Speak Out

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November 26, 2014

Speak Out Archives


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I’m for getting rid of our taxing body we have in York Township. The property values are dramatically coming down. People aren’t paying the prices to buy the homes they used to, yet our taxes are continually increasing. There’s something wrong. How in the world can you keep increasing the taxes when the value is dropping dramatically? Wake up, ladies and gentlemen, we’ve got to get a new taxing board. We have to get rid of them. They have to have some other way of doing this. This is ridiculous. We’re all choking on high taxes yet property values are dropping dramatically. Pay attention and speak up. Let’s do something about this. Let’s get a campaign going and do something about this. These taxes have to come down. Bye.

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Lombard. President Obama gave 5 million illegal immigrants amnesty by executive order. We are already paying $5 billion a year for illegals just on health care. There has been a 42-percent growth this year alone. More and more are still crossing. They taunt our security guards, jeering, giving them the finger, laughing at them as they come across the border. See Drudge Nov. 14. Such actions, along with demanding to be fed, educated, given health care, Spanish equal to English, the right to vote and make America the same as the country they’re running from. The demonstrations and their demands would mean jail in Mexico, yet they come here and seem to demand everything for nothing.

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I’m getting ready to enjoy some SPEAK OUT comments from the global warming fanatics. Even though our country had a brutally cold winter in January and February, and even though most of the nation has been affected by unseasonably cold temperatures this November, the zealots will chime in and advise us that 2014 is shaping up to be the warmest year ever. Right. You’d think the reality of this week’s weather might embarrass the alarmists who stick to their ridiculous claims. That’s highly unlikely. They’ll go on spouting their left-wing talking points. Ice is melting in Greenland. Polar bears have changed their migration patterns. It’s not as cold as it used to be in Antarctica. Cue up the laugh track. Maybe the zealots can donate their winter clothing to charity. Why shouldn’t they? They won’t need them, because we’re in the midst of the hottest year ever.

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As you know, ISIS stands for the Islamic State, which is the organization that is beheading Christians and killing innocent people. Recently he gave a speech and he said that ISIS is not Islamic. What is he going to say next? The Roman Catholic Church isn’t Catholic?

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In regard to Scott Reeder’s article last week, titled “Talk is Cheap for Gov. Quinn,” I take exception to the example he used in discussing the minimum wage issue and his reflection of Gov. Quinn as being cheap. I did not vote for Quinn in the recent election. However, to refer to him as cheap, may well be misleading. First of all, that 50-cent tip on a $2 bill equates to a 25-percent tip, normal being 150-20 percent. I would assume at a $2 bill that amounted to a cup of coffee. If the other bills Quinn had with this waitress resulted in a $1.75 tip each time, then at a 20-percent tip you’re looking at a bill of about $8.75 each bill. Just because someone earns $177,412 annually in salary, does that require him to tip out of the ordinary? The waitress states she made bad decisions in her life, and is a single parent with six kids. Just whose fault is that, Quinn’s? She needs to wake up and take an accounting of herself, not other people.

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I am glad the same two trustees pushed for a tax freeze again this year. But I do not think that is smart for the future. And with the savings, I don't need to buy another television like the trustee told me to do last year.

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That call in SPEAK OUT about putting the marijuana dispensary in downtown, where customers can go over to the park, etc., that is so stereotype. You seem to be confusing recreational users with those people who are using the substance in marijuana for medicinal purposes. Just like the climate and politics, there will be two sides to the medicinal-value issue; but nevertheless, it’s not fair to label potential dispensary customers as some kind of zoned out, stoned hippies.

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I’m confused by the mid-term elections. Corporate profits are at record highs, the country’s adding 200,000 jobs each month, unemployment is below 5.9 percent. The dollar is at its strongest levels in years, the stock market is at record highs, gas prices are falling, there is no inflation, interest rates are the lowest in 30 years, U.S. oil imports are declining, U.S. oil production is rapidly increasing, the deficit is rapidly declining, and the wealthy are still making astonishing amounts of money. Obama brought soldiers home from Iraq/Afghanistan and killed Osama bin Laden. So, we Americans vote for the party that got us into the mess that Obama just dug you out of? This defies reason.

