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August 11, 2016

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Hi, Lombard calling. Has anyone from the Village of Lombard walked through the train station they built and see how filthy it has become? It's actually starting to stink. Not only that, there are a number of cracks. Bye.


Your question was passed along to Village of Lombard officials, who responded:


“The village is responsible per an agreement with Metra to maintain the underpass tunnel and the ticket station, and both are cleaned by Public Works staff. However, the constant flow of commuters continues to generate trash throughout the day. A power washing of the tunnel will be done before the end of the summer. Please contact Public Works at 630-620-5740 or publicworks@villageoflombard.org to report particular maintenance issues. The village does not maintain the platforms, so contact Metra at 312-322-6777 to report issues specific to those areas.”—JAC




Hey, Lombard. I want to know the reason you put your bike lanes in down Madison so far away from the curb that you made the actual lane smaller. So, what you're going to do now is cause people to get hurt. Maybe you ought to take a look at what you did because it's really confusing. Thank you.


See response below.




Lombard calling. Turn to go east on Madison Street, just east of Main Street. They have the right-hand lane striped with bicycle decals. Does that mean the cars can't go down that street because it's all bicycles now? Thank you.


Your queries were forwarded to Village of Lombard officials, who responded: “The pavement markings are bike lane and shared lane markings as part of the village-wide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The newly added lanes are a combination of bike lanes that include a solid white line which identifies the dedicated portion of the road for bike travel only, and shared lane markings which remind motorists to share the road with bicyclists in areas that do not have a dedicated lane for bicycles. Delineated bike lanes are predominately located on westbound Madison Street, and eastbound Madison is predominately shared lane markings, which remind motorists to share the road with bicyclists in areas that do not have a dedicated lane for bicycles. Per state law, bicycles are permitted on Village of Lombard streets and motorists must give a 3-foot passing distance to bicyclists when in a shared lane area. This applies to all roadways in Lombard, and no traffic restrictions have changed with the improvement project. For more information including photos and safety tips, please visit www.villageoflombard.org/bikelombard.”—JAC




Did you see it? The July 28 Review carried a long front page article on the proposed Villa Park library plans. Did you notice right off the bat that the previous dollar amount was $11-12 million, and now it is $15.8 million?  And did you notice that now the board wants to have us vote on $5.3 million this fall, and the rest in the spring? Even the library board admits “the most requested features were a teen library, a vending/book area, and an early literacy/play area and a quiet reading room.” Where does any of this fit into any definition of a “library”? Director Sandra Hill and the board need to know we are not going to spend this kind of money for someplace we won't need in less than 20 years. I have previously commented on this subject saying that I support only fixing the basics and that's it. I now think maybe we should just close it all together—there are “nearly 50” people on staff; that is surely too many people. There are many libraries in the area. Why does the Villa Park Library have extra payroll available for an overnight stuffed animal program? If we're going to have a library, let's have a library that is a library, a quiet place for learning—not coffee, snacks, babysitting and noise.


Your comments were forwarded to Sandra Hill, library director, who responded: “The library board is considering seeking an April 2017 referendum which will ask residents whether they would fund a complete renovation and expansion of the current facility.  The order of magnitude for the project is approaching $10.6 million dollars and includes projected costs for site work, complete renovation of the existing building, an additional 9,300 square feet of library space, bond costs, and architectural fees. There are no plans for a fall referendum.

The library employs 50 staff members to cover the 64 hours a week in the summer; 68 hours a week in the spring, fall and winter. There are 12 full-time and 38 part-time employees who work one-on-one with patrons on computers, engage with individuals in finding materials, conduct computer classes, lead book discussions, conduct story times for babies and toddlers, and prepare and conduct educational programs for our youth. The majority of our programs and classes are conducted at no charge to the participant.

We had no plans in having staff sleep over with the stuffed animals in our ‘Stuffed Animal Sleepover’ program which was scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 9. Staff were featuring bedtime stories for young children that evening.

The library is an extremely active building. Technology and digital services have changed how we operate as an institution. We continue to offer our traditional services. However, there continues to be a misconception that libraries (as well as other institutions) do not evolve or change.  It's not because books are going away. It's because people are starting to ask more and different things of a library.”—JAC




Hi. Regarding the person who called to complain about the gun shop on Main Street, I totally disagree. There's no reason why that gun shop should not be in Lombard. The owner of that gun shop is a very-well-respected business woman who does very nice and supports her community. She does nothing wrong. Yes, she sells ammunition and guns in there, and it is on the main drag of Lombard. Has anybody noticed it before this became an issue in the media? I suppose not. You have to have a license and not just anybody can walk around and shoot everybody. I know it seems like that because the media is portraying it, but she's managed to have a very quiet business and have a good business to her consumers. If anything, why don't you go in there and see what could go on in there? You'll probably find a very pleasant business owner who is there to service your needs. Thank you.




