Speak Out

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July 28, 2016

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Hello, Lombard resident for 40 years now. Something needs to be done about the stoplight at Main Street and Roosevelt Road, when you are heading north or south on Main Street. It gets backed up for about a quarter mile, and it’s getting ridiculous. Please have someone extend the north/south light by at least a minute to a minute-and-a-half to help speed up traffic and prevent any accidents. It’s very congested every single day. Thank you very much.


Your concern was forwarded to Village of Lombard officials, who responded: “Illinois State Highway 38, commonly referred to in Lombard as Roosevelt Road, is highly traveled throughout its route from Westchester to Dixon, Ill. Since Roosevelt Road is a state route, its roadway and intersections are under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Department of Transportation. While the village and IDOT work together in a partnership to improve areas throughout Lombard, this particular intersection is currently under construction. Traffic studies cannot be conducted in construction zones due to the unique travel patterns that often change throughout the construction process. Roosevelt Road is under construction as part of the Roosevelt Road Water Main Lining Project (www.38water.org). This construction project includes the closure of the northern/outside lane of westbound Roosevelt Road. Delays are expected for traffic crossing, or turning onto Roosevelt Road from Main Street. While construction traffic is inconvenient, the project is necessary to maintain the village’s infrastructure and maintain clean water service to residents. This temporary inconvenience will help to provide up to a 50-year life extension for the water main along Roosevelt Road. For more information, please visit www.38water.org, and for construction email updates please sign up for “notify me” at www.villageoflombard.org/notifyme. If you have any further questions please feel free to reach out to Public Works at 630-620-5740.—JAC


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You don’t have to be too observant to notice there are homeless people in our area. If you visit the libraries in Lombard or Villa Park, or use the Prairie Path, or walk near the Metra stations or an area park, there’s a good chance you will see at least one homeless person. It's a problem here, and likely all over the country. Why don't we hear more about it in the media? Here's the short answer. Our president is a Democrat. I remember when Ronald Reagan was president. You heard so much about the homeless problem. It seemed like the media wanted us to believe that Reagan was personally responsible for creating homelessness in our society. The media stopped paying attention to the issue while Bill Clinton was president for eight years. When George W. Bush took office, guess what, homelessness re-emerged as a problem. Then Barack Obama became president, and homelessness was once again ignored. If we ever have another Republican president, look for a spike in media coverage of the homeless. That's the way it is.


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Regarding the Helen Plum Library proposal: My wife has been a librarian for 25-plus years and had this idea: Why not keep the present facility as the book library? That’s what it was built for and what it functions best as so keep it as such. Then build the needed tech center library on the lot to the west. Instead of one high-cost, all-everything brand new big greenfield library, just improve what needs improving. That could mean small changes to the current library and construct a downsized, just big-enough modern building next door for what’s needed for the computer rooms and meeting rooms and whatever. Connect the one building to the other via a hallway or skyway. This plan also keeps the present facility functioning during the building of the higher tech portion to reduce the overall inconvenience to library patrons and to the library staff. Plus it leaves Lilacia Park alone. I’m betting this can be done at a (much) reduced cost for already overburdened taxpayers than what’s been proposed.


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Once again it was German Fest time and the north side of Lombard was forced to listen to their music. I am not saying it is bad music. I am just saying that it is way too loud. We have a noise ordinance in Lombard, but for some reason German Fest, Cruise Nights and similar events seem to be exempt. I thought that I might be old and out of touch so I asked some younger folks if the quality of music increases as the volume increases. They said that it does not; it actually reduces the quality of the music. People in the audience have their fingers in their ears. At Cruise Nights there is plenty of room up front, because most people choose to sit back closer to St Charles, where it is not so loud. The only folks who need to hear the music are those in that area. Not people a mile away in their homes who choose not to be there.


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Hi, this is Lombard calling. I would just like to see a property tax appeal seminar here in Lombard, similar to the one shown on Page 3 of the July 13 edition of the Lombardian. I definitely have to appeal my taxes here in Lombard as they are going out of sight. Thank you.


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Lombard, I have nothing against immigrants if they are legal. If they sneak over the border, send them back. We have laws. Let's obey them. Thank you.

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Hi, Lombard calling. I'd just like to say I like the Lombard library just the way it is and I don't feel that all the proposed changes are necessary, especially if they will increase my real estate taxes. If the library needs more money, let them cut down on their staff size. Every day I see too many employees seemingly walking around aimlessly with nothing to do. Thank you.


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Hi, this is Lombard calling. Somebody just informed me that the Village of Lombard is going to charge restaurants in Lombard with seating areas 1 percent extra tax and there's no vote on this; they're going to do this in July or August. So, just as we get our businesses going with more restaurants in downtown Lombard, the village, in its ultimate wisdom, decides to start taxing restaurants. Please, Lombard taxpayers, call your trustee and tell him or her not to do this and to control their budget. Thank you, and have a good day.


See story on Page 2 of this week’s Lombardian. It explains that the Finance and Administration Committee’s recommendation to raise the “Places for Eating” tax by 1 percent is in the proposal stage, and nothing has been finalized.—JAC


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Hi, this is Lombard calling. The best idea anybody has had about the library situation, in my opinion, was somebody in SPEAK OUT a couple of months ago suggesting they use the Mr. Z’s building, on the main street in the middle of town that has the most important part—a parking lot. No matter what happens to the library where it is right now, whether they rebuild it or not, or improve it, the parking situation will never, ever change. They should knock that building down, expand Lilacia Park and move the library to the Mr. Z's, where it's big enough and has enough parking for everybody. Thank you.


