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April 8, 2015

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You can’t vote Mr. Rauner out at the end of his term because he entered office as a lame duck. He is not running for office again. Though, he has made it very clear that he has $20 million still sitting in his campaign chest and he apparently plans to use it to influence state elections. That is, he has $20 million that he can use to intimidate any politician who doesn’t fawn all over his plans or sponsor the legislation that he wants.

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To the person who doesn’t want to support the illegal immigrant charged with sexual assault, it’s just one more. You are already supporting the millions who have been running over the border for years. Look around you. Where I live, they don’t have to work 40 hours a week, they have everything the legal American working taxpayer has worked for their whole life. So, keep your checkbook handy because the border is still open. It’s too bad we don’t have politicians who respect the oath they took to uphold our laws.

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I’m driving east on Roosevelt Road, preparing to make a right-hand turn on Westmore-Meyers and proceed south. I am unable to enter the right-hand turn lane. Why? Because several of the vehicles ahead of me are at least a full car length behind the vehicle in front of them. Isn’t that annoying? I’m not saying you have to pull up to a few inches behind the back bumper of the vehicle ahead of you, but could you at least pull to within 10 feet? Leaving a huge amount of space between each vehicle accomplishes nothing except preventing some people behind you from getting on their way. Thank you.

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Climate deniers’ favorite scientist, Wei-Hock Soon “Willie” from Harvard, got $1.25 million from fossil fuels corporations. He was used here in SPEAK OUT a few times to push the lies that climate change is not real, while 98 percent of scientists disagree. It’s no surprise climate denying scientists have close ties to corporate cash. Can the political theater of climate-denier “doubt mongering” finally end?

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The Lombard Village Board found it necessary to hire an independent consulting firm at a cost of $17,000 of taxpayer money to tell us that the property on Main Street near the train station, currently used for commuter parking, is best suited for upscale professionals and those between the ages of 40 and 60, who no longer want to own a single-family home. This has been commonly known for years and does not require a confirmation by a consulting firm, especially at $17,000 of taxpayers’ money. It would be better spent trying to figure out ways to improve traffic flow through town, due to the undue number of freight trains that continually slow traffic at Grace Street, Elizabeth Street and Finley Road, This would then make downtown Lombard more advantageous not only to residents of Lombard but other individuals who may want to spend some of their time in town.

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Lombard calling. I completely agree with state Rep. Breen that the use of these police license plate readers is becoming outrageous. It is to the point where Big Brother is watching us day and night, 24/7 just for the cause of watching us. Now, when do we get our freedoms as guaranteed under the Constitution? It’s coming to the point where it’s becoming eradicated. Now, if you try to request your own personal information from any government, police or military organization, they will not give it to regardless of what you try to do. They know more about you than you know about yourself. It’s time to back these people down and get our freedoms as they should be given to us. Thank you.

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Can you tell me why Lombard needs four new apartment and condo buildings? Who’s going to support the children in these schools? Who’s going to take care of the roads all these cars are going to be on? We’re destroying our town.

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This is for the gentleman candidate for COD board who was making robo-calls in the middle of dinner about voting for him and getting rid of the Tea Party. You were on my short list of three people. However, due to this robo-calling at a very inappropriate time, I voted for the former state representative. So, think about it, at least your timing. People don’t care much for robo-calls.

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This is Lombard calling. Today is April 1, reading the Lombardian. I just want to make a point that April 12 is Eastern Orthodox Easter, which includes Greek Orthodox; Greek, Serbian, Albanian, Ukrainian, Russian, etc. So our Easter is April 12, where we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ like everybody else does but just to make a point that April 12 is Eastern Orthodox Easter. Thank you.

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The passage of the new Indiana law made me pause and think. It seems obvious who is being targeted when businesses want the right to refuse to offer their services. If that’s the case, will they refuse to serve unwed mothers, people who live together without being married, those who take the Lord’s name in vain, those who work on the Sabbath, people who don’t honor their parents, etc.? I have no problem with someone standing behind a religious belief, but how can they just pick and choose which sins to target? Doesn’t the Bible say that no one is without sin? In that case, just close up shop. Theoretically you can’t approve of anybody—unless you can honestly cast the first stone.

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The state of Illinois is spending too much money. We have to live within our means. When you look at the governor and the governors of other states, don’t look at the party. Look at the man or woman. Look at the state and look at the accomplishments or lack thereof. We the citizens are losers if we vote for a party instead of the right man or woman. Is Gov. Rauner the right man for the job? I don’t know. I will know in three years. To the one contributor in SPEAK OUT; please get your facts together about Texas, Florida, California, Michigan and Ohio. Are they succeeding where Illinois has failed the past eight years or more?

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Lombard calling. This is a Lombard resident who thinks our Main Street looks just great with the lilac-colored flags with the lilacs on them and Lombard on there, going all the way down Main Street. Thank you so much trustees for doing that for our town. Happy, happy purple Lombard. Bye bye.

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This is Lombard calling. I just got one of those robo-calls telling me to vote for the Clean Slate candidates to clean up the alleged corruption at COD. Let’s start at the beginning. Number, one, there should be no COD. There should not be publicly-funded junior colleges. If you want to go to college, pay for it yourself. Pay for your kid to go there. Don’t make me pay for it. Number two, Peter Breen, the problem with the Republicans in Illinois, you’re no different than Democrats. The Republicans seem just as darn corrupt as they are. This is the best we can do. DuPage County used to be a conservative stronghold of the United States and the Republicans allowed COD to happen. The great president Ronald Reagan once said, “Vote with your feet.” I am beatin’ feet and heading to Indiana. They’re doing things right. In particular, their religious freedom act just sold me. Bye.

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Interesting article in the April 1 Lombardian. Rep. Breen wants to limit the use of license plate readers.  As a trustee in Lombard he voted to approve the purchase of three of these items; now he wants to limit their use? After reading the article I do not think he has all the facts and is not up to speed with the actual use of the plate readers. Maybe he should spend some time with the officers who use them and become educated on the use and benefit of the plate readers. The Lombard Police traffic supervisor spoke quite professionally about the use and benefit of this valuable law enforcement tool.

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What is it about several of my neighbors in Lombard? They have had their yard waste bagged up and on the parkways sometimes for three weeks now. If the village is not going to pick up yard waste for awhile, first of all they should call the village hall and find out when pick-up is, and secondly, when they know that the yard waste is not going to be picked up, they should bring it back to their garage or their backyard; don’t make us look at it for weeks at a time. It’s a public nuisance. Use your head, people.

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I was recently traveling east toward Lombard on Sunday night from another suburb, and was going just over the 35 mph limit on Roosevelt Road. I happened to notice an approaching car going rather fast, only to realize it was a squad car. I eyeballed the car compared to my limit and estimated the driver was going at least 10 mph over the limit. I then noticed it wasn’t even a squad car from our area, but from a southeast suburb in Cook County, so I doubt there was a chase in the making. So, what do we do when the police are not following the law? Just wondering.

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I was really surprised to see that on the return envelope to pay the garbage bill, it has a line to write in the account number. Not happening.
