Speak Out

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July 6, 2016

Speak Out Archives


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Hi, this is Lombard calling about the Village of Lombard. Maybe you guys should read the SPEAK OUT on Wednesday, June 8, about the new Mariano’s building and you guys covering the cost and stuff like that. Maybe you should listen to the taxpayers instead of funding all these projects and stuff like that. Maybe you should listen to the people who pay your pension and taxes. Bye bye.

According to Village of Lombard officials, “The concept of the Economic Incentive was brought before the Village’s Economic Community Development Committee [in May]. The concept was unanimously supported, and will be considered by the village board and any other affected taxing districts upon finalization of the agreement, which is still in draft form. The proposal would utilize revenues generated solely from future site improvements and companion retail sales and would not utilize existing school revenues. In summary, if the project were to be constructed, all taxing districts involved would receive an overall benefit in comparison to if the property were to remain vacant. If you have any questions regarding the Mariano’s Project, please feel free to call the Village’s Community Development Department at 630-620-5749.—JAC

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Here’s an observation. When residents attend a Villa Park Village Board meeting to speak about a particular problem (disruptive neighbors, traffic concerns, etc.), they often mention they’ve previously contacted the village about the issue. The residents then state they never heard back from anyone, or that nothing was done. The residents go to speak at the village board meeting because their concerns weren’t addressed. This seems ironic because the other parts of the board meetings are filled with positive comments from board members and the village manager about “staff.” Staff worked so hard on this, staff did a great job on that, kudos to staff on the other thing.

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Regardless of how you feel about the referendum to increase the Helen Plum Library tax rate, the cost to homeowners should be honestly stated. The cost this year may be $131 for a $200,000 home but this will increase as the value of your home increases and there is no provision for the tax rate to go back down once the library’s financial goal has been reached.

Officials from the Helen M. Plum Memorial Library responded to your comments: “Any Lombard resident can determine the increase to their current annual tax bill if the referendum succeeds in November with the online calculator located on the helenplum.org Web site. This cost can fluctuate either up or down based on the annual EAV (Estimated Assessed Value) of their home. The library will be responsible for repayment of the new building bond debt for 20 years after issue. The future library board at that time will make the determination to keep or lower the rate at that time.—JAC

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The recent comments, opinions, and letters regarding the budgetary needs of the Helen Plum Library have overlooked an important set of data. According to DuPage County budget information, the library receives about $4 million annually from property taxes to run the operation. Of the $4 million, about $3 million is allocated for “personnel” which the county indicated was payroll and benefits. The boards are volunteer boards. The library verified to me on the phone that they have a staff of 23 people. That means the library staff earns over $130,000 per person, pro rata per year; some less, and obviously, some much more. In a town such as Lombard, this very high level of compensation appears to be part of the funding issues, and the compensation scales need to be addressed and revised before more funds are allocated to this resource.

Your comments were forwarded to library officials, who gave the following response: “Please visit helenplum.org and go to the Financials page to view the library’s accurate revenue and expenditure figures. The current library’s budgets include a breakdown of salary, benefits and FICA and Medicare costs for staff. Helen Plum Library has 20 full-time and 60 part-time staff members. Staff are available at service desks 72 hours a week and they process more than 40,000 items a month. They also serve over 20,000 visitors and answer at least 8,000 reference questions each month. The only employee who receives an annual salary more than $100,000 is the director in charge of all executive decisions.”—JAC            

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Hello, Lombard. You are correct. Libraries do seem to be a big topic right now. You’re right. The communities are landlocked. But you know what? We do need a new library. Why do we need a new library? You mentioned in your call more traditional uses. Meeting rooms are for just that—meetings. They could be doing several things in there. There could even been rooms in there that could be rented out. What’s wrong with that? Computers, especially when a good portion are being used, for actually important things. I’ve been in the library in the last six weeks two to three times a week for separate reasons each time so obviously there is a need for my family to go to the library. I have noticed that the dozen or so stations, almost all are full and I don’t see anybody goofing off. It looks like they were doing it to get to a better place in their life. It sounds like this new director is trying to make things right. What is wrong with that?

Hi, this is Lombard calling. I had a gas leak in my building and I just want to commend the fire department for answering quickly and taking care of the problem quickly and effectively. They were very good and I don’t think that anybody commends them enough and often enough. Thank you.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling. I just saw the call in SPEAK OUT on June 8 that somebody had bought a house in Lombard and there was asbestos in the flooring and the backyard flooded and they were really upset. They should have had a home inspection and the home inspector should have caught the asbestos in the flooring and if they didn’t have a home inspector, that’s their problem. And, the flooding in the backyard is not Lombard’s problem. Why wasn’t it disclosed when they bought the house? I’m sure if you call the village they would help you with the flooding in the back. I used to live in Chicago. Lombard is a paradise compared to Chicago. I love this town.

