that in 2011, no conservative group was given tax-exempt status, while at the same time, 27 groups were given tax-exempt status. This proves that the Democrat progressives will apparently use government power to further their aims. Let’s put these Democrats out in November. Abolish the IRS.

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Attention, parents. If you want your children to have a bright future, start now. Make sure they wear white or reflective clothes while out on a summer night. They need to be seen by motorists. Bikes need lights or reflectors. If you don’t have time to install them, send them down to J & R Cycles; they can. Skateboarders need reflective clothes. Let’s all be safe. Tell all your friends and neighbors in case they don’t read the Lombardian. Thank you.

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Hello, this is a very happy Lombard resident and also very proud how another attraction to our village has been added. Driving up and down Main Street yesterday and today there were those lovely banners on the light posts. They just look so wonderful and cheerful for summer. Congratulations to the young artist who designed them and thank you so much to our trustee, Reid Foltyniewicz, for implementing it to the board and getting it passed. Yeah, Lombard.

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If the union members of all the trades and their connections and clout get a 2-3 percent increase in wages, then I think automatically Social Security should get the same increase, the minimum wage workers should get the same increase and all of us who do not have a union representing us and not having connections to the politicians and everybody else. Then they shouldn’t get an increase. If they get an increase then we on the bottom who constantly have to take out of what we have left to pay for their increases, this whole nonsense would stop overnight. Let’s be fair, let’s be equal. Food for thought ladies and gentlemen.

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Could we please stop with the pop-ups on every local news channel every day, the fact that there may be rain, or 20-30 percent chance of thunderstorms moving into the area, take cover, damaging winds, hail, property damage, siding could be ripped off, trees could be felled, damage to roofs. Please stop with the paranoia. It’s summer. It’s going to rain. Just like in the winter, it’s going to snow. Stop with the paranoia and whipping people into a frenzy, Deal with it, people. How did I deal with this when I was growing up? Just let it go. The media is over-hyping weather conditions way too much. I’m sitting in my little bomb shelter because I don’t want to go out anymore.

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Good afternoon. I’ll just start out, I’m not a happy camper. Am I the only one who’s old enough to know that common sense is not a common commodity? I had left my home this morning because I do some volunteering and other things to take care of, and when I came back I could not believe my eyes. A mess in my parkway because some “geniuses” had come to cut a tree. I went to see my neighbor and said I was not there when they did it, and she said it scared the begeezus out of her the way they did it. My parkway was just filled with twigs for me to clean up. There was no way I could run my lawn mower over that. If the village hires these kinds of people, maybe you should come out and watch the kind of job they do. It is not good and I hope in the future, the situation will be greatly improved and done properly. Thank you.

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I received an odd mailing from some official-looking company about protecting my sewer lines and how if I’m not in compliance I could be held responsible, etc., etc. I saw it for what it was, but others, especially vulnerable elderly folks, may be confused—I even had to read it twice—and fork over the money for so-called protection. I hope the village sees this and will alert us residents because it is as shady as the recent weather.

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I would like to thank the village board and village president Keith Giagnorio for letting down the business owners in Lombard.   With all your infinite wisdom, you have destroyed the essence of fair competition between business.  Every bar in Villa Park, Oakbrook Terrace and Addison has video gaming. Customers are leaving Lombard to spend money in other cities. Property taxes are constantly going up. Water, gas, electric and insurance bills continue to rise with no end in sight. The businesses in Lombard needed the extra revenue to help stay afloat. I am sorry if a few residents are unhappy with the video gaming. Too bad. Life is not fair. The village board has left a permanent uneven playing field for small businesses in Lombard. 

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Calling in response to some comments that have been posted about Villa Park. One, I don’t see weeds. Everybody pretty much maintains their property. Two, insofar as a gang problem and police response and foreclosed houses, I had a serious problem next door to me and the police department was impeccable. They came out every time I called, they worked with the person who had bought the property and was renting it out to anyone who would move in. And, the village was tremendous. Maybe what you’re calling about is whining and not a real problem. I have nothing but good things to say about the Villa Park Police Department. They are super.

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If you bother to check the facts and instead of reading the Drudge Report, the abortion rate in the United States of America has been at the lowest it’s ever been, since prior to even President Obama’s being elected. The reason for this is women have had access to the birth control pill and they’ve been able to make their own decisions about their body. Most women do not have abortions unless it’s totally necessary but here again the people of the Tea Party want to ban all forms of birth control and some Republican states are even trying to ban the pill, the abortion rate will go up as will the deaths of many women who, when needed, will not be able to access an abortion for medical reasons. So, check your facts properly before you speak and try blaming our president for this. The abortion rate is the lowest it’s ever been.

