Speak Out

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January 28, 2015

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This is Thursday morning, at 5 a.m. This is the third day that the municipality has not taken care of the lights in the parking lot behind Fairy Tales and the liquor store. It’s pitch black at night when people go home, it’s pitch black in the morning when they come to work. It is a municipal parking lot. This is on Park Avenue on St. Charles behind all of those businesses. We want to know what’s going on and when are they going to take care of the situation? Thanks.

Your question was forwarded to the Village of Lombard, which provided the following response: The parking lot at 21 N. Park is a municipally owned facility that provides parking on a permit basis for the businesses along St. Charles Road, as well as the residents of the facility immediately north of the lot. The lot is also available for customer parking in the non-permit stalls. The village was notified on Jan. 21 that the parking lot lights were not functioning. The village’s contractor was notified immediately and a work order dispatched. Upon investigation, the contractor found that the lighting system had a section of wiring that was in need of repair. The work was performed on Friday, Jan. 23, and lighting was restored.—blm

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This is Lombard calling. If the village suspends the Taste of Lombard this year, we will never have a Taste the same again. The reason for this is, and I’m quoting a 2010 press release, “The DuPage County Health Department enacted an ordinance at festivals at which food is sold must be held on hard surfaces.” The Taste of Lombard has been grandfathered in and allowed to continue in Madison Meadow. However, the grandfathering expires in the event that the festival is not held, even for one year. If we do not hold a Taste this year, we well never have the opportunity to have a good Taste of Lombard again because we have nowhere else in town to hold a festival for that capacity with a carnival, food booths and concert stage of the quality we have now in Madison Meadow. Thank you.

Your comment was forwarded to the Village of Lombard, which provided the following response: The Village of Lombard has received similar inquiries regarding a concern that the Taste of Lombard was a “grandfathered” event at Madison Meadow under DuPage County Health Department rules. Upon conducting research in response to the inquiries, the village has determined that this concern originated from a 2010 press release issued by the Lombard Jaycees as opposed to any official statement from the village. The statement from the Jaycees press release in 2010 that the health department regulations regarding ground cover and the conclusion that the Taste of Lombard could not occur in future years on a grass field is not accurate. DuPage County Health Department regulations require that food vendors provide a moisture barrier between the ground and foodstuffs, crates, cooking materials and supplies, regardless of the type of ground cover. To that end, the county would require covering of ground surfaces with mats, tarps, plywood or other hard surfacing to create a barrier to the ground on both grass and asphalt surfaces alike. The Village of Lombard has been in contact with the DuPage County Health Department and confirmed that there is no  “grandfathering” provision within their regulation to prevent a festival at Madison Meadow in future years. Special events in parks are a common occurrence throughout the county and compliance can be achieved by simply following the ground cover methods prescribed by the county.—blm

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Hi, I was calling to voice my opposition to the Village of Lombard’s decision to cancel the 2015 Taste of Lombard. I encourage all residents who are in favor of holding a 2015 Taste of Lombard to go to the next board meeting, make their voices heard and let’s bring back the Taste of Lombard as it has been for the last 32 years, run by Lombard Jaycees, which is now Lombard Commonwealth, same president. They offer to do it without accepting any grant money from the village. We need to bring back the Taste of Lombard for 2015. Thank you.

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This is Lombard calling in response to the different articles about the stopping of the Taste of Lombard. I have to say that we don’t live in that area, we used to go all the time, and it’s a shame that some people can’t have respect for the neighbors in that surrounding area of littering, which is against the law; disrespect for other people’s property, and I don’t blame those people who live there for being upset. I wouldn’t want all that trash in my yard. We would always have our kids hold on to that trash, throw it in the garbage cans at the Taste before we left and not clutter up and leave garbage all over people’s yards. So in one respect, I’m glad for them that they don’t have to deal with that anymore. I’m glad the village listened to them. I’m glad there’s going to be the fireworks, but congratulations on stopping it. We will miss it but I’m sure those neighbors won’t.

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Shame on you Lombard officials for giving up on the Taste of Lombard. It was a great weekend to get friends and family together for the holiday weekend. What’s next that’s going to get taken away from us? Another thing being taken away, I wonder what’s next. Maybe the Lilac Parade? Thanks, Lombard officials.

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This is Lombard calling. I think it’s atrocious that one or two individuals can absolutely ruin two wonderful events in Lombard such as the Jaycees and the Taste of Lombard, all in one fell swoop. I don’t know if it’s greed or ego, or insanity, but these are 30- and 50-year-old institutions flushed down the drain.

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I live across from Madison Meadow and I am absolutely thrilled that they cancelled the Taste of Lombard. No more pounding music until 11 o’clock on a work night, no more drunks walking past my house, no more cans and bottles in my bushes, no more screaming and blowing off firecrackers at all hours. The Taste started off as a way for people to try various foods from various Lombard restaurants all in one place, but it has degenerated into a loud, ugly enterprise in the middle of a residential neighborhood where it does not belong. I think last year there was only one vendor from Lombard. And by the way, I have no objection to the fireworks. That’s a normal, appropriate activity to hold in a park in a residential neighborhood, but the Taste is a commercial venture and I hope they don’t bring it back, but if they do, it belongs in an area that’s zoned commercial.