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This is Lombard calling in regard to the new owners of the Lombardian. I don’t like these full-page ads; this is not real reporting. Can you bring back the Lombardian before it was sold? I really appreciate it. Bye.

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Hi. Lombard calling. Main and Goebel: It appears that people have taken this short route and turned it into a speed zone. What do I have to do to get people to slow down? There are kids, animals and gentle property hanging here. I don’t even have a problem with the loud motorcycles. I just have a problem with people speeding. Thanks. Bye.

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Hi, this is a Lombard resident. I’m sitting here reading SPEAK OUT and this is with regard to the SPEAK OUT that begins “I used to live in Lombard for probably four or five decades.” It goes on to say because of the change in the ownership of the Lombardian, they’re not going to be purchasing the paper anymore. Things change. You can’t expect the MacKays to own it forever. They’ve done a fantastic job for as long as they’ve worked on it. It’s still the Lombardian. Papers change hands. This comment affects readership. So, I just would like to share that with people who read the Lombardian. If you don’t like it that’s fine, but don’t put that kind of stuff in the paper.

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The Lombard Driver Services Facility in the Eastgate Shopping Center has been closed for more than one month. I wasn’t aware that it took a state facility more than a month to repair an air conditioning system. What a joke. Hey, here’s an idea. Let’s allow the same people who run the DMV to take control of the health care system. Just imagine how efficient that would be. A hospital near Lombard, for example, could be closed indefinitely because of an air conditioning issue. No one seems to have any idea when it will reopen, but in the meantime, you can receive top-notch health care by going to a ”nearby” facility in Melrose Park or Naperville.

According to information released by the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office, “The Lombard Driver Services Facility at 837 S. Westmore Road is currently only open Tuesday through Saturday for vehicle sticker sales. The facility is temporarily closed due to heating and air conditioning issues with the building. The facility will not be offering any other services aside from vehicle sticker sales until the issue is resolved.”—JAC

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This is to the branch manager of a local bank in Lombard. Do you school your bank tellers to solicit customers in the drive through? Do you feel that it’s appropriate for a teller to promote your mortgage refinancing by mentioning, over the loud speaker, that my mortgage is 4.25 percent and I could refinance to a lower rate? Don’t you think that might be considered confidential? Is it necessary for your teller to broadcast over the speakers, that while it doesn’t appear that I have a mortgage with your bank, that you have wonderful equity loans for a rainy day? Don’t you think whether I have a mortgage with your bank or not might be private? Don’t you feel that asking for my phone number over the drive through speakers so one of your personal bankers can call me, is no one’s business? These incidents have happened on several occasions and if they’re happening to me, they’re happening to other customers as well. Call the bank you say? Nope, get voice mail. I’m there to make a simple deposit or payment—not be verbally solicited over the speakers by your tellers and have my private information announced to other customers. You have lost my business.

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I want to thank the Villa Park Village Board for approving development north of the train station. It has been an eyesore and seedy as far as concerns over rentals being paid at the prices quoted, I had the same fear about the Ovaltine project and that certainly has been successful. I especially want to thank Trustee Nick Cuzzone for gaining assurance there will be no Section 8 housing. That is very important. Thanks again to the village board. We need the development.

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Hello, SPEAK OUT. Kudos to Villa Park. North Ardmore Avenue looks wonderful—the planter boxes, the street signs, the lighting all really add a nice touch to what used to be a pretty bland stretch of road. Good job, Villa Park.

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My husband and I are 35-year residents and whenever we need guidance on anything, we can count on the wonderful village personnel in all departments to help us. We’re staying right here. We are so satisfied. Thanks, everyone.

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The Lombardian should go back to the old way for the police blotters. It is visually boring and runs together. Thank you.

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This is in response to the person who would like an Ace Hardware or hardware store in the old Mr. Z store. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the Ace Hardware on Westmore. It’s very convenient and right in the middle of Lombard. Apparently that person isn’t aware there is a hardware store right in Lombard.

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I just want to thank all the people in Lombard who feed squirrels. Because of you I can’t have nice plants, so think about it.

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Hi, this is Lombard calling regarding the library. I live within walking distance of the Helen Plum Library and my house value has decreased over $180,000 in value over the past five years, yet my taxes have gone up every year in the past five years. Now, the library wants to increase them again. I will be voting no on the referendum in November.

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This is Lombard calling in regard in the heart of downtown Lombard, next door, adjacent to the Prairie Path, we have a gun and ammo shop. It does not belong there. It should never have been able to be approved to have a gun shop right in the heart of downtown Lombard, especially across the street from a church, a karate school and immediately next to the Prairie Path. They should totally move out of Lombard. Thank you.

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Hi, this is Lombard. Due to the traffic detour for northbound Finley onto northbound Main Street, the traffic lights northbound on Main need to be made longer. Only five cars at a time can get through to cross Roosevelt. I sat through four lights before being able to cross and there was a long line of cars left behind me. Thank you.