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Obama added 2,839 rules by executive order to the Environmental Protection Agency—Fox News, Wednesday, June 25—causing job losses, putting companies out of business, preventing the start of new growth and expansion of the economy and sending us back into a recession. Impeach the president.

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Hi, this is for the person who complained about the Ale Fest that was held near Lilacia Park. If they even attended the event, they were probably misinformed as to what was going on. It was very well attended, very well supervised and it was a really wonderful time for the village. More events like this should take place. Thank you.

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This is Lombard calling. I would like to congratulate the village board—which here in Lombard usually is not an easy thing to do—on voting down not to allow the video gaming option to come to Lombard. I am quite pleased. If you are a town and you need video gambling for revenues, you are already failed. Video gambling preys on the poorest of the poor, so once again, congratulations to Lombard for saying enough is enough. At what point to do we need to tell our politicians you have enough money? You don’t need more money. This was a great call on the part of Lombard. Once again, thank God we are not having video gambling in Lombard. Thank you.

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This is Lombard calling. Unfortunately, we in wheelchairs find it very difficult, nearly impossible, to push ourselves through town on East St. Charles Road. The village put in these paver bricks without thinking, instead of concrete sidewalks. Hey, Lombard, How about maintaining your pavers? Use some of the TIF money that you’re milking out of the struggling business and property owners on East St. Charles Road. Our wheelchairs will not go over the dips and cracks, especially between 250-350 E. St. Charles Road.

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Just reading the June 25 Lombardian. To the person who called about Taste of Lombard, don’t waste your breath. People who attend these events don’t care who’s inconvenienced just because you live there. I’ve lived on St. Charles since before Cruise Nights and have complained about the same things you did, in addition to how we can’t keep our windows open because of people revving their engines or driving around with a noisy exhaust system until well after 10 p.m.; or how difficult it is to leave or even return to our residence because of the amount of traffic and parked cars on both sides of our street. Our right to quiet enjoyment in our residence means nothing to those who attend these events and they will never understand, nor care to, as long as their right to quiet enjoyment is never denied them, specifically because these events are not held in their neighborhoods.

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I’m sitting down enjoying the paper and reading the news in Lombard and I’ve come down to where the Jaycees are going to give $1 out of ever $3 admission on the opening day, July 1, for the Bill Mueller memorial site project. Well, to you young’uns and to those who are not familiar, we already have a grand ballroom at the bankrupt Westin. Under the guidance of Bill, our credit rating dropped 6 points, making everything more expensive. Instead of memorializing a person, maybe one should ask, Why, oh why did he ever do it? Thanks.

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I was wondering if anybody out there could give me an idea when they’re going to remove the stop signs from Addison and Madison, because nobody uses them and no police are ever around to do anything about it. So, I just figured they were going to be coming out soon. Can somebody reply to that? Thank you.

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I heartily agree with the contributor about the unbelievable fragrance of barbecued skeet improving neighborhood air quality. I only wish I could find some—either wild or farm-raised, it doesn’t matter. Butcher shops don’t carry them and there isn’t any information on Google. Maybe there is a foundation to save the skeets that I am unaware of. Can someone help me? Thank you.

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To the person who thinks that anyone with a concealed carry permit is just going to pop off at the mere hint of a threat, please do not transfer your anger management issues onto us gun owners who have the permits. If you understand anything, the last thing a person with a permit wants to do is have to use the gun. But it’s nice to know that if the situation can’t be diffused through conventional or logical means, or by dialing 9-1-1, I know I have protection, should the situation escalate to that point. Next, if you haven’t noticed, most restaurants have the universal sign for no guns allowed displayed, so your example is moot. Third, if someone like that approached me in a restaurant and began to provoke me for no reason, I’d ask to speak to the manager and have that patron removed if the manager hadn’t already taken that responsibility upon himself or herself. That is a mature way to handle the situation and that is how mature adults would handle it. Thank you.

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Once again the inmates of Lombard will try to run the asylum. Around July 4, the inmates will go out of state to buy fireworks to use in Lombard. This is because fireworks are illegal in Illinois. But this does not stop them from breaking the law and irritating their neighbors. After all, they say, “I am more important than the law.” The noise drives mine and other dogs crazy. I must tranquilize her to keep her calm. But this year I have a new plan and suggest this to others. When your neighbors start to shoot off fireworks, call the police and get a police report number. Then I will go to small claims court and sue for the tranquilizers that I bought from my veterinarian. The police report will be the proof. this way, whoever shoots off the fireworks will pay for the dog’s medication. You must use the courts as payback. The police or the village won’t enforce the laws, so the court will.
