Speak Out

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March 19, 2014

Speak Out Archives


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Live in Lombard your whole life, get old, have outstanding neighbors; they plow up snow, hook up water because pipes froze. Couldn’t get through this winter without them. God bless.

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Lombard calling. It seems in today’s world it is politically incorrect to be complimentary to someone in public service, especially politicians. That line needs to be crossed at times. Trustee Peter Breen should be commended for his achievements of helping Lombard get rid of the red light cameras, putting a lock on taxes, creating a budget so Lombard could eliminate vehicle stickers and promoting government transparency. All he needs to do now is finish the job of government accountability, like who got Lombard into debt so we lost our credit rating? Goodbye.

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I am speaking out to ask if anybody other than myself has noticed how dirty the villages of Villa Park and Lombard have been looking over the last two years. Am I the only one who sees how disgustingly dirty they are?

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This comment is directed to the man who thought it was so important to stop his pickup truck, get out and flip me off because I had the nerve to honk at him at an intersection in Lombard. I’m glad to know that your brakes work. I wasn’t sure because you sailed through that stop sign. If two people had sailed through the stop sign at the same time, like you did, it would have been a horrible accident. Learn how to drive. Thank you.

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SPEAK OUT readers, ever notice the seemingly devious things politicians do? They think if they look you in the eye, smile and shake your hand that you’re going to accept them and like them. This is very devious. This is one of their tricks. You can look them in the eye, study them but don’t shake their hand. They want to stick that hand in your pocket and take your dollars out of your pocket. They do too much of that, so be aware of the devious tactics politicians have. Pay attention, folks. Goodbye.

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As soon as Trustee Breen is done campaigning and running for state office, maybe he can focus on the job he was elected to do and represent the residents in District 4. Grace Street between North Avenue and St. Charles is a war zone. If he spent any time in Lombard, not going around the 48th State District, he would know this. And if he loses I hope he doesn’t plan on running for re-election as village trustee—he obviously doesn’t want to be here.

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Hi. I just wanted to say thank you to the public works department for repairing our mailbox, which got knocked off. Same-day service, they got it put up right away and I just wanted to say thanks to them for doing the job they’ve done with the roads during this horrendous winter. And, also, I do happen to live on Grace Street and I know there are pot holes, but you know, people, you have to wait until the weather’s warmer and clearer before they can even start to resurface the road; so just live with it.

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This is Lombard calling. To the person who was complaining about the condition of Grace Street, just try driving on Highland Avenue between Roosevelt Road and 16th Street going south. You’ll find out what bad really is like. Hold on to your dentures. Bye.

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Hey, Lombard checking in here; just a couple of comments on climate change. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that there is climate change. It has been around since the beginning of the Earth. Several billion years before man was even on the Earth there was climate change. Now, global warming. I hate to tell you this, folks—and I’m sure somebody’s going to call and say I’m showing my ignorance—but the facts are out. There is no such thing as global warming. The gig is up. The UN cooked the books, pun intended, and Al Gore has made hundreds of millions and stands to make billions off the whole carbon game. Bye.

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In response to the caller who thinks Bruce Rauner is the answer as governor of Illinois, I hope that caller realizes that if he or she has 40-hour weeks and has had weekends off completely free at any time during their lifetime and any kind of employee rights, they are seriously in jeopardy if this multi-millionaire becomes governor. He is seemingly there to protect his own interests and all his wealthy friends who are out of touch with the middle class and lower class citizens. They are just latching on to the gravy train to keep perpetuating their wealthy empires and dynasties.

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Food stamps went from 17 million to 80 million in 12 years. There are no jobs, gangs overrun cities, open borders have brought in millions who are enjoying more benefits in America than most citizens have, not to mention criminals, disease, etc. It’s too bad we don’t have people to represent us before it got out of hand. Oh, wait, we do. I guess they weren’t paying attention. We need term limits. Evidently they lose their train of thought after a few years. Let’s elect new and fresh ones every few years.

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How can our politicians say we’re breaking up families of illegals? Didn’t they do this to themselves by breaking our laws? You know, the ones our politicians are supposed to uphold? There are Americans in jail who broke laws. Aren’t we also breaking up their families? Maybe they should get amnesty. What’s the difference?

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President Obama has worked hard for health care insurance expansion for those who are not covered at the expense of those of us who lost benefits. He’s also worked very hard to raise the minimum wage to address the terrible problems of urban America, especially the inner cities. His gains in the presidency have been in the area of civil rights, but he’s a big failure in world leadership. China claims territories, there is genocide in Syria, Iraq has slid back into turmoil and now Russia thumbs its nose at President Obama. President Obama is the Chamberlain of 2014. He is really ineffectual in foreign policy. What a leader.

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Remember when President Obama and John Kerry made fun of Sarah Palin for saying that Putin and the Russians would invade Ukraine and Georgia? Remember when President Obama made fun of Mitt Romney during one of the debates when Mitt Romney said the Russians are one of our biggest geopolitical foes? I believe the exact quote was “The 80s called and they’d like their foreign affairs policy back. The cold war is over.” Well, you know what? The late 60s just called and they said they would like their Communist sympathizer president back. Thank you.

