Speak Out

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March 18, 2015

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Just want to comment about how sensitive Faux viewers are about calling Faux “News” what it is Faux “News.” Hopefully these are not the same callers crying about how they have the right to speak out and spew their hate weekly toward the Democrats and Obama. The definition of Faux is false and according to the non-partisan Politifact that found Faux “News” by far had the most lies, in fact more lies than truths. They got “liar liar pants on fire” most of the time. Now go back to your pacifier known as Faux where “we lie and you decide.” You are  probably missing a special report on Obama’s birth certificate about now.

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I don’t know if all the negative comments about the Villa Park Police Department are warranted, but have you complained to the police department? If you think your concerns fall on deaf ears, why not attend a village board meeting and bring your complaints to them? Gather facts and other information to support your position, and put the ball in their court, as your representatives, to do something about it. That kind of grass-roots effort might be more newsworthy than calling SPEAK OUT. You can’t expect the village to make changes just because of your comments in SPEAK OUT, without facts to back it up.

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Hi Lombard. If a Republican has a question about village business, they call the village. If a Democrat does, they call SPEAK OUT and then complain that their question doesn't get answered.

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So, what is Rauner’s end game?  He wants to freeze property tax.  He want municipalities to be able to declare bankruptcy. And, he wants to cut in half the share of the state's income tax that goes back to the municipalities. In Michigan, when a municipality declared bankruptcy, the governor stepped in, appointed an emergency manager and then dissolved the local government that was elected by its citizens.

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Rauner hasn't changed. He is using the same business plan that he did in the private sector. He is treating the local governments the same way that he treated all of those nursing homes that his company bought. In his narrative, it is the unions that are to blame for our circumstances, but what he is protecting is the $2 billion in tax giveaways coming from our state treasury, and all the corporate tax loopholes. Yes, his budget allows for $2 billion to go to private companies, not for services rendered or goods provided, but just to make them happy. Say goodbye to your $2.1 million Lombard, the wealthy needs your budget money.

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Hi, this is from Lombard. Glass Court held a very prestigious event this weekend, a tier one racquetball tournament. Over 200 players from all over the country and in some other countries, Columbia, Mexico, Guatemala—they came to play racquetball here in Lombard, spend their money, stay at our hotels, and the Lombardian did not even report this. ESPN streamed it. They sent guys to stream it and the Lombardian did not even give this a paragraph in their paper. Shame on you.

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Congratulations to our representative, Deb Conroy, who’s trying to save all taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars by eliminating duplicate public agencies and payrolls. Thanks, Deb, we support your efforts and are glad you truly represent the people.

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Hello, Lombard and Villa Park. The IRS tax scam is alive and well in our hometown. I have received two calls so far. Don’t fall victim to their vicious threats. The IRS would never call you for money. Just hang up.

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Hello, SPEAK OUT. So what’s happened to all the posts about the president? Is the Lombardian afraid to hear the truth about the beloved president? Just because people disagree with this man doesn’t make them a bigot, OK? We have disagreed with every president and just because we disagree with Obama doesn’t make us racist. You’re the ones who’s always making the smart aleck remarks, the name calling. That’s childish. You people at the Lombardian seem to think it’s OK for people to do things like this; I can tell you, Mr. Obama is not above criticism or anything like that, OK? Now I know why a lot of people are canceling their subscriptions to your paper. I have already canceled my subscription.

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Responding to the comments about Gov. Rauner, I voted for him. It is too early to tell how he’s doing. There are many tough decisions for him to make. If, after four years, he’s not successful, vote him out. There’s no such thing as a right party in office. We have to look for and vote in the right person, man or woman. We the citizens must make the politician do the right thing or out you go. The other comment the person made about Republicans being in the toilet is false. Look at Ohio; balanced budget. Look at Wisconsin; right to vote. Florida is another. Hopefully Rauner will be a successful governor like the states I mentioned.

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Lombard calling. Wow, I’m not sure where to begin after reading the commentary in last week’s SPEAK OUT regarding us seniors and our ability to be a capable and informed voting segment. It would seem each demographic segment has its share of low-information voters based upon the sorry state of education and the current news media. Perhaps this commenter has a limited perspective on the history of voter participation and awareness, particularly among us senior people. Perhaps it doesn’t fit their progressive agenda. Bear in mind seniors do have one thing, regretfully so. This used to be a great country. Respect and civility. Try it.

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I’m a senior citizen trying to get rid of a TV that’s too heavy to take to a drop-off site. If anybody has any suggestions I would appreciate it. Thanks.

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I am trying to understand this and I can’t, I am sure politics plays some role. The state of Illinois is in a pension crisis because of their own actions. Under the Teachers Retirement System (TRS) all employees under this system, teachers, administrative staff, etc. all get a 6 percent raise each year during the last four years of employment. This compounded 16 percent increase in pay also raises their retirement pension, which is paid by the state. So the local school districts seemingly pad their employees’ salary and then lets the state and the rest of taxpayers pay their inflated pensions. Why doesn’t a lawmaker propose legislation to stop this practice?

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Recently someone called in the Lombardian saying that under Gov. Rauner’s budget, we, the people of Lombard, would lose $2.1 million in revenue. I find it interesting that they use the word revenue. I know it’s commonly used but it really is an oxymoron. No government, including our local government, can create revenue. They can only take other people’s money through the form of taxes. And $2.1 million? That’s a piece of cake for Lombard. It’s time for all the towns in Illinois to pay their own freight. If you just look at the public employees who work for Lombard, folks, we have guys who make over $125,000 a year—without benefits—who mow lawns in Lombard. It’s really easy to cut $2.1 million. We the people of Lombard have to say, no more $125,000-plus for mowing lawns and no more crazy pensions for our public employees. After all, they’re supposed to be public servants, not public bandits.

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Here we go again, with the Easter holiday season approaching. Not Easter egg hunts but egg hunts or holiday egg hunts; not the Easter bunny but the bunny, etc. Why are we so afraid of saying the name of our holiday? I am not offended by the names of other religions’ holidays, or rather, they are holy days. Emphasis on holy.

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Wednesday, March 11. Carol Stream man charged with Class X felony. He is an illegal immigrant and if he is convicted, he will spend six to 60 years in the Illinois Department of Corrections. Why are we going to pay for him to feed him, clothe him and everything else. Ship him back where he came from. He’s an illegal immigrant in the first place.

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As a veteran of the United States, I took an oath to support the president and the Constitution of the U.S. We have 47 senators who did the same thing and have broken their promise. This seems to me like treason. I really hope the people will not support this and even that there is a way to get these people out of office. This was treason.

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March 16, Fox News. Obama gave $350,000 through a state department grant to his team, including his field director, Jeremy Byrd, to go to Israel to help defeat Netanyahu in this upcoming election. Our taxpayers’ money going to harm our partner against Islamic terrorists and ISIS. In "Audacity of Hope" by Obama, he says, “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” This I think is Obama’s only truth.
