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November 12, 2014

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Hi. Just wanted to say thank you to the village and whoever’s involved in the paper shredding you had Nov. 1, Saturday. It’s really appreciated. You saved us a lot of time and money going someplace else. Thank you, bye.

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Now they want to put a pot dispensary in Villa Park on Villa Avenue. Another victory for the liberal Democrats. They say marijuana is no worse than alcohol. Well first of all, 10 per cent of people who try pot get hooked on it and use it every day. It destroys brains of young kids. Their IQs are lower. Just like Ronald Reagan said, “Just say no.”

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With the elections over, and the candidates tucked in securely to their respective offices, I have one question after this blustery week—are they going to be fined for littering our streets and yards with all their propaganda fliers? My front yard and bushes, as well as my neighbors’ are all littered with fliers from these politicians. Who is going to be left holding the bag for these guys’ and gals’ litter? You guessed it. The taxpayers. At least something here in ill-annoy hasn’t changed.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling in regard to the marijuana facility that is proposed to be put in Lombard across the street from the Target area. I have no problem with it coming to Lombard, but let's move it to a place that’s not a dangerous intersection and also a place where children or people are walking to the Target. How about putting it down the street or in a location that’s not so public? Thank you. Have a nice day.

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It’s becoming more and more apparent every day that the wrong person was elected to the president’s office. He was not qualified and if we had put Mitt Romney in that office we wouldn’t have one half of the problems we have today. So, next time, people, don’t listen to the endorsement by the newspapers because even they don’t know who is the proper person to put in office. It becomes more apparent every day and the first thing our president has to learn is he is not a dictator. He has to work with Congress. He’d better learn that and learn that soon. Goodbye.

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Recently somebody said, imagine if the Republicans worked with our president instead of fought them every step of the way, how great our country would be and that the 112th and 113th Congress were the least productive Congresses. Well, I’m imagining it. If the Congress would have worked with the president this year, he proposed 176 new taxes on the American people. Let’s ponder that. As one of the people who pay taxes, I would say thank God Congress didn’t work with them. Since he has been president, I believe it’s something like 456 new taxes he’s proposed. Thank God Congress doesn’t work with the president. Just think about what our debt is right now. He took and has doubled our national debt. It would be quadrupled if they worked with him. Thank you. Bye.

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Now that Bruce Rauner has won I hope he uses his expertise at shipping American jobs overseas to create new jobs here in Illinois. That would be great—thanks Bruce.  

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Lombard calling. I am actually just catching up from the Oct. 29 Lombardian in SPEAK OUT. I’ve got both of them in front of me and I’m reading the call about the person rightly so for him or her—concerning the post office box. For that person, that is a wonderful idea. It’s easy for that person; he or she can get in the car and doesn’t have to worry. We don’t have in our subdivision a dilemma with our postal service. And also, they come different times of the day. That’s OK. It doesn’t bother any of our neighbors here. Then we also have to take into consideration, if everybody had a post office box, what about the elderly? What about the person who can’t drive? What about the handicapped person? There are many reasons and one really big reason if anybody thought of discontinuing our daily postal service except for the weekends, the mail workers would be without a job.

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Hi, I live in Lombard not too far from the proposed medical marijuana clinic. Please don’t put it there. Please don’t put it anywhere in the Village of Lombard. I fled Chicago to get away from drugs and crime. Don’t let it follow me. Please vote no on it. Bye.

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Villa Park calling. My neighbor has six cats. My neighbor lets her six cats run wild all day, every day. These cats do their business in my bushes, they climb on my neighbor’s roof, they climb onto my window sill and taunt my indoor cat. What can be done?

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Hey, Lombard. What happened to Schweppe and Son? They used to be on North Avenue. It doesn’t look like they’re there anymore. Did they move? Did they get bought? What’s going on?

Alliance Paper & FoodService Equipment is now in that location, and also has a store in Chicago’s West Loop. According to the Alliance Web site, www.allpfs.com, the company is a full-service distributor of “a wide range” of items for the food service industry. The site also has a link to Schweppe’s Web site, www.schweppeinc.com.—JAC

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The former drug czar stated on Fox News Saturday, Nov. 8, about 7:15 a.m. that 44 percent of crime arrestees in New York had marijuana in their systems. He also said that we know marijuana causes the loss of IQ. Lombard’s planning commission wants a medical marijuana distribution center on 22nd Street and Finley Road. What say you, Lombardians? It is the gateway, everywhere it’s tried, to drug abuse and crime in your area. Let them know what you think, people.