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It has been reported that Rep. Trey Gowdy, a Republican from South Carolina, has introduced House Resolution 4138, the enforce-the-law act. It’s the best solution to ensure the president abides by Article 2, Section 3, the obligation to faithfully execute the law. According to Congressman Issa, it would be a clear delineation of Congress that either the House or the Senate, on behalf of the American people, would have the ability to bring to the courts just as an individual might if they have been harmed by their government, a concern about an executive order or any overreach or misuse of the law. This bill would authorize the House and the Senate to sue the Executive Branch for not enforcing laws and provide an expedited process through the federal district courts.

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I’m calling to say that we need new accountable leadership at the Lombard Post Office. Some of the reasons given, claims of injury and illness? For some reason, the neighboring towns don’t seem to have this problem. They still have good mail delivery. Second of all, this isn’t just a snow and cold weather problem. Many months ago we had problems when we were finding pieces of our mail on the ground, so I’m going to be taking my letter to the Glen Ellyn Post Office today. Thank you.

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I like Fox News. No one ever said that pro-Fox meant pro-American or that non-believers are anti-American. There are no keys to the country. This is our country. It does not belong to the Democrats or the Republicans. The news media and politicians push the Democrat-Republican controversy. Who cares about party labels? I care about who is leading the country and representing me. That is what I care about. Whoever is in Washington is not doing the job. You know whose fault that is? Ours. We get involved with party labels and ignore one source that tries to expose the true political wranglings in Washington, and that is Fox.

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I called SPEAK OUT about a restaurant in downtown Lombard called Capone’s. I wanted to let everybody know that this is a delicious place to eat. I went there two weeks ago and went back again for the buffet, which was $15 and it was more food than anybody can eat. I would like to have people support downtown Lombard. This is a tremendous restaurant. Also, I’d like to thank my mailman, Wayne, who has delivered the mail every day to us. I have no complaints about the post office and my postman Wayne does a tremendous job—even if it takes until 8 o’clock, I have not missed a day’s mail.

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We are very happy customers of Rob-Lynn Power Systems, here in Lombard. They do excellent work and their follow-up customer service is just outstanding. If you need a generator, these are the guys.

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This is Lombard calling. Like a lot of people around town I have heard that District 44 has turned down $250,000 of free money. This sounded fishy to me so I checked with the District 44 office and found out this is bogus. Like they say, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Some members of the Hammerschmidt playground committee have been fundraising for over a year to build a playground that would include a butterfly garden, a vegetable garden, walking paths and who knows what else. They have even requested matching funds from the taxpayer monies of District 44 for their grandiose project. It’s time that more rational and fiscally responsible heads prevail on the Hammerschmidt playground committee. It’s time they give up their pressure tactics. It’s time they master the art of the possible and use their considerable already collected donations to fund the updating of the playground now.

SPEAK OUT contacted Dr. James Blanche, superintendent of Lombard Elementary School District 44, and he explained that a letter was sent home to parents regarding this issue. It read, “Dear Parents, I have received many e-mails and phone calls regarding this matter. First, let me assure you that if almost any individual or any organization wants to give District 44 $250,000 your superintendent will say ‘YES!’ The issue has been the strings attached and the potential of future commitment of district dollars and resources.” The superintendent also commented: “At this time we continue to explore possible options, but remain concerned about a commitment that will obligate future district resources and/or personnel.” Blanche also called the Hammerschmidt parents “involved and enthusiastic,” adding that they “should be thanked for their active participation on behalf of their children, all students and the community.”—JAC

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Hi, Lombard calling. I would like to know why this is the worst village president we ever had and he can’t even keep the streets cleared, the main streets; Westmore-Meyers, worst condition I’ve ever seen it since I lived here. Thank you.

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Thanks, Lombard, you really outdid yourself this time. I have huge chunks of ice, the diameter of 2 feet. I can’t even get out of my driveway. I have to pick them up by hand. I can’t wait to move out of this town. You seem to have total disregard for your residents.

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Hello, it’s Wednesday, March 12. It’s snowing like crazy, or it did overnight, anyway. They’re plowing my side street, which I appreciated, but I don’t understand, Why are they not putting salt on the main streets of Lombard? I thought they would have learned the last time. Do they need better direction, supervision, oversight? Hello elected officials. Hello, public works. Please explain.

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To all merchants. I have an issue that I wish you would take care of. I know that what’s causing a lot of problems with the high cost of merchandise is because too many people steal things. So, the packaging is almost indestructible. But the part that gets me is the packaging can cost more than the product you’re buying and then you have to discard and throw that packaging away. Can’t we somehow make it a little bit cheaper? Why do we have to spend so much on packaging that you cannot destroy but you still have to throw it away after you’ve got the product. Let’s address that issue, merchants, and do something about this. Hope you’re listening.

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Hi, Lombard calling. I would just like to commend the Lombard Public Works Department. It is a Wednesday and we awoke to another dusting of snow, roads were treacherous. I drove my daughter to school in Downers Grove; the streets there were terrible; it was an hour-long commute that normally takes 20 minutes. When I got back into Lombard, Finley Road, Roosevelt Road, everything was navigable and relatively clear, so good job, Lombard Public Works Department. Thank you so much.
