Speak Out

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June 11, 2014

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I live in Lombard and I am against fire pits. These open fire pits expose people to even more pollution than a fireplace or tobacco smoke. Each fire will emit close to one pound of smoke pollution, with 90 percent being in the deadly smaller than one micron range. Burning wood in the backyard eliminates the “smokestack” of fireplaces that normally releases these pollutants away from ground level; this results in more direct inhalation of the toxins. Wood smoke is chemically active in the body 40 times longer than tobacco smoke (Pryor). It is 12 times more carcinogenic than tobacco smoke (Lewta) and lowers the body's defense mechanisms for fighting off infections. Just one hour of exposure can lower immune defense 25 to 40 percent (Zelikoff). All those in the immediate vicinity of the fire inhale large quantities of wood smoke pollution, and their neighbors get a big dose as well. Children are especially vulnerable, as their respiratory systems are still developing and they breathe more air—and air pollution—per pound of body weight than adults. Breathing and lung health problems continue for many people.

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Oh my gosh, you global warming people. I can find evidence that global warming doesn’t exist; you can find evidence that global warming does exist. You know what, it may exist, I don’t know. Would you just drop it? If global warming exists, fine. We should fix it. If it doesn’t exist, then quit complaining about it. Show me solid evidence that global warming exists and I’ll show you solid evidence that global warming doesn’t exist, or vice versa. You people, you ever hear of cycles? You ever hear of things coming around again? Look, if global warming exists, we should fix it. If it doesn’t, drop it. Let it go.

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With all these people calling about their water bills, my husband and I went ahead and we checked our April bill, which was also $159.42. So now we get the bill in June; its $197. That’s like $30 difference. I think the people of Lombard need to go to the next board meeting and approach our board to make sure their fiduciary duty because obviously there’s something is terribly wrong when all these people get the same water bills and all of a sudden they’re jacked up in a month. Goodbye.

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Why do we have hospitals for veterans that are obviously understaffed and are being accused of giving mediocre care, when every hospital in the country has to give care to people here illegally and people with no insurance, etc.? Why can’t a veteran have an ID card that would allow him or her to go to any hospital and get the best care available? He or she certainly has earned it.

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Hi. I’m just reading that reducing state tax will hurt social service agencies. How much do those who work for those who don’t work are expected to live? People have made their livelihood out of helping people who do not provide for society. I am sorry, but I am one and I am sure there are many others who would say agencies, take a 10 percent cut or maybe start to let go of a few of your staff and take care of the people who actually come in. I am so sick and tired to death about working, working, working and taking care of all those—because it’s politically correct—who don’t work, who have never stepped up to the plate.

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Here’s an explanation that you can put into your SPEAK OUT page. Water usage is billed in even increments of 1,000 gallons. There is a fixed service charge of $8.70, and a total charge of $12.56 per 1,000 gallons. After doing the math you’ll find that the $159.42 bill is for 12,000 gallons. Anybody with the same usage will get the same bill.

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I’m having a hard time believing some of the things that I read these days in SPEAK OUT—boo hoo, I hate Cruise Nights, boo hoo, I hate the Taste of Lombard, boo hoo, I hate fire pits, Obama is a socialist, global warming is a farce, Obamacare is going to ruin the world; give me a break already. As far as local events, deal with it. They were probably going on long before you came along. As far as anything Obama, deal with that too. He’s one of the biggest allies to the Republican Party there ever was— just wait, if a right-side candidate gets elected, Obamacare is going to thrive under their watch more so than it does now. You think global warming doesn’t exist because we had a cold winter, you’re unknowing of climate long term effects. Fire pits, yes, an annoyance,  but don’t be such a baby about them. Unbelievable, the things you guys whine about. Living in this apparently corrupt state is hard enough without you people crying wolf everytime someone plays their music too loud or stumbles onto your yard on the way back from a public event. How about opening your eyes to the wonders of this world outside of your little microcosm of Fox News and bad news? Go fishing, or take a walk in a forest preserve. Appreciate what’s left of the natural world.

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Hi. I just completed my concealed carry requirements to put my application in to get a concealed carry permit. There were Lombard residents in there so I just wanted to let the town know, that in future, if you see someone carrying a pistol, don’t assume they’re a criminal. They’re probably your neighbor or a good person who’s just concerned about their safety. So be prepared. It’s no big deal. Hopefully we will never have to use them to protect ourselves or our families. Just to let you know that we are normal people who are doing the right thing. Thank you.

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Hey, Villa Park. Is anybody enforcing your ordinances? I’ve been driving through town and it doesn’t seem like a third of the people are cutting their lawns. I realize there are some foreclosures and that kind of an issue, but it seems like nobody gets a ticket. Weeds and grass are knee-high. It’s unbelievable. If they did that in Lombard there would be tickets issued. Do you guys have any enforcement over there?

