Speak Out

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February 18, 2015

Speak Out Archives


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This is for Villa Park. Trustee Taglia and Villa President Bullwinkel posed the issue of why you should not park a car between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. on the streets. Really? It’s to keep the cars from sitting in front of somebody’s house that have not run in a year or two, a month, week, whatever. It’s also to help clean the streets off in the wintertime, to help the fire department down the street at night for fires. I mean, really? Look in the books. It was put on years ago. Geeze.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. Really appreciate the job that the snow plows do for us, but what really bothers me is not them, but the neighbors who shovel their driveway out into the newly plowed street. I wish the police would enforce that. I know they’re busy, but I don’t think it’s right that once the streets are plowed, people decide to throw their snow back in the street. It also kind of bothers me that in the fall, when people rake their leaves, some people decide to just blow them into the street. Kind of defeats our purpose of nice Lombard maintenance and people abuse it. I wish the police would do something about it, maybe knock on the door and toss them a ticket. Thanks. Bye.

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First it was Dan Rather, now we have Brian Williams lying on national television. This is the state of our media today. All you people who want to believe a messed-up NBC, MSNBC, CNN, any television station or cable network—I think they’re all liars. Do your own research and get your own information. This is ridiculous. This man has lied since 2004 and just now is coming out and saying, I was wrong? Ten years later? He should be fired.

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To all the residents in the area who are experts on snow removal and plowing public streets, please submit your job application to your respective village officials so that you can do such a great job next year. There will be nobody calling SPEAK OUT to complain about the snow removal because we will have all the know-it-alls driving the plows to make sure it is done right.

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To the caller last week that stated global warming is not happening because Lombard and Chicago did not have historic warmth last year, I can assure you world hunger is also over now since I just ate. Keep listening to Faux who are controlled by the billionaire corporate polluters that  don’t care about you and play you all for suckers.

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Villa Park calling. Brendan has been working as a bagger at Jewel-Osco in Villa Park since he graduated from Willowbrook High School, and was recently the victim of theft. Besides selling Sunday papers at St. Alexander’s Church on the weekends, Brendan delivers the Villa Park Review. Chief Robert Pavelchik gave Brendan a new wagon. Others will be helping Brendan purchase new glasses. God bless these wonderful people.

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This is for all the callers and all the Obama lovers who don’t like it because people call SPEAK OUT because they claim that they shouldn’t call and talk about things like that. If a person wants to call up this line and talk about that, fine. Just as long as they’re not slandering the president or threatening him. We have freedom of speech in this country. Yes, I know. Freedom of speech is limited. So if the people don’t like it, you know what you can do. You say we’re bigots because we disagree with the president, excuse me. When you disagree with somebody, you are not being prejudiced.

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Wow—12 SPEAK OUTs sent in regarding Brendan and the theft of his wagon, etc. Brendan, you are loved…and fully deserve the Spirit Award given to you by the Villa Park Community Pride Commission a few years back. Police Chief Robert Pavelchik, thank you for immediately coming to Brendan’s rescue with a new wagon. God bless everyone.

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A network anchorman is found to have embellished, exaggerated, misrepresented or flat-out lied about the nature of danger he faced while in Iraq. He is suspended for six months without pay. It’s interesting that the punishments for dishonesty appear to be much harsher for anchormen than they are for politicians, like Hillary Clinton, who claimed she once landed in Bosnia under sniper fire. Anchormen are apparently also held to higher standards than the “scientists” who altered temperature data to push their climate change agenda.

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Hi, Lombard calling. Today is Monday, Feb. 9, and I just received my Lombard Pride magazine from the village. I open up and the first thing I see is under events around town, Feb. 7 was the annual winter carnival. Unfortunately, that was two days before I got my magazine.

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Lombard calling. This is in response to the obviously politically-correct Democrat who wants to stop any criticism of Obama by saying we should stick to the Lombard issues only. It is a typical tactic of the left to silence others. I will not be stopped from speaking out against the rogue government of Obama and the Democrats who gave us this abject failure of a leader. I will not shut up. I will not sit down. I will stand up for what is right until my last breath. Thank you.