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I am glad the Taste of Lombard was cancelled; it was the right thing to do. I also agree 100 percent with the article about the village not being transparent. This decision was not made by the village manager acting alone. He had the consensus of the village board. That means an informal vote was taken by polling the trustees and village president. These informal polls or votes should be done at a public meeting. The village is being hypocritical by preaching transparency then taking this action in hiding. This needs to change and the village president needs to explain how and why this action was taken to stay within the transparency policy. I am embarrassed for all involved.

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I love the Taste of Lombard and enjoy attending every year. But I agree with the village to cancel the event and re-evaluate it. In recent years it has declined in quality and with the admission fee, discouraged us from attending more often. The entertainment was often offensive and not worth it. The food choices were boring and limited. After attending other villages’ “tastes” I saw how Lombard’s was lacking in so many ways. I look forward to the Taste of Lombard returning even better.  Thank you to the village for keeping the fireworks, we really enjoy them.

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This is in regard to those who cancelled the Taste of Lombard, especially Trustee Laura Fitzpatrick. We might be able to save some money, she says. We don’t want to save money. We paid over $8,000 in taxes this year. We want one week of cold beer and some local bands. Is that too much to ask, for the kids to have a place to go, play at a carnival, ride some rides? Forget the fireworks show. The fireworks stunk every year. The real draw was the Taste. Don’t even waste your money on fireworks because I’m heading to Downers Grove, and Rib Fest is getting my money from now on.

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My life does not stop when the weather gets really cold. I grew up in the Midwest and expect cold temperatures, yes even way below zero. A friend said to me ”we are making a soft generation” when everything closes due to cold weather. I wonder “how did my generation survive and why are we still alive” when we did not have buses and our parents did not have cars to drive us to school? We walked back and forth to school every day and it did not close due to cold weather. And why did day care centers close and parents had to call off work because they did not have anyone to watch their children? I heard on the radio that the shopping centers were open so families could go there, so if kids can get to shopping centers, why can’t they get to school? It is a wonder to me that life comes to a stop in the Midwest when temperatures get cold.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. To the members of the squirrel lover’s club and Patricia Wetters, I say, get a life. Every summer these critters forage my vegetable garden and decimate my ripe tomatoes. They carry diseases and there are way too many of them. Thank you.

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Villa Park calling. This is regarding Trustee Wagner’s complaints about scavenger pick ups. He doesn’t think it looks good. Well, Trustee, take a ride through Villa Park to see cars parked on front lawns and blocking sidewalks; garbage cans not picked up for a week in some cases. Villa Park would be a real dump without scavengers.

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To the person questioning job creation, government does not create jobs. The private sector creates jobs. The government is in the business of spending our money; that’s no joke. Why can’t people see how detrimental this president is to the American way of life? In my opinion he lies, fabricates and divides people to gain his objective. The president tries to seduce people with promises of free stuff, which is not free. He steals people’s ambition and drive by supposedly making government the fountain of endless wealth; the ultimate provide. That is also not true.

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State of the Union; the same old same old. His pen, his executive orders, his vetoes and Valerie Jarrett, who has publicly come out to back her puppet.

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Recently someone called in to SPEAK OUT and couldn’t disagree more with somebody who talked about teachers and the major talking points. This person asked, how long do you think it takes for a teacher to earn $100,000? Well, apparently almost quicker than almost any profession out there, folks. I have neighbors who are teachers who in their early 40s were making $100,000 in a year. That is putting them very close. One of them makes $125,000 a year. That puts them in the top 5 percent of earners in the nation. As far as that being the most noble profession in the world, I am so tired of that. If you look at our public school system, it is terrible. Noble, really? Come on. If it was noble, they wouldn’t make $100,000 when they were 42 years old and they would actually teach our kids.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. A very happy Lombard resident calling in regard to the great call in SPEAK OUT about Carriage Animal Clinic. They’re amazing; Dr. Sekowski and his wonderful staff. They’re helpful; Dr. Sekowski is gentle, extremely knowledgeable and gives you wonderful advice. We have been going to Carriage Animal Clinic for over 20 years, before Dr. Sekowski. His staff, I can’t say enough about them. Our son moved back; he started taking his little dog there and they’re just wonderful. We’re very lucky to have them. Thank you so much.

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Lombard calling. Just calling to ask the people of Lombard and Villa Park, let’s support our military. Can we please put yellow ribbons around trees or poles or whatever? They need our support just like the police need our support, so please, put yellow ribbons around to support our military. We wouldn’t be as free if we didn’t have the military. So, please, let’s support them. Thank you.

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Hi, I want to say that AAA Overhead Door in Villa Park are the best. They were so kind and they programmed the garage door opener and the zappers and had everything all set up for me. All I had to do was go in and attach it with two screws. They are so helpful. I can’t say enough fine things about them.

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Citizens of Illinois. Politicians have corrupted our system of government. Pardons should be given for the innocent, not to protect cronies or pay back political debts. If Chicago won’t change its horrendous abuse of power, maybe our new governor and our Senate and our House will pass a bill that those who are to be pardoned, their names are released 30 days before the official leaves office, giving people time to see what’s been done; transparency is needed. Let’s see what our elected officials do.