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I don’t want to hear about the brutal winter of 2013-14. I don’t want to hear about the 80 or so inches of snow we had in our area, or the abundance of days with subzero temperatures. I don’t care that there is still ice in Lake Superior in June. Disregard the winter we just experienced. Global warming is real. Why? A travel agent called SPEAK OUT and said so, that’s why. According to the travel agent, polar bears in Manitoba have been migrating later in the fall in the last 10 years. So obviously global warming is real. So just accept what the travel agent says. The travel agent cannot be wrong when it comes to matters of science.

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I think it’s great that the Enablerz are playing at the Lombard Ale Fest, the band made up of all Lombard residents and former high school grads. Good job.

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Hey there, Lombard, Villa Park calling. I’ve been following this bickering over fire pits and really it’s gotten ridiculous. Fire has been a social gathering place since humans have been gathering. These days having an outdoor living area is a major draw in choosing to live in the suburbs. Will you next try to ban drinking in one’s own backyard? For those who are that concerned with pollution, may I suggest selling your car and donating the money to fund more bike lanes? Thanks.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling, and I’m just concerned about all the discussion in SPEAK OUT about whether a trustee’s daughter should receive a Lilac Princess scholarship or not. It just seems like rules are rules and there are a lot of places in life that if you don’t qualify for stuff, you don’t qualify. I don’t know why we’re trying to play favoritism. I’m sure she’s a nice girl and everything but the idea that she should be able to get it when she’s ineligible for it is just kind of nuts. If I called WBBM and didn’t meet their qualifications to meet their prizes, it wouldn’t matter if I was the right caller or knew the right answers if I didn’t meet the qualifications. And, if the village is awarding a scholarship, unless it’s actually designated as an employee family scholarship, by law that girl should not be allowed to have it. There are plenty of other places to get scholarships.

The problem is, there are no rules about this particular issue. Now that the question has been brought up, trustees may revisit the issue and put some rules in place. When the question of whether or not the village board could present a $1,000 scholarship to a trustee’s daughter—who happened to be one of the five Lilac Princesses—the village manager related that the village attorney advised him that it was not illegal and there was no violation of the law.—blm

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Hi, I’m calling from Lombard and I just want to thank the folks who were out at the Lilac Parade letting people know that our village board is considering licensing video gambling. I think that’s a really bad idea. It’s kind of taken over some of our neighboring towns of Oakbrook Terrace and Villa Park, and I’d rather be more like Glen Ellyn, Wheaton and Elmhurst who say no to that kind of thing. Video gambling is considered by some to be the crack cocaine of gambling and I see places that have popped up seem to be targeting ladies with their grocery money. I just think it’s a really bad idea. I don’t think it’s good for Lombard. I don’t think it’s good for Lombard businesses or Lombard families. So, I hope people will call their village trustee, write the newspaper or show up at that June 19 board meeting and say no to video gambling in Lombard. Keep it out of our town. Thank you.

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To the travel agent who sent in the very nice anecdotal evidence of global warming because in Manitoba the polar bear-watching industry has been pushed back a month the last few years, I’m not a travel agent but I do know something about ice. In Alaska right now the polar bears are starving because there is 16 feet of ice where there normally should only be about 7 feet of ice. That means the little seals can’t dig through the ice all the way and keep their head up. Now because the ice is more than twice as thick, means it was colder there and that the polar bears are starving. This must be proof of the new ice age. The polar bears are the gauge for everything.

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Hi, Lombard calling. The signage at Crescent and Finley should really get updated. People are not stopping. It’s a two-way stop and you have people coming over the railroad tracks and they’re stopping in the middle of their turn because people who are supposed to stop are not stopping at the stop sign. It needs to be lit or something. People don’t stop at the stop sign. It needs to say that it’s a two-way stop and that oncoming traffic does not stop. It’s really bad and it’s a railroad crossing and there are people on bicycles. Please do something before something bad happens to someone. Thanks. Bye now.

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Hi, this is just a reminder that on rainy days you’re supposed to have your lights on when you’ve got your wipers going and also you people with new cars, you should return them because you don’t have blinkers. Bye.

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Obama recently issued an executive order to cut carbon emissions. I wish he would do the same thing about fire pits.

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There was an article in Human Events that pointed out that the union American Federation of Government Employees contract with the VA was the cause of our problems with the vets. There is less service for vets, more wages and bonuses going for employees, less hours of seeing patients and increased money going to the employees and not to the vets. They oppose vets going to other hospitals for help. Why is it no one reporting on this alleged union scandal? Thank you.

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Thanks to everyone who’s calling asking for Lombard Ale Fest signs. Unfortunately, we only bought 40 so we do not have any more to give out. We need to conserve our spending. This is a fundraiser. Thank you.

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A shout out to the gentleman who ran over from Lodge Avenue in Lombard to alert me my gas grill was on fire on my wooden deck. Although I saw him, I was not able to thank him for being there to alert me before the fire hit the wooden deck. It could have been a traumatic experience for me and my family and you were there to alert me. Thank you very much.

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Hi there. I have a great idea for anyone who wants to start up their own business. Maybe there could be a bike rental place on the corner of Grace and St. Charles where the old Cruisers and Dog N Suds used to be. That’s a perfect, ideal location for bikes to be rented. Thanks.
