Speak Out

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January 21, 2015

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Still laughing at last week’s SPEAK OUT where someone said thanks to Mitch McConnell and the Republicans for creating 11 million jobs. I thought you guys have been saying how terrible things are, now after you control Congress things are great; truth is from day one the Teapublicans have not come up with any jobs bills and have wanted this president—thus America—to fail and also more proof how ignorant the Republican party is. Someone last week mocked global warming again when 2014 was the hottest year globally on record. Keep listening to Faux News where a study came out that found watching Faux News makes you less informed than someone who doesn’t listen to any news at all.

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To the person who was mocking teachers, I can’t say I totally disagree with you—except on the major points. How long do you think it takes to earn that $100,000 salary, and since many educators are getting a master’s degree along the way, I’d say they’ve earned it. But more importantly, to say a teacher has no responsibility? What planet do you come from? Teachers have a direct responsibility to their students, parents, administrators and so forth. In a way, that’s the profit they must work to earn. I admire what teachers do, whether or not I agree with the salaries, days off, etc. But don’t belittle what to me is one of the most honorable professions. I fear this will start a new round of controversy over the teaching profession. I hope we don’t have to go down that road again. It’s a no-win conversation, just like politics and global warming.

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Hi, my name is Sadie and I’m from Villa Park. I’m a four-legged “person” and I just want to give hugs and kisses to Eclipse Dog Grooming, to Debbie and all her wonderful staff over there. Thank you guys for giving me baths and taking care of me. I love you guys, love, Sadie.

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To the person who called in SPEAK OUT about teachers making over $100,000 a year with no responsibility, I beg to differ. My sister was a teacher and she worked extremely, extremely hard, and put out many hundreds and hundreds of dollars and put in extra time and worked with children all the time. I am very disappointed in people who don’t have any understanding of a teacher and what they go through with the kids and often no cooperation from parents. I am very deeply saddened to see this in the paper. Teachers do work very hard.

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This is Lombard calling. It’s Wednesday, Jan. 14, reading the SPEAK OUT and all the people who are complaining that the schools were closed when it was bitter, below-zero temperatures. You know, if parents don’t want to keep their kids in school, they can take them to other facilities where they have the kids for the times that schools are closed. The schools are closed for the safety of the kids, for the safety of the bus drivers who take the kids. If the bus breaks down while it’s picking up the kids, those kids will get hurt with the amount of cold. We weren’t talking about zero, we weren’t talking about 5 below, we were talking 20 and 30 below zero with the wind chills, which is officially dangerous for the kids. If you guys don’t care about the health of your kids, then do whatever you want. Thank you.

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Hi, I’m calling from Lombard and I just want to let people know how fortunate we are to have Carriage Animal Clinic in our town. It’s on Roosevelt Road between Main Street and Finley. Dr. Sekowski and his staff have been treating my dogs and cats for many years and my pets are always handled with kindness. Dr. Sekowski is extremely knowledgeable in so many areas regarding pet health, that I know if he recommends a test or immunization, or procedure that my pets really need it and they will be handled with loving care. Thank you. Have a good day. Bye.

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Recently somebody called into SPEAK OUT and talked about the exchanges they really liked about teacher salaries and pensions, and suggested that we look at ideas. Well, I have some ideas about the situation in our schools. I think everyone would agree that the United States public schools are terrible. We do not get our money’s worth. Number one, here’s an idea: Let’s get rid of the teachers union. That is the No. 1 reason why we have such a poor, poor public school system. Number two, let’s pay them what they are worth. Next idea, let’s bring their pensions in line with pensions in the private sector.

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Hi, Villa Park calling here. Thank you to the board who voted down the idea of scavenger licenses. These people prevent a lot of material from going into the dump. It gets recycled, they clean up the village, it’s a wonderful program. Thank you, village board. Good thinking.

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I know we like to shop local and this shop might be a local shop as far as I’m concerned. I recently needed a lamp shade. I couldn’t believe the selection at the store called Lamps and Shades in Glen Ellyn. It was a real find. I hope other people will find it because it’s a small store. And, they were having a big sale as it turned out, so my timing was great. So, look for Lamps and Shades. It’s a great store.

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California girl calling. I came to Lombard to care for my amazing grandmother after a bad fall Christmas Eve—she’s doing much better—but what a kick it would be to see her mentioned in her favorite Lombardian. Hello, Gram, and all her great social circle. I’ll sure miss you all.

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The Pew Poll says that 76 percent of the people believe that terror is America’s most pressing problem. By releasing enemy commanders from Gitmo, our president looks to be working for the other side.

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Lombard calling. Only God knows how many of our service people were killed because of Obama’s rules of engagement. If our soldiers had to call a JAG lawyer before they could pull the trigger on the enemy we would have lost World War II and we would now be living in the 1,000-year Reich of Adolph Hitler, an old guy from World War II.

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A lot of the alarmists who are claiming that global warming is a serious problem are the same people who have claimed for years that we are running out of oil.

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I live near Madison Meadow park so I’m very happy to hear there is no Taste of Lombard this year. No drunks and garbage all over my lawn. Now if we could only do away with the fireworks for the same reason.

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This is Lombard calling. I’m reading in the newspapers and on the Web that the Taste of Lombard has been cancelled. I called this with the scrutiny of what happened with the Jaycees and all the issues. Another milestone of Lombard is being cancelled. I hope nothing else gets cancelled because of some political doings between the trustees in the village. Thank you.

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In your Jan. 14 edition I noted that Deb Conroy is having her monthly Coffee Shop Stop on Thursday, Jan. 22, from 10-11 a.m. She says as a legislator, “One of my top priorities has been to maintain a dialogue with local residents.” I would suggest to Rep. Conroy that you don’t conduct your Coffee Shop Stop on a work day when the vast majority of your constituents are working to help pay the taxes that politicians keep imposing on us Illinois residents. Thank you.

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Last week a person called in defending the skeet shooting at the country club; a very angry person. I’d like to say to that person, chill out. You can have a difference of opinion without becoming hostile.

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I think it’s a terrible shame that Lombard is not going to have the Taste of Lombard for the Fourth of July but will have the fireworks display. I think Lombard should get its act together with that. Thank you, bye.

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I would like to address the ill-informed person who called with the disparaging remarks about our teachers. First, it is a fallacy to believe that all teachers make over $100,000 a year. There is a huge range in salary, from as little as $20,000 to over $100,000, depending on years of experience, education level and other factors. Your statement that the teachers don’t spend a dime of their own money is ludicrous. Because of changes in state regulations, annual licensing is now a minimum of five years of college if not more, and to obtain the high earning capability you mention, the addition of a master’s or doctorate degree are required, all at the teacher’s expense. Teachers also invest their own money to purchase basic classroom supplies that the district can’t afford and supplement children’s basic school supplies that many parents may not provide. They do not get three months off over the summer, which is often when they pursue further education to become better teachers for you child. You should be ashamed of your comments.

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Hi, Lombard calling. I understand that Lombard might not be having a Taste of Lombard this year. I think it is a rotten shame. The Taste of Lombard has been going on for years. There’s nothing wrong with the Taste of Lombard. It’s a good family affair with a carnival and all, so please reconsider. I appreciate it. Bye.