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My wish list for our new trustee: If I send you an e-mail or leave a message, please do me the courtesy of responding. Use your space in the Pride to tell district residents what’s going on within our district. Don’t tell me what your respective committee is doing, or what’s going on in other districts. Tell us where the street construction is, sewer repair, tree trimming is happening. What future projects might be for our district. Have a coffee clutch as your fellow trustee has done for Q & A. Don’t be afraid to answer questions. Remember that the trustee position is a solitary position and not to be shared with a spouse/significant other.  Organize a prairie path clean-up for our district on dates other than the park district clean-up—keep our district clean. Organize a senior chore help day on dates other than those scheduled. Organize volunteers to help our district seniors with snow blowing/shoveling. Bring our district back together. Above all, remain professional, ethical and please no more games.

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All right, let’s end this and end this now. During the winter, it’s going to snow. We live in Illinois. I don’t care what it’s like in other states. It’s going to snow in the Midwest, and in the West, and in the East during the winter. During the spring, summer and fall, it’s going to rain and we may have some severe weather. Let’s stop devoting so many minutes of the news to weather. Deal with it. We know it’s going to happen; it’s going to snow during the winter months, we know we’re going to have severe weather during the spring, summer and fall.

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Good morning. Watching the Weather Channel, and it’s 3 degrees below zero without the wind chill and in 1959, in Elmhurst, it was 69 degrees on that day. There’s your proof that indeed we have global cooling. We are entering a new Ice Age. Yes, that is just as scientific as all of you people who think it’s global warming. There you go. I have just as much scientific evidence as you do for global cooling. Thank you.

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I am from out of town and just drove through Lombard earlier today around lunchtime, stopped at a place I believe was in the 400 block of South Main Street. A Mexican place called Señor Jalapeño. I recommend it to everybody. Very good food, very, very good service. Try it, you’ll like it. The food is very good there.

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Hi, this is for the woman in a store on Thursday, who was arguing with a 2-year-old over whether she should get a toy or not. What do you think’s going to happen when she’s a teenager and wants multiple piercings, purple, green and blue hair and you can’t control a 2-year-old and say no, you can’t have a toy. Eight people are standing in line while you’re fooling around arguing with a 2-year-old. Get a grip. Mom. You’re the boss, not the kid.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. I’ve got to chime in, too. There’s one person who always calls in and refers to Fox News as Faux News. That’s very sophomoric and mildly clever if you’re in third grade. I’m betting that this person does get their news from Brian Williams. Hey, interesting. Did you guys hear that Brian Williams actually climbed Mt. Everest today by himself without any oxygen? And, he did it in a Speedo. I bet this person is also going to vote for Hillary “hey-I-had-snipers-shooting-at-me” Clinton. I bet you this person also voted for Barack Obama. I take it back. The Faux News thing isn’t very clever at all. It’s just sophomoric at best. Thank you.

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Boy, your answering machine rings a long time before anybody answers—about seven or eight rings. This is Lombard. I’m wondering, now that Waste Management is not going to have to provide free services for Taste of Lombard with the monopolistic contract in town, if the rest of us are going to get some sort of reduction in our rates. Thank you.

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Good morning, Lombard. We need to get the corner of Grace, the corner of Main Street and St. Charles by the Marathon station, cleared out. It’s very hard for the commuters to walk from their parking space to the train station. The snow is piled high. We’re having to walk in the street. It’s bad enough we have our train station torn up in the middle of the winter. Now we have an obstacle course to get from the parking lot to the train station. I appreciate someone clearing that corner off. Thank you.

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I disagree with the contributor to SPEAK OUT about limiting SPEAK OUT’s scope. What happens in Illinois affects Lombard. What happens in our country also affects Lombard. SPEAK OUT is many things to other people: an educational tool, a sounding off, a griping media. The government has limited our freedom. SPEAK OUT, don’t limit our right to speak. Thank you.

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This time somebody tell the president we’re in a new Ice Age. There’s no more such thing as global warming, just to raise taxes. Goodbye.

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The “global warming” or “climate change” zealots—not sure what name they’re going by these days—couldn’t tell you what the weather is going to be like next week, next month or next year. But they can guarantee that our planet’s getting hotter, and we’ve got to act now to avert the apocalyptic consequences. Never mind the information they point to, including dubious figures that were “adjusted” to make past decades colder and more recent years warmer. The zealots are right, and anyone who disagrees with them is wrong. It’s just that simple.
