Speak Out

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August 12, 2015

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Hello to all SPEAK OUT readers and contributors. I don’t read the SPEAK OUT section that often in the Lombardian, but when I do, I always come across a lot of sections that have a lot of disgusting language and opinions toward other arguments. The problem with it is, you’re not having an argument; you’re having an opinion argument. Arguments aren’t based on opinion; they’re based on facts. There’s a side with one fact and a side with another. If you bring opinions into an argument it’s going to end up badly and it’s going to start a war. Just look at any religion. Religions don’t get along because their opinions differ. It’s not facts. It’s opinions. They believe in different things and therefore they don’t agree. Thank you.

If one person sees a glass as half full, and another sees it as half empty, they are both right, based on fact—and one’s opinion, or perspective. While Merriam-Webster says that one definition of an argument is “a reason given in proof or rebuttal,” it also defines an argument as “a discourse to persuade,” “a statement or series of statements for or against something” and “a discussion in which people express different opinions about something.” It would appear then, that both facts and opinions are components of an argument.—JAC

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All that was said in SPEAK OUT about illegals has been reported and is all true. Want facts? Here are some: More than 300,000 captured illegal persons had been processed and awaiting deportation but Obama stopped these deportations and ordered the U.S. Border Patrol to release many of these illegals in violation of our laws. Obama, in an executive order, said, quote, “Illegal aliens can stay in America if they are under the age of 30, have been in America for at least five years, are enrolled in school or have graduated from high school.” How about this? Directly defying Congress and without congressional approval, Obama gutted the work requirement for all welfare recipients, signed into law by President Clinton.

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This is for all you Obama lovers and supporters. You say you don’t like it when people say things about him. Let me tell you something: If you disagree with him on something that doesn’t mean that you’re bashing him. Yes, I know there have been some people who have bashed him but now you know what we’re talking about. Any time when somebody says something bad about Obama it’s because they’re pushing back because of the people who didn’t like George Bush or Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan or whomever. I think you’d better be careful what you’re saying. There’s a difference between bashing him and disagreeing with him. Just because we disagree with this man doesn’t mean we’re the bigots. You don’t like it when somebody pushes back. This country can’t afford another Obama, another Bush or another Clinton.

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It’s obvious that the DuPage County Board wants to make sure there’s no more open space left in our county. It appears that the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County also doesn’t seem to care, but the big question is what DuPage County is going to do with all the animals that will lose their homes, especially the multitudes living at the Ken Loch Golf Course, that the county has allowed to be developed into a heavily-populated apartment complex. There are many different types of animals that need to be relocated to our forest preserves as soon as possible. Will DuPage County do the right thing and locate them, or will they just bury their head in the sand and look the other way, which is what they seem to like to do? Thank you.

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Does anyone know if the village efforts to reduce flooding near Terrace View Park were successful? Thank you.

The Village of Lombard provided the following answer to your question:

“The improvements made by the village at Terrace View Pond have resulted in an additional 13-acre feet, or more than 4 million gallons, of stormwater storage. Even though this June was the wettest on record,  homes both north and south of the pond with a history of flooding had no issues this year. There is still the possibility of flooding with extremely heavy or repeat storms but the frequency of flooding caused by middle-range storms has reduced. For more information, please visit www.VillageofLombard.org/

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Hi, Lombard calling. Just wondering if someone can tell us why the four willow trees around Terrace View Pond were cut down. We’re just curious. Thank you.

Your question was forwarded to the Village of Lombard, which provided the following response:

“As part of the long-term maintenance, the village, in conjunction with the [Lombard] Park District, identified a number of trees within the wetland buffer area and near it which [had] negative impacted restoration efforts. The village identified a handful of trees which were in poor health and/or structural condition. Several willow trees fell into both categories. The trees had significant large dead wood in the upper portions of the trees which posed a hazard to those who were using the trail. The willows also had considerable decay present within the larger trunk sections, which was evident before the removal process began, and became more evident during the removal process. Branches of several silver maples will undergo trimming to improve air flow, which will aid in improving the overall water condition. For more information about the village’s long-term commitment to this project, please visit www.VillageofLombard.org/ TerraceViewPond.”—blm

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Once again, I’m by the Illinois Prairie Path. I honked my horn to let people on bicycles know that I was coming up on the Prairie Path, yet they didn’t even slow down at the stop signs; they were crossing the street at probably 15 to 20 mph. I nearly took two of them out, missed them by about a foot-and-a-half to 2 feet. I honked my horn and they pretty much gave me a salute. Once again, there are stop signs at every intersection. Obey them, bicyclists.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling and a 4-H mom again. Thank you so much. So many people came out to the DuPage County Fair this year to enjoy everything. I saw so many family and friends. A big thanks to DuPage County Fair president, Jim McGuire, for working so hard, and Cindy Naberhau, who’s the vice president. We’d like to keep the fair going for another 50 years. We use the fairgrounds 365 days out of the year. It’s not just for the fair. We use it for 4-H, we use it for dog shows, we use it for cat shows, so many animal expos, a train show.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. I would like to know why the Lombard police refuse to ticket people who are speeding down Main Street all the time. I’m 63 years old; I’ve lived here practically all my life. I was born and raised here. When I was a kid they would ticket you for anything driving your car. Whenever you broke the law they would write you a ticket. Now, I drive the speed limit, 30 or 25 mph in downtown, and people go by me like I’m just sitting there. Even in front of police and they even don’t go after the people. What’s going on? Why don’t they write tickets? And another thing is, how come you always drive by the police department where you see all the cars sitting there. You never see them out on the road. It’s very rare they’re patrolling. Thank you.