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For the caller who is upset about Commonwealth Edison's smart meters, you do have a choice. You have to pay for that choice, I think it costs $24 a month to not have a smart meter. For more information I suggest you go to www.takebackyourpower.net.

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Pretty disturbing. I received my smart meter installed yesterday, and on my front door was a smart meter brochure. I realize now I'm not as smart as my smart meter, nor am I even as smart as the brochure, as I do not understand Spanish at all.

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I'm so glad the board voted down the haunted house. It is not only so tacky, it is very disrespectful. Thank you.

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Aren't the parents who came here illegally with their children responsible for breaking up the families, not the Americans? We have American citizens who broke laws and they're in prison, which means their families are torn apart. But we don't give them amnesty. There shouldn't be exceptions for breaking laws; equal justice for all. If you broke the law by coming over the border you should go to jail, not be given amnesty and entitlements.

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Wednesday, Nov. 19, Jane's article. “The student probably can't even spell “empathy” yet.” Did she give her a spelling test? How rude. If somebody wrote that about me, as a third-grader, I'd be quite upset. How dare she write that? She doesn't know her spelling skills.

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Recently the Lombardian responded to a call about Terrace View Pond and wondered if you haven't seen the pond lately, there are signs of changes. Actually, yes, I live right by the pond. The more things change, the more they stay the same. As far as removing invasive vegetation around the pond, how about we put it back to the grass that was there, and we don't have to waste the taxpayers' money with these silly, periodic controlled burns? Then we won't have all the trash gathering there. How about instead of skimming the pond and putting in an herbicide that will kill what little bass are left in the pond, we restore the water to the level it was before we put in that insane gravity drain that turned it into a cesspool? Fish need vegetation to live. Until you turn it into a pond and not just a shallow cesspool, it will always be what it is. And let's not forget that the people in charge of it right now are the ones who let it get this way.

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While driving down Westmore on Tuesday, two weeks after the election, there are still signs in the front yard. Yes, you know who they are. Take them down already.

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Lombard calling. Last week I was running some errands and I started out at the post office and on Main Street I saw two people on their cell phones. I went and got gas on Roosevelt and saw one more person on his or her cell. And went to Ace Hardware on Meyers and saw another person on a cell, and this is without even looking. So, my suggestion to the Lombard Police Department is to get an unmarked vehicle and just drive around town. The money that would generate would be unbelievable and you can always tell because the traffic is slower and these people think they're sitting on the couch in the living room just chatting along. Thank you.

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As one who has disagreed with Obama since he was a senator, I have finally found something I can agree with both Obama and Gruber. I think some of the American people are stupid. But we should call them by name: Democrats.

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Thank you to Willowbrook High School on your magical production of “Beauty and the Beast.” Your cast, crew and pit orchestra performed wonderfully. The choreography was brilliant, especially in the songs “Gaston” and ”Be Our Guest.” The singing was sublime. We loved this amazing production. Thank you, Willowbrook.

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It's only mid-November and I'm officially burned out on Christmas, seeing that these marketers want to put out Christmas decorations in September or early October, and Christmas commercials have been running for nearly four to six weeks already. Thanks, marketing gurus for making me a scrooge.

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A Christmas haunted house is an outrage to our community. If you are or are not a Christian, Christmas is what it is and always will be. It is a holy season and a holy day. If the teens need something to do, there are plenty of people who need a helping hand. Do the right thing.

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Hello, Villa Park. Now I see that our administration in Villa Park wants to make us a dispensary town. They want to put a dispensary on Villa Avenue. First it was on Addison Road. Somebody needs a dispensary? Then why don't they get it set up at the hospital, where they can take care of it monitor it and everybody can go there without a problem? And nobody will grow pot in their yards. Now Lombard has to do the same thing. I hope they're smarter than we will be. Bye.
