Speak Out

Call 630-629-TALK

November 11, 2015

Speak Out Archives


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How can our government keep the border and give out entitlements to people in the country illegally when the senior citizens of the country who have worked 40 hours a week or more; had a two-week vacation; paid taxes, medical, etc.; and paid into Social Security for their benefits are not getting an increase? Are we giving up what we worked and paid for, for people here illegally? It’s not right.

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To the person who called the Democratic candidates communists, please look up in the dictionary the definition of communism, then if you still feel you are right, please call back SPEAK OUT and give the facts of why you think you are right. No innuendos, please. Thank you, goodbye.

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I am really sick and tired of hearing people talk about how great the Democrats or Republicans are. People in Illinois, look at your state. Who did it? Some Republicans, mostly Democrats. Four of our governors went to jail. People who put Madigan in office and keep him there should be ashamed. Who’s to blame? We are. We don’t know what we’re doing. By saying I am a staunch Democrat or staunch Republican got us into this mess we call Illinois.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. I’m calling about the sign that I saw. It says “I don’t get drunk. I get awesome.” You know what’s not awesome? Drunk driving. You know what’s not awesome? Dead loved ones because some person decides to party hearty and slam a bunch of brewskies before slamming into someone he or she loves. I think the sign is sick. Take it down.

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All of us are in trouble in this country. We are in debt in the trillions of dollars and yet some people want to spend more. One of those people is DuPage County Sheriff John Zaruba. Every department has to cut back. It isn’t that we love to do it. We’d all like to spend more money, even myself; but if it’s not there, you can’t spend it. He’s got to learn to give up a little something, too, and if he can’t learn to give up a little something, then I think we need to replace him with a sheriff who can give up something. When we’re hurting, and the country’s about to go under, we all have to tighten our belt and do with less. We have no choice.

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It’s a Sunday afternoon in Lombard. I’m in the house with the windows and doors closed and all I can hear is gunfire from the skeet shooters at the Glen Ellyn golf course—rich people playing with their firearms. With all the gun violence lately I find it extremely offensive to be subjected to this every weekend. Can anything be done about this? Thank you.

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Lombard calling, and I quote: “Teachers are responsible for shaping young minds and finding strengths in children who struggle. If you don’t think there’s stress involved in being responsible for the livelihood and future of our youth, then I don’t know what to say.” Yes, well, I know what to say. If you don’t think there’s stress involved in being responsible for the livelihood and future of our youth, then clearly you aren’t doing that as a parent either, because more and more I see parents who think morals and values are to be school curricula instead of being taught at home. Why is that parents—too stressful for you? 

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Obama’s fulfilling his legacy to destroy America. He just put 6,000 drug-related offenders back on the streets. Boy, what a rotten son of a gun that guy is. Goodbye.

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For last week’s caller who’s having some trouble with raccoons in the backyard, please call Willowbrook Wildlife Center in Glen Ellyn at 630-942-6200, ext. 0, for deterrents that will help the raccoons move along somewhere else. Schroeder’s Ace Hardware on Westmore-Meyers has brochures regarding raccoons and other wildlife that are extremely helpful, or if you go online, type in Willowbrook Wildlife Center. Once you get to their homepage there is a box that says “education,” and it will drop down and all the various wildlife are mentioned. Just go to “raccoons” and you’ll find many deterrents to help the raccoons move away from your backyard. Good luck to you and best wishes. Thank you.

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Just a reminder that Superintendent Larson from District 87 had said in his opinion piece he was against the property tax freeze for us homeowners. Nobody called SPEAK OUT to agree with him. Well, I just read the District 87 report and it says the district is maintaining strong financial performance. If you also look at the district’s master plan, I can’t help but wonder how much of that is really warranted; did the new West science class addition have to be so elaborate? A whole new parking lot for Glenbard North? South gets new floor tile because theirs is outdated? East only gets maintenance repairs and LED lighting? I could not plan my own remodeling budget that way; take care of the necessities first.

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Hi, Lombard resident here. This is in regard to all neighbors in Lombard who don’t rake their leaves and let them blow into other people’s yards and also blow their yard waste into the street, which is illegal. Thank you.

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Hello, Lombard calling. This is in response to the caller who questioned if anyone asked Mr. Hastert where he got the millions to repay the reported hush money. I have a related question. Has the IRS contacted “Individual A” to ask that person if he or she reported that hush money on the tax return? Thank you.

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Thank you, Lombardian, for publishing an article last week about Madigan’s response. Finally, after two downgrades to the state, he’s waking up and is starting to talk and understand what Rauner has been saying. How encouraging is that? I think that we should get rid of Madigan. He seems to be the source of all our problems in the state. He doesn’t understand how to balance a budget. He’s the cause of our pension problems because he’s filled the pension funds with IOUs and spent the money for other things. He needs to go and Rauner, stand your ground. Thank you.

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I have a suggestion for the person trying to keep raccoons out of their yard. Put a TV in your backyard, tune it in to “Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” and this ought to keep the raccoons away. Thank you very much.

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Consider this remark to be a generous thank you to Dominick’s Pizza in Villa Park for providing a free lunch to veterans on Veterans Day. I was there last year and will be there this year. They have delicious food at a fair price and I’ve patronized them for over 20 years. Again, thank you.

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This is Lombard calling. Impeach Gov. Rauner. Thank you.