Your question was forwarded to the Village of Lombard, which provided the following response:

“The Lombard Police Department takes the issue of traffic safety very seriously. In addition to traffic enforcement by all patrol shifts, the department also utilizes a Traffic Safety Unit staffed with three full-time sworn police officers. The Village of Lombard is 10.5 square miles in size and has over 135 miles of roadways to patrol. In 2014, Lombard police officers made over 11,000 traffic stops of motorists for a variety of traffic violations. More than 6,000 citations were issued to violators for many infractions to include speeding, driving while texting or talking on a cell phone, disobeying traffic control devices and DUI. This includes tickets for motorists speeding on Main Street. Lombard was ranked fourth in the state of Illinois for DUI enforcement per sworn officer in 2014 with a total of 224 arrests. We will continue our efforts at strong enforcement of traffic laws to ensure that Lombard remains a safe community to drive in.”—blm

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To one homeowner, how insensitive are you, and not just have a vehicle with a Confederate flag but now you have a flag painted on the back of the vehicle. It is so insensitive and it is unbelievable. What kind of message are you sending?

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I don’t get it. Some people are in a fearful tizzy over the Iranian nuclear agreement intended to prevent Iran from getting “The Bomb,” yet they say not a word or express concern about the roughly 16,300 nuclear warheads in existence in nine other nations. Russia: 8,000; U.S.: 7,300; France: 300; China: 250; Britain: 225; India: 110; Pakistan: 120; Israel: 80; and North Korea: eight. Instead, people wring their hands over the possibility that Iran might acquire one or two. I don’t get it.

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Hi, this is for the person comparing the rodeo to the demolition derby. You are discussing two completely different topics; they are apples to oranges. At no point did the demolition person be bred, raised and thrown into the car. That was all their choice being a human being. At no point did the animal in the rodeo ask to be bred, raised and tortured. It’s all about choices. Humans choose to do that and that’s what they want to do. At no point would an animal say “have me bucked,” which is an unnatural thing and “have me thrown on my back and have my feet tied up.” Please look up what a rodeo is and you will see that it is not humane and it is nothing like a demolition derby. Please help these animals and respect them. Thank you.

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Attention Villa Park. Our house is at an intersection with four-way stop signs. Many people who use the main road seem to think the stop signs are there for decoration because they do not stop. Some slow down and roll through the intersection; some just keep going without even trying to slow down. There are children in our neighborhood and I am just waiting for someone to blow the stop sign and injure or kill someone. Then maybe something will be done. Stop means Stop. That means all forward motion ceases, at least for one second. Then you can zoom off to wherever you are going in such a big hurry. But remember that stop does not stand for Spin Tires On Pavement. So, be advised, there is a video system that can be used to record vehicles that do not stop, including an image of the license plate. The video can be sent to local law enforcement so they can prosecute those who fail to stop. I just wanted to let you all know. Either stop, or pay the fines.

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This is to the person who called in complaining about being charged $25 to have their meter read because they don’t want a smart meter. Just so you’re well informed, that meter is not yours; it is the property of Commonwealth Edison. They can put in whatever meter they decide they want to put in there that’s legal, and it was passed by the Illinois General Assembly. Also, you’re being charged $25 so the meter reader can come out and read your meter and get an accurate reading. So, before you call up and complain, get your facts straight. The meter is ComEd’s, not the property owner’s property. It is ComEd’s property.

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Lombard calling. Since the closure of the Citgo gas station at Main and Madison, there is a shortage of convenient gas stations in town. It is difficult to exit both Speedway and Marathon because of traffic. The Citgo location is ideal because of the stop light at Main and Madison. Let’s have more competition and convenience. Thank you.

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Hi. Can someone please respond whether it’s the newspaper editor or another caller, what happened to Capone’s restaurant in downtown Lombard? We’re just so surprised that it closed. It seemed to be doing OK business-wise. It had been there a long time. What happened? Where did it go, when did this come about and did anyone know it was coming? And also, from the village standpoint, are there any plans for this space? Maybe the downtown Lombard people could answer this question of what the plans are for that space. That’s a big gap and we’re really disappointed; they took us by surprise that they just closed up. Any information would be helpful. Thank you.

Your question was forwarded to the Village of Lombard, which provided the following response:

“Capone’s Restaurant left the premises in late May after being located in the tenant space since 2008. At this time, the current property owner is reviewing their options for the site.”—blm

On another note about downtown: “Balkan Bakery is continuing their construction/ build-out activities for their proposed bakery. They have installed their new awning and completed their exterior deck. They are now working on the interior space.”—blm

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Sunday morning, just had the best breakfast in town, Georgie’s in the Eastgate Shopping Center. Wonderful food, nothing fancy, just great food at a great price. Gotta try it, people. Thank you.
