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October 14, 2015

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. I am clipping the article that you had in the Sept. 30 newspaper recognizing Theresa Thurmond as the new postmaster. As I read the comments by Peter Allen commending her service, the only thing I could see that was relevant was his statement that we are definitely not what we used to be. I rarely get my mail on time, it’s a different carrier every single day, it's a different time that it’s delivered, sometimes I don’t get it at all, so I don’t know what’s accomplished. I’d certainly like to know what their goals are. Thank you.

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This message is for our village president and Villa Park trustees. I think someone ought to send them a nice thank you. Thank you for raising our taxes, thank you for messing us over. Thank you for making us leave this nice little village. Thank you for the trains. They say they’re doing stuff for us but they seem to have done nothing. As far as our president thinks she’s going to make it to Congress, she’s not going to make it to the next election. You messed us over so bad it’s not funny. and by the way, the referendum for the streets was your last referendum. Nobody’s is going to raise taxes for this village anymore.

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I, too, have strong feelings on Villa Park President Bullwinkel running for Congress. I have lived on West Jackson Street for many, many years, and under no other village president has the street looked so bad in terms of tree trimming. I saw people opposite Jackson Middle School trimming their own parkway trees. Families walking home from Lufkin Pool or bicyclists are hit in the face by low hanging trees. I’ve seen no systematic tree trimming scheduled from this administration. Years ago the parkways here in Villa Park were well-kept, as they are in Elmhurst and Lombard. When she ran for office, candidate Bullwinkel knocked on my door and asked for my vote because she said she would improve conditions of village life. I think the candidate for Congress now seems more interested in photo ops and public appearances.

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Hi, I’m glad some brought to the forefront about these school teachers and unions. I believe these school teachers and unions at this time are extremely overpaid for what they’re doing; three months off in the summer and every holiday off, they get quite a few benefits. I believe the public union thing is completely out of control. The majority of teachers who worked at Willowbrook are extremely overpaid. I don’t believe there are too many salaries that are under $100,000 and this doesn’t include benefits. I think they need to let everybody catch up to what they make. Thank you.

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A landscaper was installing sod in my backyard and had parked his two trucks in front of my home to unload sod and machinery as the other side of the street was unavailable to the landscaper due to residents parking their personal cars. The landscaper returned to his trucks and found that the Villa Park police had issued tickets for improper parking. Perhaps the police could have walked the 50 feet to the backyard to speak to the landscaper? Are we ticketing tree trimmers also? Are we ticketing appliance or mattress delivery trucks? What message does this send to businesses about selling and delivering products to Villa Park residents? No wonder police get a bad reputation. These types of costs will only be passed along to our residents.

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We’d like to give a shout out to a couple of Lombard residents. Because of your dedicated efforts throwing out food scraps, the foxes are trained to climb into a large compost pile for food. Not once a week but several times a day and into the night. Once winter comes, the coyotes return. These animals have no fear. Notify the village, you say? The compost pile where they continue to throw food scraps belongs to a senior resident—it’s not even a compost pile on their own properties. This senior probably told these people that it wasn’t any problem but is unaware of the dangers and commotion caused by the wildlife.  This compost pile hasn’t been used in decades—it’s only a feeding station at this point. We’ve tried talking to these people and all you get is “it’s no big deal.” Even when we explain that we have to look outside first before our grandchildren or dog go into the yard, our words fall on deaf ears.

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Our governor will not sign the laws he wants into effect until we pass the law for redistricting reform in the state of Illinois. As far as I know, all you have to do is look it up yourself that all the Republican states that have done this, or all the states that have done this, what they have done is put more Republicans in one district and less Democrats in other districts. That way they have redistricted everything so the Republicans have a shoo-in to win. That’s why you have so much going on. Hang on, Democrats.

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Calling all my Laundromat peeps. Wash and Dry Laundromat on Crescent Boulevard in Lombard has a new owner. They’re remodeling the place, replacing washers and dryers, and repairing others. I stopped by last week and was pleasantly surprised. The new owners are nice folks who want to bring life back to the laundromat.  Come join me back at the Wash and Dry. 

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I remember when Jim Thompson was governor. When he wanted his legislation passed he apparently would go down to the floors of the House and Senate, shake hands and twist arms. I am tired of Rauner holding the state budget hostage over his Turnaround Agenda which has no public support. Propose the thing as legislation. Make your best case. Let there be a vote. Then get on with passing a budget.  

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Hi. I went to downtown Lombard today and I noticed that there is a “Live, Work and Play Purple” sign representing Lombard. The irony is, it’s on a vacant, empty storefront. That is the problem. I hope to see Lombard filling up with more prosperous stores, restaurants and things for the residents of Lombard to take part in and to enjoy.
