Speak Out

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May 6, 2015

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Lombard calling. I’d like this printed. It’s a complaint against the village. During last year’s snowstorm the village was plowing our street and consequently struck several mailboxes on this street, including mine. It’s a mailbox with a 4-by-4 post and 4-by-4 trim around it, previously in pretty good shape. They tore up the mailbox, splattered it, bent the pole. It was out of plumb, out of the ground. They did come out and replace the mailbox with a temporary one, which was fine. They claim they can’t do anything to the structure on the parkway. If you hit something, and you’re liable for it, or if you break it, it would be the right thing to do to replace it.

Your concerns were forwarded to the Village of Lombard which provided the following response: “Residents are permitted to beautify the section between the resident’s premises and the adjoining curb line, known as the parkway. This includes mailboxes; however, the code does include specific size restrictions. Any structure that is bigger than the code allows for, such as the wood involved in this mailbox design, cannot be repaired or replaced by the village, as they are not in line with Village Code. In the event that the mailbox has not been repaired to the resident’s satisfaction, they should contact the public works department at 630-620-5740. (Village Code Section 97.101—Use and maintenance of parkway).”—blm

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The button on the southeast corner of St. Charles and Main Street in downtown Lombard does not work, so pedestrians crossing Main Street can never get the walk signal going in that direction. If no one has informed the Village of Lombard about this, now they are put on notice. It has been about two weeks now. I hope it gets fixed soon; there are a lot of commuters who use this intersection 10 times a week, five days a week. Thank you.

Your concerns were forwarded to the Village of Lombard which provided the following response: “A service request was given to the village’s signal maintenance contractor on April 27, 2015, for inspection. The actuator at the southeast corner was found to be faulty and was repaired by April 28. We encourage you to visit www.villageoflombard.org/reportaconcern to report issues in the village that need to be addressed.”—blm

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I have a hard time understanding how looting and rioting will further anyone’s cause to be heard. These people are taking away the livelihood of their neighbors and local shop owners, and have now further reduced the few shopping options in an already blighted area. There’s the saying that actions speak louder than words, but in this case, it will likely have the reverse effect. Air your frustrations verbally and to the right people; not with violence on those who have done you no harm.

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Lombard and Villa Park residents, please stop with the leaf blowers. I have a neighbor who is on the leaf blower at least once a day. It makes no sense to use a leaf blower and in fact in some areas of the country leaf blowers are banned. I think Lombard and Villa Park should consider a ban on leaf blowers since some people do not know or understand how to use them properly. The leaf clippings will blow away in the wind or just use a broom. Stop with all the noise and let’s just live in peace. Be respectful and considerate to neighbors. What happened to that concept?

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To the person who called SPEAK OUT and indicated that I called unions rats two weeks ago, please read it more carefully. I did not call the unions rats. I called the unions bullies, which is exactly what they are when they show up in front of some business with this giant rat, trying to intimidate the business. That’s bullying. Intimidating through bullying.

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OK, everybody. The unions are complaining that they are being maligned and that the power’s been taken away from them and they will be working for low wages. I’ll tell you where the problem is; the problem is supporting all the politicians who are taxing us to death. Every time you get a bill in the mail, it’s loaded with taxes and fees, and taxes and fees. That’s causing the cost of living to be expensive. None of us would need half the money we’re begging for to exist and have a decent living if we eliminate the politicians and all the taxes that goes on there. So, you people and the unions are contributing to this by supporting those politicians who are taxing and fee-ing us to death. You are part of the problem.

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Didn’t Baltimore learn anything from Ferguson with all the looting? It would seem to me that law enforcement could have lined up like human barricades in front of the buildings instead of in the streets. That would keep the crowds in the streets and not on the sidewalks where they could just run up and smash windows and loot stores. If there wasn’t enough manpower, then they should have anticipated what was going to happen and in a preemptive move, called in the National Guard before things got so out of control. I’m all for peaceful protesting, but those people weren’t protesters. They were rioters and looters who only make the problem worse, and reinforce negative opinions.

