Speak Out

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February 3, 2016

Speak Out Archives


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Hello Lombard. I worked at the Glen Oak Gun Club in the late ‘50s as clean-up boy on the weekends. They where shooting every day I was there, nothing new about that. The club opened in the 20s; that’s why it’s grandfathered.

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There are a lot of people out there protesting. They want higher wages, they want better working conditions, they want more benefits, they want more freebies, they want more respect, they want more of this and that, they want more of everything. I don't care how they march or how they demand; there's only one way to get it. You have to do it the old-fashioned way and that is you have to earn it. If you don't earn it the old-fashioned way, demands and protesting is a waste of time. Pay attention to the Bible. Love one another. Respect one another. Help one another. Be generous. Be kind. Be respectful among everybody. That's God's teaching.

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Yes, Lombard calling. Does anybody know why there's no ice skating at the Lombard Lagoon or that lot they used to flood across the street from Glenbard East? Seems like there's no outdoor ice skating in town. We used to have a speed skating club that was very successful and brought a lot of accolades to town. That seems to be gone, probably because there's no place to skate. Thank you.

According to the Lombard Park District Web site, there is a flag system in place—red for no skating and green for skating allowed. The most recent update showed that ice on the lagoon was too thin for skating safely. The site is updated and also has information for sledding enthusiasts. Visit lombardparks.com and following the skating and sledding link for updates.—JAC

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Hi, this is in response to last week's SPEAK OUT about illegal immigrants in America and to say that we're losing our country is ridiculous because this country was built on immigrants, so we're not losing our language or values, because our values are immigrants' values. And also, you're saying you don't want to be American? Everybody wants to be American and also, half the immigrants in this country are doing jobs Americans don't want to do, so they're really not the problem. The problem is unemployed Americans who complain about immigrants taking their jobs when they're not doing anything to get a job.

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I really enjoy the Lombardian every week and so does my husband, but the article in Straight Forward by Bonnie MacKay on Wednesday, Jan. 27, was just wonderful. Having come from another state, we moved here some years ago from Lakewood, Ohio, and it was just a wonderful article. This one's for you, Tom, for days gone by. Thank you, Bonnie. Enjoy your paper.

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Mr. Rauner—I supported you at voting time in the hopes you would reduce our debt. I still want to support you but the $100,000 salary for someone to help your wife is way out of line. Please reconsider.

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OK, everybody, if you feel the way I do maybe more of us should be speaking up. Government is too intrusive in our lives and by that I mean too much of the hard-working money that we get, which isn't enough to live off of because of high taxes on everything we touch or buy or use, we have too much government. They get paid extremely well and they keep figuring out more and more ways of taking away from us. We've got to cut government. We've got to get rid of many of those taxing bodies, many of those different departments and leave us alone. Let us spend our money the way we wish. We earned it. We deserve to spend our money the way we wish.

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Lombard residents who live near the Glen Oak Country Club’s skeet range should consider calling or writing the Village of Glen Ellyn and Dan Cronin's DuPage County Board Office. Share your comments about the disturbing noise that takes place from Thursday through Sunday for five months of the year. Eventually, this squeaky wheel may just gain the traction it needs to make changes. It is just not right to have a shooting range this close in proximity to a residential area.