To the person who called in about not hearing about the homeless on the news, maybe it's because you don't listen to any other station but maybe Fox and the Republican stations. There is coverage of the homeless on the news all the time. The reason there are homeless people now is because of the system the Republicans have built where these people cannot afford to work, can't get a job, have nothing, so they end up being on the streets homeless. You're not going to hear about it because the news media are owned by the 1 percent who would never print that in the paper. They would not print that if there were a Republican in office. It's not President Obama's fault. It goes back to trickle-down Reaganomics and having a Republican Congress and Senate for the last eight years that did absolutely nothing. Goodbye.




I hardly ever call in to SPEAK OUT but one reader's comment just made me have to call in and say something regarding a Republican president being able to bring awareness to homelessness. I doubt that the Republican nominee, Donald Trump, is going to bring awareness to homelessness. If anything, he would probably shoo people away from the doorways and entryways of his fancy hotels. It's just absurd. If you would like to bring awareness to homelessness, you're better off doing it locally in your community and shelters. Thank you very much.




Many restaurants in Lombard have had problems getting liquor licenses. Obviously the ammunition place on Main Street had no problem getting a license or maybe they don't need a license. So, what does that tell you? Medical marijuana couldn't get a license because people were so worried about their children, but they don't seem to have a problem with an ammunition store right on Main Street next to the Prairie Path where God in heaven only knows what could happen. Maybe it needs to move or leave this town. The trustees need to be more concerned about the ammunition shop and opening up a smoke place right on St. Charles Road next to a restaurant. That was clear thinking.




Hi. I just read in the Lombardian that somebody says they feel that the homeless problem—yes, it's a shame, it does exist in our community and all over—is a Democrat problem. Apparently, this person says, when the Democrats are in office, we don't hear or see the homeless people, but when the Republicans are, we do. I think this person needs to get out more. This is not a Democrat of Republican problem. It is a sad problem and part of our society, and the scary part is, that person probably gets to vote.




Villa Park, Lombard, police departments, whoever it may be, when are we going to start seeing tickets given to the people who believe when you come up to a stop sign all you have to do is push the brake light on for a second and then just keep on going? This is ridiculous. I want to see something done. Thank you.




After reading “Village board discusses ways to trim $1.6 million shortfall,” I think it's wonderful that you want to be like all the other towns that have put on a sit-down eating tax and I think the best thing you suggested is take that $26 taxi voucher and give it back to the senior citizens so instead of paying $5 they have to go back to the $26. I will tell you this right now, I will not eat in any sit-down restaurant in Lombard. And, you cannot compare yourself to how Schaumburg works. Let's just make it on the backs of people like most all Republicans do. Let's make sure the seniors get their taxi voucher taken away.




This is Lombard calling. I knew it would be a matter of time before we got someone complaining about music. German Fest will be there 50 years next year. Never has there been a complaint or a problem. Cruise Nights, what a fun time for people. Can't Lombard have anything nice going on without you people finding fault? Get a life.




Last week someone called about a brilliant plan for the Helen Plum Library to leave the current library intact, making necessary repairs, build on the land to the west of the library with additional necessary services. If the buildings are connected by a sky way, I am betting they can also come up with a plan to add a drop-off/pick-up area underneath the sky way. Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. This plan would keep the taxes, we the residents of Lombard have to pay for their improvements, within a budget we can live with.


Sue Wilsey, communications manager for the library, responded to your comments: “The strategic planning consultant that the Helen Plum Library Board hired was commissioned to develop both an expansion plan and a replacement plan. The current building requires at least $8 million for repairs and renovation, without adding any new space. The expansion plan, using the vacant lot west of the building owned by the library, would limit construction options due to the current foundation and support structures and placement of the mechanicals (boiler, furnace, etc.). The study also determined that current ceiling heights would not support the needed addition of modern power, data and lighting. Much of second floor would still not be able to support the weight bearing load of book shelves. The total cost for that plan was $20.1 million.

A new building, with sustainable materials and a design will sufficiently accommodate additional meeting, program and technology space, while providing much improved access to the books and other materials. The replacement facility will cost $21.5 million. With all new construction, the ability to incorporate energy saving systems will also decrease operations costs in the future. The additional $1.4 million spread out over the 20 year bond loan period will cost taxpayers a few additional dollars a year more than expansion costs would. The library board concluded that the investment in a new building will be a significantly better value for their community both today and into the future.”—JAC




Does anyone have a clue when the parking lot for the condos on St. Charles and Lincoln is going to be done? Those poor people have to park all the way down the street. The people on Lincoln have to be going crazy getting in and out and to drive down that street is crazy. You have to wait until somebody is at the very end and stops for you. This has been going on for months. Thank you.




Northwest Lombard calling. I just want to give a shout out to a great business that is no longer, and I was surprised by it's demise; Howard's Cobbler Shop on Roosevelt and Summit. A great honest Christian man, upstanding, did great work. Had all the time in the world for you, respectful, everything you could think of. That was semi-depressing. Howard, God bless, take care. You've advised me on fixing my shoes, even a belt, so many items.