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This is to the person who put out that you agree about the union rats and yes, they are bullies and yes, they are trying to bully non-union workers; but please, they’re trying to work without unions. We need to have more people supporting non-union businesses than supporting union businesses. Thank you.

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There’s been a devastating earthquake in Nepal, and the humanitarian thing to do was to go over there and help as much as we can. But my question is, if Secretary Kerry can take money from our country and immediately give it away to another country that has problems, why can’t he find money to give to the state of Illinois? There are many, many people in the state of Illinois who need medical attention, medical assistance, hospitalization, but there’s no money to go for that. Why? Why can you always find the money to give it away to a foreign country and foreign politicians, but there’s never money to help our own people. This is our own people and this is our own country. We are the people making and earning the money.

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To the person who commented on my call about College of DuPage being a good bang for the buck, I do believe in the merits of the school. As I stated before, controversy aside. The educators aren’t responsible for this mess. The educators didn’t spend all that money on wining and dining, and anything else. In fact, I have read that they raised a vote of no confidence in the president. I am focusing on the education the school provides for many people who otherwise could not go to college. I am a proud alum and know many people who are as well. Embarrassment for DuPage County? Yes, but hopefully that’s about to change.

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And so it begins. This is to the Lance Armstrong-wanna-be, on his nice bicycle as he blew through the stop sign, forcing me to slam on my brakes. Then you have the audacity to give me the finger?

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Hello, this is Villa Park calling. Just wondering if that was a joke that Villa Park received the Tree City recognition. When was the last time they did tree trimming along the streets in Villa Park? Oh, yeah, they did last week. We had 45 mph winds and all the dead branches fell. It’s never happened. No wonder everybody who works for the village had sunglasses on in that picture. They must be embarrassed.

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Seems the cuts the governor made to social services at Easter have been restored because the money that he said wasn’t in the budget actually was, he just didn’t know where to look for it. His own budget for next year—the budget that is supposedly without smoke and mirrors —only balances if there is an amendment to the Constitution, which he maintains will happen because he wants it to. How is this different from the man who decides that he can pay a mortgage because he bought a lottery ticket?

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It was disappointing to see the looting and senseless destruction in Baltimore. I’m sure the people who are responsible for the unrest had to rearrange their work and school schedules to commit such disgusting acts. Also, I had to laugh when President Obama claimed to have programs that would prevent this type of unrest. Hasn’t he been president for over six years? Didn’t his party used to control the Senate and the House? If he had such great programs, why didn’t he and his cohorts enact them?

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Hi, Lombard calling. I called a few months ago and asked people to put yellow ribbons around trees for our military people. Only a few have been seen around town in Lombard and Villa Park. I hope that people will now take notice and put yellow ribbons on their trees to support our military. We need to support them; we need to do it now. Memorial Day is coming, so let’s do it for our military people. Thank you so much.

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Hi. I was wondering if anyone knows if the pedestrian tunnel at the Metra station will be completed before the Lombard Ale Fest. June 13 seems right around the corner and it looks like they’re behind schedule. I hope not. That was such a great event last year.

Your concerns were forwarded to the Village of Lombard which provided the following response: “The construction on the Metra Underpass did hit a few setbacks due to February’s record-breaking cold temperatures. To help make up for lost time, Metra expanded their work hours to include Saturdays throughout April. Metra personnel have communicated to the village that the underpass is scheduled to be open for pedestrian use by the end of May. Please check www.villageoflombard.org/MetraConstruction for periodic updates and sign up to receive the village’s Metra Construction newsletter at www.villageoflombard.org/notifyme.”—blm

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Because of the riots in Baltimore, Hillary Clinton is proposing reforms to the criminal justice system. That is a lot of bull and strictly political. The political element in Baltimore was not responsive to the citizenry. The people did not push the delegates, the mayor or the governor to respond to their needs. We have to push our representatives to do our bidding. Americans have to realize this is our country, not the politicians’.