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Hello, I'm calling in regard to the individual who said Trump is the only chance we have, and that President Obama has not done anything. You are so wrong. Trump is an idiot. He's always been an idiot. All he tries to do is put lies in people's heads. Get a real person. I think Obama did a great job; I love Michelle. We need real people to run this country. Thank you.


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To the person who said the police don’t shoot for target practice, but at a crime being committed, what narrow-minded thinking. The main problem, as I see it, is that there is the perception of a crime, and the police, whether right or wrong, react to that perception. Let’s face it: There are always those bad apples—police and among the public—who make the rest of the bushel look bad. So in my estimation, police need to hold each other accountable, as do the minority groups that appear to be targeted. Then, have them come together to hash out their differences to develop trust—in a town hall, not in the streets.


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I was reading in the column about anyone who's ever lived in Lombard on Facebook, someone put on there about the definition of a library. I would suggest that everyone look at the definition of a library. The definition of a library does not include after-school programs or parent-children programs or any feely-touchy type of good time. It's strictly for books and that, so please, librarians and please, people, read the definition of what a library truly is and then tell us you need this. Thank you.


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I would like to say, please refrain from mentioning in the police column the perpetrators' race or ethnicity. It is not important at all. Plus if you do, name them all. If it's a white person, say a white person. Otherwise, don't use it at all. Thank you.


Editor’s note: Information in the police blotter for both Lombard and Villa Park is provided by their respective police departments. The Lombardian has consistently printed the race of suspects listed as unknown—regardless of their race—if the suspect’s race is listed in the original police report.


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Regarding the person who called in to complain about the gun shop on Main Street, I totally and completely agree there is no place for a gun shop in Lombard. It should be moved. There's enough going on in Lombard, and how dare you tell somebody to leave Lombard because we do not believe that there should be a gun shop and ammunition shop on the main drag of Lombard. I suppose you would walk down the street, carry your gun and shoot anybody you thought who you didn't like. You apparently are an NRA person. Before I would ever leave a town I lived in for 60 years I would not leave my town because of an ammunition shop that does not belong on a main street, near homes, where anybody could go in there and do anything. Come out blazing. You don't know what could go on there.


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This is in response to the July 21 SPEAK OUT about the person calling, saying the police aren't shooting people because they need the gun practice. Maybe this person should look at the paper, look at the Wednesday, July 20, Chicago Sun-Times. "Aldermen sign off on $4.72 million in police abuse cases.”


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Hi. I've been in the air conditioning business for over 25 years. In regard to the secretary of state's facility, I cannot understand how it can take so long to get that unit fixed. I understand you might fix something and still have to find something else down the line to make it work, but with all my experience and knowledge, I still don't understand how it can take more than three weeks to get that done. Seemingly the landlord's playing games or the installer is inept. Thank you, goodbye.


Dave Druker, press secretary for the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office, indicated that it turned out to be not just a unit getting fixed, but instead, “The landlord [was] installing a new heating and air conditioning system in the building and it has taken some time,” although what the delay turned out to be was not specified.—JAC


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From Lombard. We just saw the movie ”Hillary's America.” It is a must-see for anyone who wants to be an informed voter this November. Thanks.


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Lombard calling. The Madison Meadow park is just beautiful. Our family uses it a lot and we really appreciate it. One of the fountains in the pond at Madison Meadow has not been working for some time and over on the one side where that particular fountain is, a large build-up of algae and scum has developed. I wonder if someone could take a look at that fountain and see if it could be fixed. I sure hate to see our pond be ruined in this way. Thank you very much.


Your concern was forwarded to Paul Friedrichs, executive director of the Lombard Park District, who responded: “There is only one fountain at Madison Meadow. I believe the caller is confusing the “Goose Chaser” equipment for a second fountain. That unit emits light that geese do not like and keeps them away. It is one of a couple ponds we are testing this equipment at to control the goose population. As far as the algae is concerned, I went out at 9:45 a.m. today (July 22) and actually noticed very little algae build up. There was some on the east side of the pond near the outflow drain where I would expect some to be, and a small section along the west shoreline. This is not an uncommon situation at this time of the year as the temperatures have been high and there has been relatively no rain to move the water to break up the algae. What I also noticed was a single Great Egret, several ducks with ducklings, fish and turtles. The water is clear and there was no smell. All good signs of a healthy ecosystem within the pond. As a user of Madison Meadow, I appreciate your making us aware of a situation that you perceived to be a problem. However, in the future, if you see something that needs our attention (like a broken fountain or lights on in the middle of the night) feel free to call the Lombardian, but also please promptly call the Park District at 630-620-7322 and make the staff at Sunset Knoll aware of your concern (you can do it anonymously); if after hours, please leave us a message. You can also e-mail us anytime at info@lombardparks.com. Either way, staff will be notified of the issue on a much more timely basis than calling the Lombardian. While I have the readers of SPEAK OUT’s attention, a bit of a Public Service Announcement: Staff has seen and heard of many people playing Pokémon Go and being distracted while capturing Pokémon creatures in the parks. We have witnessed people walking out of parks into traffic. Tripping and falling up the concrete steps at Lilacia Park. Falling off their bicycles. I even received a report from our paving contractor that people have walked past barricades and into the path of working asphalt grinding machinery. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE be aware of your surroundings no matter where you are while playing this game. Should you have any further questions regarding the Park District (or Pokémon Go), please feel free to call me anytime at 630-953-6016, Paul Friedrichs, Executive Director.”—JAC
